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Do you have a bio template or want me to make one?
Human side:
Skills: (Combat, mechanics, medicine, writing, what do they do best?)
Animal side:
Age physically: (Like, in measurement of years. Like how dogs are adults at 1 but humans… aren't.)
Identifying marks:
(My salty boi)
Human side:
Name: Asher Gryben
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Standing 5' 11" tall, he is a dark skinned male that has a sarcastic feel about him. A particularly notable feature is his dimpled smile, and he has a large scar on his chest. He has a long face, a small nose, and full lips. His brown eyes are angular and he has smooth, thick eyebrows. His black hair is long and curly. He has long arms and muscular legs, and a lanky body. He usually wears outdoorsy clothes that are mostly in neutral colours and well-fitting, and he wears very little jewellery other than a gold fang earring. He is usually seen wearing large clunky old boots.
Personality: He is charming, and has good manners… usually. Witty and sly, he can get out of fights as soon as he starts them. While not overconfident, he does credit his skills with their due.
Background: Rich family, rebellious son, the usual.
Skills: (Combat, mechanics, medicine, writing, what do they do best?) Mostly medicine and mechanics, does a lot with machines and basically just loves tinkering.
Other: Idk.
Animal side:
Name: Aziraphale, aka Aza
Age physically: (Like, in measurement of years. Like how dogs are adults at 1 but humans… aren't.) 3, being about his age if her development was measured like a human's.
Gender: Female
Species: Winged snow leopard
Identifying marks: None, really, just a slightly longer tail than normal for most of these creatures.
Personality: Perky and energetic but incredibly sassy. Very loyal despite her incurable snark.
Other: Idk.
Human side:
Name: Ellis Pier Eitlejorg (Aye-til-jorg)
Age: 16
Gender: M
Sexuality: Never really thought about it. He's had more important things to focus on.
Appearance: Black hair, fern green eyes, freckles. Looks a lot younger than he is, looks like he's stuck in an awkward hiatus between childhood and puberty. Eh, it's hereditary, he says– his dad didn't look like a man til he was almost 19. Pitifully short at 5'6.
Personality: Doesn't think of himself to the point where it can get annoying. He can make decisions, being quite clever, but never really thinks that of himself. He's a hero type personality on steroids. Feels like he has to fix everything, and since that's just not possible, emotionally exhausts himself on a constant basis.
Background: Raised in a very poor setting as a bastard child, no father and a mother who is constantly ill. Ellis feeds his younger brother, Alex, through illegal means.
Skills: Ellis is hella good with combat and being sneaky. He can't read or write, though. Never had any formal education. Very street smart.
Other: Collects items from nature, fixates on the strangest things. Has a huge shell collection and can't wait to show you.
Animal side:
Name: Eidelweiss, or Wendy
Age physically: (Like, in measurement of years. Like how dogs are adults at 1 but humans… aren't.) Same age as Ellis in human years. Not sure how owl age and human age aligns.
Gender: F
Species: Barn owl with something like slender, hollow ram horns. Break very easily, but it's painless to Wendy. Beak looks normal most of the time, but can open to an ungodly size when she's pissed. Hella teeth hidden inside.
Identifying marks: the horns, mostly.
Personality: Passive, curious. Spends most of her time dozing on Ellis's shoulder.
Other: Helps Ellis collect stuff.
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