forum Asylum Lovers // Romance // One-on-One // V V Mature // CLOSED - STALKERS WELCOME
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"There's this pretty scientist that comes down here like every couple of days named Mina. She's the new girl so I say go through her. Apparently she's French? I don't know, I don't talk to her."


"Is that so? Eh bien, laissez-moi vous dire que si vous n'étiez pas aussi sexy, je vous détesterais probablement avec votre narcissisme constant."


“Why?” He sat down and fiddled with some loose plaster on the wall. That was the thing about cells like this: they were pretty, clean, and there was nothing to do in them.


He shrugged. “Well, I think you’re hot, and I’m pretty sure most others here do. You have no idea how many people have told me about the ‘poison hot girl in the middle cell.’” He made air quotes around the words.


She raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? Wonder why since I'm not that pretty and I'm not really allowed to have any company so that guard must've leaked something."


"Jeremy. Nice guy. Desperate guy. Kinda cute and in need of a break. Such a softy, figured he'd be easy enough to get through. And I was right."


"I swear, within like 20 minutes I had to swallow like 3 loads. Not that I'm complaining but like, seriously? Sure, I'm good but I don't think I'm that good."