forum - Bloodstains - CLOSED
Started by @Ewen_the_Eccentric

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  See content warning and rules below world-building information and prompt  


The nation once known as The United States of America has long since collapsed. It's nothing more than a vague memory, a legendary myth that people sometimes tell stories about to one another— usually to make themselves feel a little more hopeful. Nobody alive today ever actually lived in that era, so all they have to remember it is what little bit of history was salvaged from the wreckage of the destroyed world and the tales passed on from the previous generations. It's said that the U.S.A. was a shining nation that offered opportunity, safety, comfort, and freedom to its inhabitants. Whether or not it was as good as they say, one can only speculate— but regardless of what it was, what it is is something far different.

After everything crumbled— every bit of authority, protection, security, organization— it all went to chaos. Cities were burned and looted. People were killed, raped, and kidnapped— and there wasn't really anybody who would do anything about it. The government tried to get back on its feet and gain control, but with the economy gone to total crap and the police forces practically done away with, it was useless. The bloodbath was horrible.

The world's still in chaos, but… it's a different kind of chaos. A kind of normalized chaos that everyone is used to. The rioting and looting and mindless killing has stopped. Cities exist again, though they're mostly comprised of half-dilapidated buildings. Gangs have taken over most of the major settlements and cities. There aren't really laws, but the gang leaders— who usually call themselves Governors— sometimes make certain things illegal. Like… don't mess with gang members or they'll feed your corpse to the dogs. Other than that, most of them— or, at least, the Governor of this city— doesn't seem to give a crap about what goes on. The only rule is that you can't really leave the city without permission, though people sneak out all the time. Otherwise, people do whatever the heck they want. Murders? Happen all the time. It's not uncommon to find a mutilated corpse in an alley somewhere. Kidnappings? Any kid that isn't thoroughly protected is gonna wind up missing, probably to be sold. Speaking of which, slavery is common and totally legal. All kinds of people have slaves, and there are no regulations as to what you can or cannot do to a slave. Robberies happen nonstop. Rapes, too. Drug deals happen a million times a night, on every street corner, with more types of drugs than you can imagine. Cage-fighting is one of the most popular "sports" of the time, and the rules for each fight vary depending on whose hosting it.

Ah, you get the gist. The world is crazy. Unhinged. Bloodthirsty. And it doesn't look like it's gonna get better anytime soon.


This world-setting is incredibly detailed in my mind, so if you have any questions, you will not annoy me by asking them. I've put a lot of thought into this. A lot.

My prompt is this—
Character A is the child of either a) a dangerous, wealthy gang-member, or b) the Governor himself. They're rich, and even though they live in this wack world filled with blood and violence and unspeakable things, they've been mostly protected from the blunt of it. Probably live in a protected house, with lots of hired guards. That's not to say they haven't seen some bad stuff or are oblivious to how bad the world is. They'll have to take their father's place one day, and they've gotta know how to deal in a world like this. There's a good chance Character A's head would be worth a fortune on the black market, but everyone's too scared to touch them. Maybe they even have a rep for being tough themselves? Who knows.
Character B is the opposite. Street trash. They barely remember their parents, because as a child they were sold as a slave, and since then they've been abused in about a billion different ways. They don't even know who they are anymore, because they have nothing and no one. They are not okay.

Character A's father probably owns several slaves, but he's got a lot of cash, so he decides to buy another one. Maybe this is a personal slave for Character A, or maybe there's some other purpose for it. We can decide that later. Regardless, that's gonna be Character B. Will Character A pity Character B, and will they become friends? Or will they become enemies? Will they clash or collide? Will these two somehow find a way to unexpectedly repair their broken world and work to destroy the corrupt way of things, or is the world doomed this time?
I dunno.
But I guess we'll find out.

Trigger warnings and rules

This RP may contain…

  • Violence
  • Death
  • Injuries, blood, and gore (to an extent)
  • Physical and emotional abuse
  • References to sexual abuse, rape, trafficking, and other twisted things
  • More blood
  • Depression
  • Drug, alcohol, and tobacco use

This RP will not contain…

  • Scenes of sex or rape (or any in-depth descriptions of either; only references to)
  • Ridiculously over-the-top gore descriptions
  • Anything racially offensive
  • Vulgar language or slang (some inappropriate references may be made but make it vague; you can ask questions if need-be)

I have worked really hard on this RP, so please follow my few rules.

