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forum Apocalyptic rp, anyone? (OxO)
Started by @Emmrii

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The edge of killians mouth tightened as he gave a half smile. He walked to Olivia and embraced her, wrapping his arms around her body. He looked into the girls eyes and pressed his lips on hers


She smiled and kissed him back before she glanced out the window. “Do you think she’ll make it to the next stop…?”


"she better make it, or else we wasted our time," he kissed her once more before pulling away, "we just need to make sure she's warm enough, and maybe knows how to climb trees."


She nodded and laughed softly. “Well, let’s make sure you’re staying healthy too. Not just her. Get to bed, will you? We have a long day tomorrow.”


"aren't you going to stay in here with me? This is the only other spare room and I don't want you downstairs," Killian closed the blinds and looked in the closet for extra blankets, "unless you wanna share a bed with her, it might be better since you're both girls,"


“I’ll stay here until you fall asleep.” She slipped her arms around his waist and smiled. “Then I’ll probably go check on her.”


She smiled and moved into his arms, resting her head against his chest. She played with his hair for a while, watching out the window. “I hope this whole situation will be over soon…”


"the fuck do I need to be more careful with, if I'm still here then I was careful enough so far," Killian gave a soft laugh. They were all going to die in the end anyway, so why would he have to be more careful


“Just… I don’t know.” She let out a sigh. “Try not to get yourself killed, alright? I don’t wanna have to bury your body or anything.”


“Look, Killian, I just…” She sighed and sat up, folding her arms around her chest. “I just want you to be careful, okay? Not to take stupid risks.”


"I am careful, don't tell me something I already know." He opened the door and slammed it behind him. He made his way down stairs and looked around, making sure nothing was there


"you listen to me, I'm not going to watch you die because you were trying to save me. You need to think of yourself first." Killian grabbed Olivia's shoulders and got into her face