forum Awakened Shrine- Fantasy group rp/ Closed!!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Aw, thanks! I love him too, he's my lil baby that I haven't gotten the chance to use yet.

And alrighty, will do! Thanks again :3


Ooh, I look forward to finding out more about the orbs! Other than, apparently they cannot be eaten. But befriended, maybe?

Deleted user

Give me a bit to write out my form
but I am going to try and eat an orb, it's in my nature

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Name: Shara Blackwing
Nicknames: Shara-
Age: 21
Gender: No <3
Sexuality: Pansexual
Race: Human, but does have a bit of elf blood way way back in their family line.


Eyes: Shara has wide, curious, dark green eyes framed by redish lashes.
Hair: Shara has wild red hair that's usually tied up in a short messy bun at the top of their head
Face: They have a button nose and a generally chubby face, a good jawline though
Body: Shara is a bit chubby, maybe an apple shape
Height: Short (closer to hell)
Typical Clothes: Shara likes flowy dresses and sun dresses, so basically that.
Work clothes: A sundress with some brown combat boots and an apron
Relaxing Clothes (if applicable): Just,,, comfy dress
Distinguishing Marks: Their hair-

Personality: Shara is chaos incarnate I'm not even kidding. They're energetic and this close to snapping and taking over the world-
Background: Nothing they'll say, they live by themself though.
Strengths: Very physically strong, pure of heart but dumb of ass.
Weaknesses: Not the… strongest-
Fears: The d a r k
Pets?: DOG!

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

well, I know of one orb they can never get their hands on because it would be bad for both of them
One that can never because they'd just take over the freaking world together
and one that we can never let them meet because just,,, no

Deleted user

Shara, with their arms full of orbs: These are my friends. I tried to eat them but we're okay now.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Seek out the hidden orbs
Creatures full of power

Be wary of their souls
Or lose the final hour

Orange is the youngest
Who gives strength and courage
Use a gentle hand
Or lose them both to it

Green is the naive
Who seeks out the beauty in the world
Use a friendly smile
Or lose your will to go

Purple is the conceited
Who never wants to wait for long
Use an iron fist
Or you will be tread upon

Be wary of their souls
Or lose the final hour

Blue is the calm
Who gives a soothing word
Use a loving heart
Or find you're torn apart

Yellow is the sweetest
Who seeks out truth and love
Use a loving embrace
Or never see light again

Red is the strongest
Who was loved by the Creator
Use respect for all
Or lose your very soul

Be wary of their souls
Or lose the final hour

Seek out the hidden orbs
Creatures full of power

The song had been song for generations, something taught in school to children to keep them all behaving. The forest that once surrounded the city was now itself surrounded, protected by the superstitions of the people. There was an ancient shrine, they say in hushed tones. A place where mages gathered to worship their gods and offer tributes. When their age ended, six orbs were left in their steads, waiting for someone to awaken them.
No one had ever found the shrine, of course, and the city was pushing to tear the rest of the trees down for a new city council.

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Shara had just gotten off work, yelling a goodbye as they untied their apron, hopped onto their skateboard, raced toward the forest. They finally had time to go explore and by explore they meant they were going to go try and find some bones. They had a severe lack of bones in their goblin collection. When they got to the forest, they stepped on the edge of their skateboard and pushed it into their backpack. Shara pulled on some gloves and a jacket to make sure no thorns dug into their skin as they entered the forest, trying to stop themselves from giggling in excitement.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The forest was serene this time of day, sunlight filtering through the leaves and spackling the forest floor. It would take some time to find any bones, but deeper in the forest one could see the beak of a bird skull poking through a pile of wet orange leaves. Now, that was odd- there weren't any other leaves like that in the area, and they didn't even seem to match the shapes of the leaves on the trees either. Still, a skull was a skull, and this one promised to be a good-sized one too, perhaps even a crow.

In reality, if the leaves were moved away, one would find the skull was much, much bigger than that, buried deep in the soil that was loose around the area. If the soil was stepped on, either, it would give away in an instant to whatever lay beneath.

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Shara made a delighted noise. Skull!! Their brain supplied, happily stating the obvious. They took a few steps closer, leaning down to brush away some of the leaves as they leaned closer. However, they ended up leaning too close, and fell.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The ground gave way to drop Shara into a pit, the skull to be revealed as some sort of entrance. The top had been cut out, and it led into a stone tunnel that covered in roots and moss. The pit was too steep to try to climb back out of, but there did seem to be light coming from the end of the hall. Maybe a way out?

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Shara let out a shriek as they fell, eyes wide and panicked. When they landed, they stayed their for a moment to catch their breath before standing up on shaky legs to look around. When they saw the light, they made like a moth and followed it.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The tunnel went on for quite some time, but it seemed to be relatively well kept- no stones were out of place, no roots large enough to disturb anything. At the end, it opened into a large basin, deep scorn marks in the stones marking out some sort of ancient language. Most noticeable, though, were the six stone pedestals, with one larger in the middle and the other five around it in a semi-circle. Each had a glowing orb, about the size of one's fist, hanging above them. Red was in the middle, the pedestal higher than the others, with orange on the far right, then green, purple, blue, and yellow. They each had a different symbol on them, but they were hard to make out.

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As soon as Shara saw all of these, they immediately raced towards the orbs. When they got to them, they almost touched one of them, but thought better of it, them immediately thought nah and touched it.

(I'll let you decide which orb they touch, becuase they're gonna touch all of them at some point)