forum Bad Boy's Girl // One on One // CLOSED-STALKERS WELCOME // R-Rated
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"That can't be right…" He mutters softly. "You're to pretty to be my girlfriend… you have to be an angel…" He mutters softly, his eyes on Becca.


Ace nods before falling asleep slowly. Alyssa sighed and gazed at her brother. "I can't believe that he was hit…" She whispers quietly. She smiles at Becca. "I'm glad you're okay…" She whispers.


"But will he ever remember us?" She looked up at Alyssa. "It's not the injuries that bother me, those will heal. It's the amnesia that's getting under my skin." She dropped her gaze down to Ace again. "I just want my boyfriend back."


Alyssa looked down at her little brother as well. "Ace is a tough one. He'll remember you, Becca. He'll remember me. It'll take time. But I'm sure if you're patient with him, he'll remember." She says gently. She smiled kindly. "Ace is a tough one to crack. He's the top of his school, and a leader of a gang. He'll come back to his love. Just you wait and see."


She smiled a little, glancing up at her. "Thanks Alyssa." She sat back in her chair, going back to watching Ace. She'd wait as long as it took, she'd wait until he remembered her.


Alyssa glanced at Becca before glancing at the door before back to her brother. "I need to go talk to Mom. Let her knew what's happening. I'll be back in a minute."