  • No magic or being OP.
  • Please have long, well-written responses. I'd like a writing sample please.
  • Third-person, past tense posts.
  • Again, note what this RP will not contain.
  • If you wanna do romance, I'm absolutely down for that happening. :)
  • You can have lots of characters!! This is an extensive world.
  • Serious RPers only.
  • Ask questions. I don't bite!!
  • I would really like to be Character B, but if you're set on it I might have an idea for A that I can use. :3 Regardless, my character will be male.

Also, if you have questions concerning the technology, society, etc. just ask. I've thought it out. I'm a nerd.


Well I'm not super active either so don't feel too bad. As long as you get on every week or few days that's probably plenty enough because I'm scattered around like confetti with my life. You don't have to join if you've got too much on your plate as it is because mental health comes first, but if you want in, I'm down.


Normally I'd say yes to a writing sample but I may or may not have low-key stalked a couple of RPs you're already in earlier when I was bored. You're a good RPer, so you definitely qualify. :) Are you okay with being Character A or would you really prefer B?


(Aw gosh thanks :) I don't mind which part I play. I would prefer B however since this is your rp and you expressed interest in that character I'm fine with A)


I do really love B.
ah, what the heck.
I'll be a kind soul today.
I'll take A. : D

I'll also slap together a template for us. Do you prefer brief or detailed temps?


I'm sure! :3 But thank you. <3

Age: (my character is going to be about 19)

  • Build— (body shape, weight, height, or any details relating to that)
  • Skin— (skin color, complexion, scars, birthmarks, etc.)
  • Face— (Eye color or prominent facial features)
  • Hair— (Hair color, style, texture)
  • Clothes
  • Accessories*—



(Hmmmm… Well, I have only done MxF in the past but you can make whichever gender you want and we'll see if they stay platonic or if it goes a romantic route. I'm fine with both platonic or romantic relationships so make the character whichever gender you want them to be and we'll see what happens. I've almost finished my temp so you can see what you're dealing with.)


Name: Claudius "Claude" James Monroe
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Uhhh… ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Personality He is either an INFJ or ENFJ. Being semi-famous as the son of the Governor himself, Claude has been taught to carry himself with a sort of superior professionalism— and he does so beautifully. He can appear cold and detached, like he is the son of a ruthless gang leader who would gladly blow your brains out or sell you to the cage-fights if you looked at him the wrong way— but this is far from his true personality. He's a lot softer-hearted than his father, and the Governor has often scolded him for being a bit too sensitive to the plight of others and taking it to heart. For this reason, Claude has worked to suppress his emotions and to become detached from these sorts of things. He knows he will one day be the Governor, and if he expects to be in such a position he has to capable of making decisions that might seem cruel, unfair, or downright evil. He tries to convince himself that this will help his family's legacy, protect his future family, etc. but justifying it is hard. He hasn't told his father for fear of the reaction. He wants the world to be a better place, but fixing it is an unrealistic goal. He's highly intuitive, aware of others' emotions, and likes to plan things out. He is not spontaneous at all and surprises make him anxious. He is incredibly gentle— far too gentle for the bloody world he lives in. But it is dangerous to mistake his kindness for weakness. He is not violent, and he has a lot of patience, but when his patience runs out or is pushed to the limits, he is a force to be reckoned with.
He really likes flowers. All kinds of flowers.

  • Hand-to-hand combat. He is skilled in a variety of fighting styles and incredibly dangerous in hand-to-hand fighting. He is quick and has good reflexes, as well as knowing multiple pressure points.
  • The ability to remain calm under pressure. So long as he has a plan or idea of the situation, he can keep himself calm under pressure and keep from panicking.
  • He can lie and manipulate easily. He usually tries to do this for the good, but he could use it wrongfully if he wished, and he's very good at it— though he sometimes feels guilty for lying.
  • Has a lot of plant knowledge. Could probably survive in the wilderness because he knows what you can and can't eat. Also can identify the colorful flowers.
  • Very empathetic.
  • Charismatic.
  • Protective. (Doubles as weakness: overprotective.)


  • Afraid of a lot of things. He doesn't like to admit it, but he is afraid of many things and sometimes anxious. The future worries him constantly, and he doubts his ability— or desire— to fill his father's shoes. He's also terrified of needles.
  • Lonely. He's very lonely. He has no friends, and the people he's surrounded by are mostly gang members— and he has to put on a fake persona to be around most of them, anyway, so it doesn't count. He feels incredibly distant from his father.
  • Sometimes too trusting. His empathy and kindness are all great, and he knows the world is full of bad people, but he may be easily manipulated when he focuses too much on feeling sorry for someone and not on how dangerous this might be to himself.
  • Too self-sacrificial sometimes.
  • Overthinks everything.
  • Easily embarrassed.
  • Not spontaneous and may panic if things get out of his control or if he doesn't have a plan.


