“I’ll be back! I promise!” Grayson said, looking up at him.
“I’ll be back! I promise!” Grayson said, looking up at him.
Abaddon whined, looking up at Grayson with sad puppy dog eyes
“Stop that!” Grayson laughed, hiding his face from Abaddon.
"Graysonnnnn," Abaddon whined, wrapping himself even tighter around Grayson as he snuggled closer
"Why are you so clingy today?" Grayson asked, still trying to squirm out of Abaddon's grasp.
"Because you said you love me and your stupid human emotions are just making me clingy," Abaddon huffed
"If I remember correctly, you admitted it before I did." Grayson replied, giving up on being able to get away and instead relaxing into Abaddon's arms.
"Well fuck you too," Abaddon retorted, flicking Grayson's cheek gently before resting his head atop Grayson's
“Wouldn’t you rather have a happy Grayson?” He asked, looking up at Abaddon.
"I thought you were happy already," Abaddon mumbled, huffing slightly as he held Grayson tighter
"I am, but I want to get up and you won't let me." Grayson replied, squeezing his hand a little.
"Well, deal with it," Abaddon huffed smugly, wrapping around him even more before nuzzling his cheek
"But I don't want tooo!" Grayson complained, even though he was really enjoying cuddling with Abaddon.
"Ugh, stop complaining!" Abaddon exclaimed, theatrically throwing his arms in the air so Grayson could escape if wanted
In his excitement, Grayson rolled over and fell off the couch. “I’m free!” He yelled happily.
Abaddon’s eyes widened, and he resisted the urge to reach out and catch Grayson with a wing, instead letting him fall
Grayson sighed and stood up, leaning over and kissing Abaddon before running into his room. He got dressed quickly and did his usual morning things.
Abaddon began to pout as he curled up on the couch, waiting for Grayson to come back
Grayson ran back out to Abaddon and jumped into his arms. “I’m back.” He smiled, giving Abaddon a quick peck on the nose.
Abaddon squeaked when Grayson jumped on him, wings flapping from being startled. “Hey, baby,” he said with a small grin
Grayson giggled at his choice of words, resting his forehead against Abaddon’s. “I missed you..”
“So soon?” Abaddon teased, wrapping himself around Grayson
"Well I've never been apart from you for that long.." Grayson said, resting his head on Abaddon's chest.
Abaddon just chuckled, wrapping himself around Grayson with both arms and wings
Grayson curled up with Abaddon and sighed softly. “I love you..” He mumbled.
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