@Elder-God-Whisper work
You're fine! Take as long as you need! I totally 100% get it, and do that more often than I'd like to admit.
Name: Fern Hyacinth Wunderluss
Nickname: N/A
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dark, wavy hair that's been allowed to just grow into a tangled mess, olive skin, large hazel eyes with long eyelashes, 5' 11" and athletically built. There is a brand of his pledged organization on his back between his shoulder blades.
Usual Outfit: A tight-ish fitting shirt that is entirely accidental because he just can't afford to buy new shirts very often, and he was still using up the ones from when he was a little less buff; baggy, gray military style pants; stell-toed work boots; and a brown canvas jacket.
Style: Function is he biggest priority, but he also prefers dark and dull colors as they help his stay out of attention.
Personality: Rather stand-offish and un-trusting. Quiet but will step in if he sees injustice, whether or not he will get punished by authorities, legal or otherwise. But when he needs to go on a killing mission, he's like a different person entirely. He's vicious and doesn't seem to even have emotions or conscious . He can also act very sweet sometimes for no reason.
Cutest habit: Makes little huffing, growling noises when he's upset or pouting, like a little puppy. You can practically see his drooping ears when he does so.
Likes: Twilight (No, not the book/movie series, he HATES that…), fruity or herbal teas, stargazing, libraries, books, historical memorabilia, history museums or villages, still likes coffee but not as much as tea, wine he snuck from his trainer, midnight running sessions, snow, kittens, chocolate, and fluffy blankets just out of the dryer.
Dislikes: Having guys try and say he's a feminine guy {those boys and men don't leave unscathed}, injustice, getting punished (punishments hurt), unreasonable arguments between people for liking different things, and easily winning a fight.
Ability: He can change his appearance at will, and can even switch over to the other gender. He's gotten much vengeance this way.
• Color: Black and rich-yet-dull reds, greens, and blues.
• Book: Looking for Alaska by John Green
• Animal: Fox
• Item: Leather bracelet that he won't say where he got it.
• Place to be: in the mountains. Or Italy, Italy's nice.
• Season: Winter and Spring
• Number: 7
• Weather: chilly, but with a bright sun, preferably after a rain shower.
• Word: Tacenda
Jobs: Works as a barista in an independently owned cafe during a normal day, when he's on duty for his organization, he's the guy who does the dirty work often and runs the "errands".
Theme Song: The Resistance by Skillet
Flaws: May be mentally unstable, and he's rather aimless. He has no idea what he's doing with his life. He's just living day-by-day to get by and survive another year.
Background: (I tend to develop background as I get a feel for my character by controlling them.)
(Here we go!)
(You want me to start?)
(I suggest you start, because you're the one with the idea. Just so I can get a feel of what you're going for.)
It was one of those days. Cress had heard the song - it had to be that song, didn't it - and she was instantly sent into a wave of nastolgia. Images of friends, old friends, flashed behind her eyelids, and she scowled, trying to ignore the spark of longing that went through her.
It also probably was a good idea to mention that she heard this song and was sent down memory lane when she was at the top of a building, trying to keep her balance. Just saying.
When she almost fell, though, Cress decided she should probably stop thinking about the past and focus on now. She glanced down, and cursed softly. Her target had just gone inside. Dropping to a ledge a few feet down, she hoped she didn't fall, clinging to her rope. She lowered herself down slowly to the target's window and peered in. They didn't suspect anything.
Pulling a gun from her waist, she aimed and fired. It was on silence, so the only noise was that of the screen over the window ripping. The target fell down dead, and Cress grinned in triumph, before making the nerve-wracking journey back down the side of the building.
Fern was heading out of the building, sighing with frustration. He had a package full of files that someone had given to him to deliver to one of the other Darkeners' buildings. He snarled under his breath at a passing coworker, entering the building. The other just smirked, and murmured, "Quiet, that's a good dog. Don't want to get put in the crate, do we?" Fern just scowled and walked out to his motorcycle, getting on it and stashing away the package before he heard a very faint ripping amongst the city noise. He glanced around, before his eyes landed on a figure hanging off the back of the building, he snarled and kicked his bike to life before roaring away, not wanting to deal with that.
(Wait, does Fern work for the Unseen or the Darkeners?)
After getting the ground, mercifully not falling, Cressida moved quickly down the street to an empty alley, pulling her mask off and her jacket, so that she appeared as any normal person. She usually wore the disguise to hide who she was, so she wasn't arrested.
Pulling her hair into a low ponytail, she headed toward her apartment, hands in her pockets, backpack over one shoulder.
(I figured she worked for the Darkeners. Did you say? I'm sorry)
(I'll switch it to Darkeners.)
(Oh, you're fine! If you want, I can do Darkeners.)
(I already switched it, it's fine. But Fern doesn't do "targets". He just "cleans up")
(Oh, alright! So, is my character the one who left, or is yours?)
Fern sighed with relief as he roared down the roads, watching the world from behind his tinted helmet. He soon was at the building though, and reluctantly parked before trudging inside.
The next morning, the new mission came in. Cress was in bed when it came, and didn't realize it had until she had opened the door to her room and the pale, thing envelope was there, lying innocently on the floor.
She sighed and picked it up, rubbing sleep from her eyes as she did so. They were sending her on more and more missions, and this was the soonest she had been sent on one in a very long time.
She opened the envelope and glanced at the name of the person she was to kill, as she always did. And froze.
Target: Fern Wunderluss.
Heart beating fast, Cress sank against the wall, breathing hard.
Why him? Why did she have to kill him?
She took a deep breath and composed herself. She had signed up for this. She could do it. She could. Even if it meant killing her ex-best-friend.
Fern was happy today. He got to go into his "day job" today, and he was happy. He loved working there. He quickly dressed into his uniform and grabbed his messenger bag before heading out and driving to work.
Packing was always the worst. Frowning, Cressida considered her options. She could go as one of her many aliases, or she could go as herself.
She sighed. She should probably go as herself.
She shoved clothes and weapons into a bag and left her apartment and got into her car to prepare for the long drive to her hometown.
Fern was now in the back of the small, cozy shop, whipping up coffee after coffee whilst whistling a cheerful tune, his co-worker serving the cups up. He felt a buzzing in his pocket. He growled under his breath. He forgot to leave his phone in his locker. He wasn't going to answer it, but the buzzing was annoying.
The hotel Cressida stayed at was kind of crappy, she had to admit. The wallpaper was peeling, and it smelled bad. She sat down on the couch, and immediately stood up, wincing as the spring poked through the worn cushions and stabbed her.
She threw her stuff onto the couch and stuffed her keys and phone into her pocket, slipping a few poisoned knives into her boots and sleeves.
She couldn't stay here any longer in this hotel. She started down the street, walking down the sidewalk, shivering in the brisk air.
Fern walked out of the shop, his shift having ended. His face was down, grumbling into his phone while watching the side-walk as he headed for his apartment. "I don't care! You know I never have my phone on me during my shifts, it's not allowed! Ugh, fine, I'll be over later tonight. Yeah, yeah, it's not like you could take care of it yourself, you've got such a freakin' weak stomach. You can barely handle any of the tools either."
Eyes on the ground, Cress walked fast, not really knowing where she was going. She moved quickly, trying to outrun the cold, but nothing happened. Then, as she couldn't see where she was going, she ran into someone.
Fern crashed into someone and reflexively reached out and caught them. “Oh I’m so sorry, are you all-“ he froze, his eyes drinking in exactly who was in his arms at the moment. He swallowed and flinched, as if expecting to be yelled at or hit. He had quickly clicked off his phone call.
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