  • Build— He stands at about 6'2", with broad-ish shoulders and a smaller waist. Well-toned from regularly training and working out, though he's by no means ripped.
  • Skin— Very light brown skin. He is mostly Caucasian, though he may have a little bit of Middle Eastern blood in him. He two tattoos of the exact same symbol— one on the back of his right hand, and one on the back of his left shoulder blade. The symbol is the symbol of the gang his father, the Governor, leads.
  • Face— He has very attractive features, with a sharp jawline, a kind smile, and thoughtful eyes. His eyes are bright green and contrast nicely with his features.
  • Hair— Chocolate brown (almost black, but not quite) hair. Thick and straight, though length varies. Sometimes he styles in as in undercut, sometimes cuts it short, and sometimes lets it grow out so that he can pull it into a short man-ponytail. Currently, it's the latter.
  • Clothes— He dresses nice when he's around people, but that's only because his father wants him to keep up the "superior" image they've worked so hard to make for their family and the other gang-leaders. In order to fill the role of his powerful position, he is generally well-groomed and dressed in spotless clothing. But when he can, he prefers to dress comfy and lounge around.
  • Accessories— Sometimes he wears glasses. Rectangular, with black metal frames. Otherwise he wears a necklace with his gang's logo on it and a pendant that was his mother's. He also wears several silver rings. Black or silver stud earrings.

Backstory: Under construction. His mother was killed when he was young; he has no siblings. His father is still alive and is the current Governor. Claude has participated in a few cage-fights, but never death-matches. He has lived most of his life in a safe, impenetrable house surrounded by guards, and though he knows of the darkness and twisted-ness of the world, he has only experienced some of it.
Other: I was gonna make this more detailed but it's getting late.


I tried to make a Picrew of him for a general reference idea. Not exact, of course, but I just like making Picrews so…
His hair's probably a bit darker and his eyes are bright green.


Name: Asher 'Ash' Duncan
Age: 17 - nearly 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Likes both genders but doesn't know the name for that
Personality: Ash is a reserved, submissive guy. It was what he was trained to be, it was how life has shaped him. He is obedient, almost to a fault but knows the consequences if he wasn't loyal and followed the rules and instructions that he is given. He's sensitive, overly so but he's been through too many traumatic experiences in his life to be anything but that. He got the short end of the straw in life. Comes off as innocent, like a child that didn't quite get the chance to grow up properly because of all the abuse that he has had to endure. He prefers not to talk about himself, prefers not to talk at all, really unless forced to or he completely trusts the person. He has learned that talking can end you in deep trouble and he'd do anything to not end up in those positions again. He prefers spending time alone then with people, he likes the quiet and the silence. He finds it comforting compared to the loudness of most of the people around him. His sympathetic and empathetic, wants to help people in need. He likes helping people, however being a slave is a different issue itself. Sure, he liked helping people, but being forced to wait on someone hand and foot is different. But, he is used to this life style and has accepted it. Ash is a big day dreamer and has a huge imagination. He likes being creative and any activities that can improve that creativity.

  • Drawing, he is amazing at drawing and would spend every second of his life doing so if he could. It was a natural skill that he was born with and one he is grateful for.
  • Is amazing at reading people. Can easily pick up on peoples emotions and feelings that they might be hiding. It has seriously helped him out over the years.
  • Adaptable, Ash is very good at adapting to his surroundings and what is going on around him. He can easily change to his situation and has helped him survive many a predicament.
  • His very good with kids. His able to understand and relate to them, help them calm down and can keep their attention away from anything bad happening.
  • Creative, as previously mentioned he is a very creative person which is a good strength. Able to use what is around him to the most and get out of sticky situation
  • Sneaky
  • very kind, almost to a fault - tries to look for the good in people (also a weakness)


  • Very emotional, to a fault. He tries to keep his emotions hidden as he knows he isn't allowed to have feelings but when he's alone? Oh boy..
  • Timid/shy, he is scared of upsetting people and never goes up to people first, not knowing what is going to happen if he does.
  • Suffers from anxiety and depression - thought I'd mention it here as it can be a hindrance to his life. (Not a stranger to a panic/anxiety attack)
  • Major trust issues. He barely opens up about what has happened to him and doesn't like sharing it at all. He is slow to trust as he doesn't know when someone will suddenly turn on him and throw him to the gutter.
  • Doesn't know how to say no when given the option.
  • Over-thinker
  • Insecure as anything


