forum - Bloodstains - CLOSED
Started by @Ewen_the_Eccentric

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"It's my pleasure," Lorens said, sounding a little too pleased.

Claude gritted his teeth momentarily, sickened by both Lorens' idea of a good gift and the fact that he was obviously just sucking up. But, Claude drew in a long, slow breath, maintaining his composure. "You really shouldn't have," he repeated, his tone lax— but the Governor gave Claudius a sideways glance that told him someone had picked up on his real meaning.

Good. He wanted someone to know he was displeased.

"What's his name?" Claude asked finally, his expression softening as he observed the boy in front of him. He was so scrawny, so broken.

Lorens shrugged. "Whatever you want to name him."

Claude frowned slightly. "Mm." He wasn't about to name the boy. Not unless the boy truly had no name. But he wasn't a pet dog; he was a person. He likely already had a name of his own, and he probably didn't need Claudius to give him one.

"I'd love to stay longer, sir, but I have other things I must attend to. I hope you enjoy your gift." Lorens offered Claude a respectful farewell nod. Claudius returned it with much less enthusiasm, and the man departed.

Claudius half-expected some speech on how to make a slave obey properly from his father, but instead, the Governor left as well— probably having more important matters than his son's birthday or the new gift. That temporarily left only Claudius, the slave boy, and the guards.

And Claude actually didn't have the first idea of how to speak to a slave or how to break the awkward silence— especially with the guards staring at him.


Ash swallowed. Should he…? No, he wasn't allowed to talk, not unless instructed. But… sure, he didn't necessarily have a connection with his name, but Claudius had essentially asked. An indirect question, really, since it was more aimed towards Lorens but.. if he didn't speak up about what he was supposedly called then…

"Ash." Oh this was a mistake, this was a very, very big mistake, talking out of line. His voice was quiet, scratchy, weak. It was clear he didn't talk often and if he did it wasn't for a very long time or very much, "My- My name is… is Ash, sir."

Or was it Asher? Ashton? Something along those lines but the names slipped out of grasp almost as quickly as they came to mind. Maybe he should've just told Claudius that his name was just boy. That why it would save him the trouble of thinking too much on the issue.

The pressing eyes of the guards made him feel even smaller. Surrounded by people of such stature and wealth and importance was frightening but he did his best to not let it show. He couldn't let it show, not if he wanted to be in any less trouble. More so then he probably already was in, speaking out of line within two minutes of meeting his new owner.

Was he going to hit him? Punch him? Make him do some vulgar activity to make up for it? Nothing he hadn't already done before, things he would probably do again if he disobeyed rules.


"Ash," Claude repeated, liking the sound of the name. He smiled lightly. "Nice to meet you, Ash." It occurred to him that perhaps he should be careful of how he treats Ash with the guards watching. Last thing he needs is his father griping at him for being nice to his slave. He'd be able to speak more to his new– whatever he was, because slave wasn't the right word– in private. "Come." He started towards the other door, motioning for Ash to follow. "Let me show you where you will be staying."


Ash nodded softly, quietly following behind Claude. He practically made no sound as he walked, a plus that he had always been grateful for. He wondered if he would actually have a cot or at least a thin mattress to sleep on this time. A part of him new he was pushing his luck with being that hopeful, that the floor would once again be where he would be sleeping, as per usual. He bit his lip, glancing from the ground to Claude and really taking him in his time. He was so tall… and frightening, even though he had smiled a moment ago.


Claude waited until the two were out in the hallway and no guards were to be seen before he spoke again. "You don't have to call me sir, by the way. Makes me sound like an old man." He smiled faintly to himself, casting a quick glance over his shoulder to make sure Ash was still behind him. The boy was as quiet as a mouse— and as small and timid as one, too. "My name is Claudius, but I'd prefer it if you just called me Claude."

He stopped in front of a door— the door to his quarters, more specifically. He hesitated there, wondering if he should apologize for… something. But he wasn't sure exactly what he intended to apologize for, or how to go about doing so— so he decided against it altogether and instead opened the door. "This is my living quarters," he informed Ash, stepping inside. The room was massive, and a little fancier than necessary, with posh furniture— beds, chairs, and even a sofa. "And, I suppose now you'll be staying around here somewhere as well." He motioned to the room around him. "I wasn't expecting to get– ah– a–" He paused. "A new… friend." Friend sounded better than slave. "Please, sit where you like while I find somewhere for you to sleep."


Friend? That wasn't how it was supposed to go, was it? No. It wasn't, and Ash couldn't help but pout as he pondered the thought. No one else had ever called him a friend. He'd never had a friend before. Didn't know how they worked. Maybe Claude was just doing it to help him settle in and then later on he'd go back on his word. Yes, that was exactly what it was.

Upon seeing the room, Ash couldn't help but let his eyes go wide and jaw drop a fraction. The places he'd served in before were nice, but never this nice. Everything seemed too expensive and he didn't want to touch or sit on anything in case he broke something. He'd probably have to clean the room of course, he knew he would just have to be extra careful. He glanced to Claude when he was told to sit where ever. Why was he being so nice? It put Ash on guard more then he had thought. Sitting on such nice furniture felt wrong for someone of his status, "I-" He hesitated, not sure whether to answer or not, "Are you sure? S-" No, not sir, he was told not to call him that, "… Claude?"


Claude crossed the room and eyed the sofa. That seemed like a good place for Ash to sleep, right? Comfortable, but not enough to make anyone who knew of it suspicious that he was being too nice to the boy. A safe balance.

"Of course I'm sure." Claude glanced back at Ash, his brow furrowed slightly— until it dawned on him that there was a good chance Ash wasn't allowed to sit on furniture in the past. The poor boy had probably been treated like a dog, more or less. Claude sighed lightly and returned his attention to the sofa. "Um— This is where you can sleep later," he stated as he grabbed a pillow from a nearby chair and put it on the couch. A throw blanket or two and, viola— he'd have a decent place for Ash to spend the night. He'd come up with something better eventually, but this would do nicely for now.


The sofa looked… warm, comfortable. That was more then what he could say about all the other places he had slept. Ash was still hesitant, still very unsure about it. Why was he being so nice? Why was he being allowed to sit on his very expensive furniture and sleep on a couch, with a blanket? None of it made sense in his mind, but he couldn't say no. If that was where he was supposed to sleep then he would sleep there. Claude had told him so. That was an order. and he followed orders and did what he was told.

Ash nodded softly, bowing his head in respect as he walked over to the couch, running his fingers along the fabric of the blankets and the pillow. To him, it was like touching a cloud. It was some of the softest material he'd touched and he was allowed to touch it, sit on it, sleep with it. He tried to not let the shock cross his features. He was there for work. He was there to serve Claude. He couldn't let small things like this distract him from why he had been bought and gifted.