forum Coffee Shop Fluff (Closed)
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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(should Carson and Gwen have one of the same classes? or is that to desperate? and if you think they should which one?)

(No that'd be a good idea! I think they'd have psychology together)


"Hey, don't say that about yourself. You're not like that. If you ask me, and just about anyone, really, you're a great person. Remember that, okay? Everyone has their bad traits, but that doesn't make them a bad person."

"Aki, you know our bosses hate me but they can't get rid of me because I've been here for too long. But thanks for the vote of confidence."


"Even so, Carson, not everyone hates you. I don't hate you, and neither does Gwen, or most of our customers. Your negative traits don't define you." Aki was trying his best to help his friend see himself as a better person. "I can promise you that."


(okay cool)

Gwendolyn got to the bottom of the list, seeing the name Carson she assumed it was the one and only Carson that worked at the bakery, as she knew no one else that lived around town named Carson, she found herself smiling.

Cool she thought to herself, as she picked up her phone, typed in the password, then went to instagram, she knew Carson had not accepted her request yet, but she messaged him anyways.

Gwen_the_witch: Hey, just saw were in the same Psychology class, can't wait to see you! I hope you enjoy seeing my stunning and astonishing face & personality more than usual

she sent it without looking it over then turned her phone off, waiting for a response, as she did, she say a survey in the Psychology google classroom, and she opened it, it took her to a google form, and she answered the questions thoughtfully.

First Name: Gwendolyn
What time do you plan on taking your phycology class: The morning.
Whats your favorite color: lilac
If you could travel anywhere, where would it be: nowhere, yet everywhere
Do you enjoy Euthopia?: nonetheless.
Would you like me to ensure partner projects, in order to for you to get to know your classmates?:

her mind trailed to Carson for a brief two seconds before she answered with if that's something you would like to do, I wouldnt mind.

at the end, before submitting she hovered over the last question, **My name is Mrs. Richardson, I am 47 years old and I have taught psychology here in Alaska for about 23 years, I hope you enjoy my class, is there any additional information you would like me to know?:

her cursor hovered before she clicked and typed I am a transgender woman, I transitioned when I was a preteen, and I am male to Female. Please respect this decision, even if you don't agree, my pronouns are she/her

she finally clicked the submit button with a shaky exhale, then closed the tab.


"Of course I want to help you. You're my friend." Aki smiled softly at the other. "I won't let you down, I promise!" He truly did love helping his friends, and he would do anything to succeed in helping them, anything for their happiness.


(just a friendly reminder to not forget that Gwendolyn texted Carson on instagram, whether he ignores her or answers, im just reminding you guys— pleasedontgetmad)


(It's fine! I was getting to it!)
"Whatever you say." Carson returned to his spot behind the register, pulling out his phone to check it. "Holy shit she found my Instagram." Carson fought to not blush again. His Instagram was a mixture of him complaining about school and him at the gym so a healthy amount of shirtless pictures. "Hopefully she hasn't looked too far into it."



Gwendolyn then got up, rummaged through her closet, and pulled out soft velvety looking light blue and purple tie dye pajama pants, and a tee shirt, that is two sizes to big, she takes the to the bathroom, grabbing a towel on her way, and sets everything, on the toilet seat, her phone stays on the counter beside the sink.

She turns the shower water on, leaving the curtain closed, every few seconds she moves her hand under the water to check its temperature. When its finally warm enough, she starts to undress, purposely avoiding undressing in front of the sink due to the mirror and the dysphoria and anxiety it causes; and steps in the tub.

She lets the hot steam hit her face, and lets her hair dampen with each second, finally she submerges her face; and hair, with water.

She washes her hair, then lathers her body in soap, not looking down; after she knows she's clean, she stands in the hot water for endless minutes, and finally turns off the water, grabbing the towel, and stepping onto the bathmate after gently wiping her body with the towel, inside the tub.

She puts on her pajamas; still not dressing in front of the sink or mirror, and grabs her phone and dirty clothes, she throws the dirty outfit in the laundry basket, which is positioned next to the washer, in the pantry.

She heads back to her room, and lays face up towards the ceiling, she opens her laptop, and starts watching Coraline.


Carson took a deep breath and opened the message. "Wait, what do I even say? Ah screw it, I've got this." He disregarded his hesitation and went for it.

Hey Sherlock, looks like you found me.


Gwendolyn looked over at her phone and scrambles to it, before she opened the message she forced herself to take a few deep breaths.

She opened the message from Carson, and read it within two seconds, her fingers hovered over the keyboard of her phone as she thought out what to respond with.

Yeah, when I want something I find it she typed, her fingers hovered over the send button, she hesitated and took a few deep breaths, and hit it, sending the message.

She then ran away from the phone, and hid under her covers, her breathing rash and hollow.
"Oh. My. God." she squeaked to herself

"I cant believe I just did that, what if he thinks i'm a freak?" she asked the air.


Carson raised an eyebrow at the message with a slight smirk.

Oh? And what exactly do you mean by that? He knew he was teasing her, he thought it was funny. She set it up, he was just taking advantage of it.


Gwendolyn picked up her phone as it buzzed, and instantly opened the message, her eyes devouring the message as if it were a lifeline, something she could cling to, and in a way; it was.

Well, you'll just have to figure it out, Watson she responded quickly then thought, and reverted to sending him a double text.

a simple smiley face.


Carson made it through the rest of his shift, just going through the motions as he waited out the clock. When he finally clocked out to go to class, he checked his phone again. No new notifications.


Gwendolyn looked up at the manual clock on the wall across from her bed, and saw it was almost 8 at night, she picked up her phone, unlocked it and texted Carson a third time.

What time do you have classes today? She asked, she was trying to lean into the idea of hanging out with Carson after class.


Carson yawned, dropping into one of the many chairs in the library to relax before his next class began. He pulled out his phone to check it and smiled at the message.

I've already had a couple today but my last one starts in about half an hour. Can't wait for it to be over so I can go home.


Gwendolyn checked her phone, the very second the screen lit up, she read Carson's text, then typed a response.

Well maybe I could come over, after all I can make a bomb ice cream sundae.

She smiled to herself, then hit send.


Sounds sweet. I'll text you after class. For now, I'm gonna take a 10 minute nap in this library.

Carson set his phone down as he settled into the chair to sleep, feeling his chest warm a little at the thought of having Gwen over.


Gwendolyn smiled and shot one last text to him, figuring he was staying true to his word, and was in fact, napping.

Great, I'll bring the supplies :)

she threw her phone and unpaused Coraline again, watching the movie, as if she hadn't watched it a thousand times before.


Carson slept through the notification, barely waking up in time to get to class but he made it. And after a long lecture, he left with a relieved sigh. "Glad that's over." He went to text Gwen, he did say he would.

Hey, class just finished if you're still awake for ice cream.


Gwendolyn picked her phone up, seeing Carson's message, she smiled to herself, and gave a small laugh.

Okay, just need your address, and I'll head to the store and stuff, then come over, and we can enjoy my bomb ass semi-homemade ice cream sundaes she responded with a smiley face at the end.

She got up, looking in the long, narrow mirror which was propped against the wall across from her bed, she looked at her giant tee shirt, and pajama pants, and grimaced for a few seconds before smiling and pulling out her phone, to tell Carson her bright idea to make this night even better than just ice cream sundaes.

Ice cream sundaes and pajama's.

I was thinking we wear our pajama's to hangout to, like a sleepover themed thing I guess she texted him, turning her phone off and setting it face up on the bed behind her, she leaned forward, looking at her butt and hips in the lengthy mirror.