  • Build— Ash is a very, very small male, standing around 5'5 maybe 5'6 if you're really pushing it. Severely underweight, is basically a twig with a brain. Most clothes don't fit him as he is so skinny and it tends to hang off him pretty much all the time. Even if the clothes do fit, that usually doesn't last long.
  • Skin— Pale, vampire like skin, littered with freckles all over hos body with a heavy concentration across his cheeks and nose. He has scars all over his body, across his arms, back, legs, anywhere you can find, there will probably be a scar there. The only place there doesn't have a scar is his face and neck because apparently 'it would be a shame to scar up such a pretty face.'
  • Face— Ash has dark blue eyes, almost grey in some spots and bright blue in others. They're rimmed with black. He has a button nose and soft pink lips. Almost always looks like he's pouting or he's scared.
  • Hair— He has golden hair, almost like the sun and is soft to the touch and fluffy. It usually falls in front of his face and eyes but he refused to cut it shorter then it is.
  • Clothes— Usually it's scraps of clothing, a white or dark brown sweater with a couple holes and is fraying at the seems with trousers. However, whoever 'owns' him will put him in whatever they deem is necessary. Usually nothing good.
  • Accessories*— None

Backstory: Was born on the streets with just his mother but was quickly sold into slavery from a very young age. He was sold from person to person, abused and raped pretty much all the time. It was something he got used to but something that has scared him deeply. He doesn't remember his mother or what she was like, half the time he can barely even remember his name or even how to talk so he doesn't care too much.
Other: none

(Sorry this took so long! I had to go out.)


No need for apologies! He is absolutely perfect and smol and broken. I love him.

Claude might, too

Do we need to establish anything else before we start? I imagine Claude has tried to avoid owning a slave personally, even though his dad has a bunch of them. His dad probably has tried to convince him to get one in the past but he's kind of tried to beat around the bush about it because he doesn't want to own another person. Maybe either a) his dad could lowkey make him get one because he's gonna have to have some when he's Governor eventually (and he of course gets Ash as a result) or b) his dad buys Ash and is a jerk to him so Claude is like "Here I'll handle this one lemme have em" or… c) I have no idea what C is but it could be anything. Do you have any suggestions, preferences, ideas, etc? I'm high-key excited for this ngl.


(Me too! And I don’t think so. I feel like maybe B would work best or - just a thought - maybe Claude is gifted Ash? For like a birthday or some milestone idk something important in the gang by either his dad, another gang member or another member of authority?)


The 19th birthday of the Governor's only son was an important day among the Governor's inner circle— but Claude himself hated it. His birthday meant that he would be forced to speak with several of his father's associates, who would wish him well and perhaps offer him some sort of gift only to get his good graces. It meant he couldn't hide in his room, or in the area he'd dubbed "the library," where he stored his book collections.

No. Nothing could ever be that simple, could it?

Last night his father had taken him to see a fight. It wasn't his first, but that didn't make it any more bearable. The bloody image of two men hacking at each other with machetes— the desperation and agony in their expressions— was forever seared into Claude's brain. Even as he stared at the cool shower water pooling around his feet, he couldn't unsee it.

The shower. Another luxury many didn't have in this day and age. Claude had never had to go without one— not that he could remember, at least. Water dripped from his sopping hair and face, and he tried to be extra grateful for it as he twisted the handle to stop the flow of the water. He had killed enough time mulling in the shower; his father might become irritated if he wasted much more.

The Governor hadn't told Claude any plans for the day, so he didn't know what he was dressing for as he threw on a burgundy suit, rolled the sleeves up partially, and pulled his hair back from his face. Perhaps there weren't any plans— though maybe he was being a little too hopeful.

Upon exiting his personal bathroom, Claude found his father waiting in one of the other rooms. A few guards stood idly here and there, as they always did unless dismissed. It was almost as if the Governor were royalty— except on a smaller scale and more likely to kill you.

"Claudius," the Governor greeted, his tone carrying an unreadable emotion. He seemed… pleased? That was rare. "We've been waiting for you. Lorens has brought you a gift."

No surprise there. Lorens was one of the Governor's righthand men. Kind of a jerk, except to Claude and the Governor, both of whom he sucked-up to constantly.

"How kind og him." Claude straightened his shirt collar and straightened himself. "Send him my thanks."

