@Elder-God-Whisper work
Fern chuckled. "Is that any way to thank someone for their generous help?" He smirked before turning and walking down to the poptart section, browsing to see what flavors there were to choose from.
Fern chuckled. "Is that any way to thank someone for their generous help?" He smirked before turning and walking down to the poptart section, browsing to see what flavors there were to choose from.
"Generous? You just wanted to make fun of me," she shot back, before shoving the cereal into the shopping basket and walking past him, trying to stay as far away from him as humanly possible
Fern snorted. "That's not what I was going for, but that works too!" He grabbed a box of chocolate cupcake poptarts and headed for the checkout. "I think you're just still overly sensitive!" he called over his shoulder.
"Bitch, you should know!" She called over her shoulder. "Or have you forgotten?" She pulled the basket into the crook of her elbow and headed for the frozen food section, to buy some pizza, or something that looked good.
Fern kept up the smirk until she was gone and then his expression was just tired and forlorn. He checked out and walked out the store, unlocking and swinging onto his bike, pedaling away, taking a detour through a park to clear his head.
After buying everything, Cress shoved her stuff into the rental car she had gotten, and climbed into the driver side. She rested her head on the stearing wheel for a moment, closing her eyes and letting out a long, tired breath. She had already seen the person she was supposed to kill twice since she had been here, and had done nothing.
Why hadn't she done anything? He was an easy target, so it seemed. Why couldn't she kill him? She asked herself these things, but deep down, she knew.
Some part of her still missed him. Missed the times they had had before. She missed being his friend.
Fern had stopped, staring at an abandoned playground at the very edge of the park. He hadn't seen in a long time. He kicked down his bike stand and swung off, walking towards the bunch of welded metal that had been a big scene in his childhood. It was old now, and rickety. He was surprised the park management hadn't torn it down yet….
Shaking herself, she started the car. You soft child! Why are you thinking like this? I thought you were better than this, you bastard! She turned on the radio in her car, not having the energy to turn on bluetooth, and started down the road.
He climbed onto the rusty monkey bars, climbing to the top and spreading his arms to hold himself steady as he walked across them. His mind was running like crazy, memories bombarding him.
She pulled into the parking lot of the motel, lugging her groceries to her house before sitting on her bed. She put her head in her hands and gave a deep breath. She had too much time on her hands. Who knew when she would see Fern again? And she simply didn't have the mental energy to try and follow him. She pulled her phone from her pocket and scrolled through some videos on Youtube, when an email popped up. She clicked it, and grinned. It was from the Unseen. And they had a little side mission for her.
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