forum Bitches Be Witches (Fantasy RP) (5/5) {CLOSED}
Started by @CWPoofToxicRush

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Clementine wiped her eyes, opening them widely and shooting into a sit up position in which she winced slightly at the mild migraine she has encompassed.
She looked around wildly, as if there were a predator closing in from somewhere and saw others, waking as she had.
What? she thought to herself.
I don't remember drifting to sleep…


Markus awoke, but didn't open his eyes at first. He could tell by the sounds of people and the feeling of stone beneath him that he was not at his home. Not where he had fallen asleep. So he took a moment to breathe, before moving quickly into a sitting position, taking in the people around him.


Crimson lifted Clover off her chest, lowing the kitty to her lap as she sat up, barely processing the little "mmph?" sound Clover made. She ran a hand through her long, dark hair, for once grateful she had passed out in her clothes (though it's partially because she stupidly packed all her pjs in that strange trunk). She looked around, studying the people around her.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Ash turned her head quickly at the cute sound. Though instantly regretted it as her neck twinged at the action. “Ow…” she groaned softly, looking at the other people. “Uhh… Hi? Any chance one of you guys knows what's going on?” she asked.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah took a breath to gather her thoughts and calm her emotions as she slipped her arms through the sleeves of her overcoat. She was prepared for this moment, even though the four young witches she was about to meet weren't. Ash, Clementine, Crimson, and Markus, she rehearsed in her mind.

Once her coat was on properly and her hair was pinned up with each piece in its elegantly place, the woman opened the door and shut it again behind her before setting off. She confidently paced through the hallowed halls at a heightened speed, and her head was held high with an air of importance surrounding her. Younger and less-experienced witches practically plastered themselves against the walls to get out of her way.

Farah turned the corner and headed straight for the open area where her four newest protégés were beginning to simultaneously wake. As she got closer, the question of one girl – Ash, she recognized – caught her ear. "I think I may be able to help with that inquiry," she remarked, stepping into view and looking as collected as she was powerful. Her gaze scanned them intently as if she could see through them all.


Markus was on his feet in a flash, gaze darting over to the trunk that he knew was his. The young man had fallen asleep in a simple set of pajamas, and was barefoot. He almost looked harmless, except for something in his gaze that seemed to hint at him being otherwise.


Crimson, blinked a few more ties, pinching herself hard o be sure it wasn't a weird dream. She winced, hissing slightly from the pain. Very, very real. She looked up at the woman who just walked in, eyes wide.


Clementine shrank slightly under the woman's gaze, she has seemed to appear out of thin air, but Clementine knew she has walked through the doorway, possibly when she wasn't paying full attention.

"Uhm nice to meet you, woman who accidentally kidnapped all of us and brought us to her cool but creepy castle" he said, a slightly hint of sarcasm in her low voice.
"Nice place" She commented, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Please," she said, motioning her arm to around them "tell us why were here, is this related to the trunk's we all seem to have, that someone told us to fill with our belongings?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Don’t be rude.” Ash quickly scolded, not taking her eyes off the older woman. Though the idea that this woman was responsible for… whatever it was that brought her and all these strangers here, made sense to her as well. But she wasn't going to be antagonistic unless she was provoked or if it became necessary.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah eyed each of them in turn, but as one of the girls – Farah was sure it was Clementine – decided to speak out as she pleased, the older witch's gaze locked on her.

"You're not here by accident," she said calmly. "You're not in a castle, and you weren't kidnapped. So everything you just said was wrong. I suggest the next time before you run your mouth to become more understanding of the situation you are in. Self-control and respect are just a few of the many things you will learn here."

With her small reprimand out of the way, she widened her focus and addressed the group at once with answers to Clementine's last question.

"You all are here because I personally selected you from your realms for service. The trunks were provided as accommodations for easier transfer of your personal possessions. You'll live here and train under my mentorship. The four of you are each a part of the next generation of the Witches of the Elements. Our world as we know it is in danger, and you four are likely the only ones with the possibility of saving it."


Markus scoffed. "Yeah, that's bullshit." he said, crossing his arms and arching an eyebrow at the older woman. "I'm not a fuckin' witch. They aren't real, and I'm going to head home. I've got more important shit to do than…whatever the hell this is." he waved a hand vaguely.


Clementine drew her brows together angrily.
"realms of service?" She asked "Witches Of Elements?" She added briskly.

She re-crossed her arms over her chest.
"How do we find out what element we are?" She asked curiously, her face softening slightly.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Ash couldn’t help but chuckle softly at the varied reactions the other all had to the news. Honestly, she was less skeptical about the situation. “I… may have dabbled a little in rune magic and in alchemy but I'm not familiar with elemental magic.” she admitted, keeping her comment about the only male present potentially being the one to use fire because of his apparently hot-headed demeanor.


(tbh Markus would almost be a better fire witch than air bc of the personality, but he'll be a great air witch as well definitely won't figure out how to kill anyone with it lmao)


((Yes but imagine:

Antagonist: ah, he's an air witch, he will be calm and easy to take out

Markus: is out for fucking blood

Antagonist: ah, we have fucked up))


(yes I love that!! ghkbsdfdgbk antagonist just,,, assuming that the fire witch is gonna be the hardest one to take out, meanwhile Markus ready to Fuck Shit Up lmao)

@emilyevewrites group

Farah almost held her hand up to silence the barrage of questions, but since it was all knew, she figured that she would give them a day apart from her normal methods of interacting with her students.

To begin, she inclined her head toward Ash momentarily. "I know," she said simply. "And you're quite good. I trust you will bring those interests and techniques you've previously learned with you into your training here, and it will be able to grow into a worthy skill."

Next, she addressed Clementine. "You were born with your elemental abilities, whether you've realized it or not yet. Tomorrow, you will use the Vessel to access your magic and learn for yourselves which elemental witch you are. And as for those of you who don't believe in silly things that couldn't possibly be real, like witches…"

Farah snapped her fingers and murmured something under her breath. A droplet of water appeared in the air above the company's heads. She murmured something else before the water droplet fell to the floor, but instead of splattering water, it burst into flame. It lingered, burning for a moment longer before Farah whispered her third incantation, and a swift wind came from nowhere to extinguish the fire completely. Then, where the fire had been, a small bundle of daisies began to grow from a small, barely noticeable crack in the floor.

"Think again."


Crimson watched the fire disappear before her, awe clear on her face. "Holy shit…" She whispered softly, before looking back up at the woman. "Who are you?"

@emilyevewrites group

Farah lifted her chin in a demonstration of pure confidence and authority. "My name is Farah Dowling. Please try and forget my first name immediately. Mentors don't have first names. You all are to call me Ms. Dowling, and as I previously stated, you four will be learning your magic under my mentorship."

(Also, I added a bit more to the last post to include examples of all the elements)


"Ms. Dowling" Clementine whispered aloud, testing out the name.
"When do we start?" She asked excitedly. She wasn't all to surprised magic was real, after all she grew up on Harry Potter.

She had always hoped the books had given her insight to a world that actually did exist. She always imagined going to Hogwarts.

"This isn't Hogwarts but its cool nonetheless." She commented quickly, with a small smirk to herself.