"He's here with it," the Governor informed him. "And he'd like to give it you himself." Claude glanced around once, but saw only his father and the guards. The Governor motioned to the other door in the room, and the guards opened it for Lorens and the gift.

(Sorry it sucks!!! Was rushing)


(All good, it doesn't suck at all :))

He was used to being passed around like a token. Ash tried not to think about how many times, exactly, an exchange like this had taken place. Where someone with an ungodly amount of money had paid for him, dragged him off to some location and another and put him to use.

The small male had become mostly numb to the feeling. Of being used and abused and then passed on to the next soul who wished to have their way with him. Time between these exchanges seemed to be getting closer and closer together over the years.

How many years was it? Since he was first bought? Hell Ash didn't even know how old he was, he barely even remembered his name half the time. It was barely ever mentioned, usually he was just 'slave' or 'boy.' At one point he had even started just referring to himself as 'boy' before someone had called him Ash, then another. He knew it must be his name however it was scarcely used so he didn't have much connection to the title like most probably did.

Then again, he didn't have any rights, no right to a name, to speak. He was a slave, that was all he was, all he had been and all he ever would be. He was to fulfill his duty to whatever master or mistress he served for a time then move to the next. Endure the endless beatings and assaults from one only to have the same thing continue with the next.

Really all he was was a shell, Ash new, apart from when he was alone and allowed a sliver of freedom to be himself. Or what he knew to be himself. Not a lot, but enough to get by.

Only this time, this man, Lorens, had bought him not for his own use, but to give to someone else.

Ash could feel the nerves swirling in his stomach and he did his best to stay standing steady, head downcast and gaze lowered. One wrong look could send him into a world of agony. It had happened before, he knew it might happen again.

It was times like these were he wished he had more control of his life. Mainly of what he was allowed to wear. Even though he was covered completely today, he felt too exposed in his brown trousers. Trousers that were far too big for him but he'd made them fit around the waist so they wouldn't fall. The ground was cold beneath his feet and he deeply wished to wrap his arms around his chest. The sweater didn't feel protective enough. It felt see-through, like all his old and new marks were on display when he knew they weren't.

As the doors open he shifted on his feet, forcing himself to not look at whoever was on the other side, his new owner.


Claude's eyes widened a fraction of an inch at the sight of the poor broken boy. The fact that he was broken seemed obvious enough, but even if it hadn't been, it was obvious that he was broken— and all slaves were, more or less, broken.

Lorens had never been a gentle man, and this moment was no exception. He roughly shoved Ash through the open door, a proud grin dominating his expression when his eyes met Claude's. This boy was apparently Claude's gift— and Claude was expected to be excited about it?

In their defense, anyone else on the planet might've been overjoyed. Slaves were expensive, and who didn't want to have their own person? Someone they could make do anything for them? Or do anything to them?

The answer was Claude. Claude didn't. And everyone here should've been aware of that— but a single glance at his father's expression informed Claude that he was expected to be grateful.

Even so, it took everything he had within him not to reject the gift right then and there. Actually, it only took one thing— the immediate realization that, if he rejected this slave, it— no, he, because he was a person, not a thing— would end up in the hands of someone else, and then Claude would have no control over his fate. At least, if the boy were in his care, perhaps he could find a way to set him free or— something. He'd cross that bridge when he got there, he decided.

"Well, Claudius," Lorens said finally, the first to break the silence. "What do you think? He's yours."

"Oh—" Claude observed the young slave for several seconds, though his expression didn't betray his internalized emotions. "I think— you shouldn't have," he said, with feigned gratefulness. A beat passed before he approached them, trying not to stare at the slave that would now be his.


Ash did his best to not stumble and fall as he was pushed. The movement far too aggressive for someone of his size and weight.

It was a gentle reminder that he was too light, underweight. Far too light for someone of his eye and height. A reminder that he hadn’t eaten in… days? Weeks maybe? Too long since he’d had a proper meal at that. Ash hadn’t even noticed, it was background pain.

This man, Claudius, he was his knew owner. He seemed important, more important then anyone else he’d served for. The building was far too nice and guarded for them to be anything but.

He lifted his head a fraction, if only to get a momentary glance at his owner before it was lowered again. Respect at all times. Serve at all times. The phrases repeated through his mind over and over like they always did.

Every time an exchange happened, every time he heard that grateful tone, it made him want to hurl, even though he didn’t have anything in his system.

But he had no right to complain. None at all. And he would serve as he always did.