@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator
(Sorry, needed a brief break from screens)
(Sorry, needed a brief break from screens)
"I didn't. Just don't start." Oci smiled sharply at him and started down the alleyway. When he reached the main road, he turned right. There were only a few people on the streets, most of them quite scary-looking. But when they saw Oci, they turned away, trying not to attract his attention.
(It's, fine, I completely understand!)
Marco followed behind him, his nerves up, and his alertness spiking when he saw the fear on the other's face; though his outward demeanor stayed calm as he followed behind him.
(Thanks mate, though if I ever vanish for more than a day without notice, then bump this, (I have lost threads before))
Oci walked briskly for a few more blocks, finally stopping at a brick two-story building. He glanced down the street before grabbing a set of keys from his pocket and unlocking the door. "After you," Oci said, pushing open the door.
(Okay. Will do. :)
Marco followed him easily, matching the other's stride as they moved a few more blocks. When he other opened the door, he sighed, then stepped inside warily, his eyes trained on the other.
Oci stepped inside and locked the door– multiple times, actually– then started up the narrow stairs. "This way," He called over his shoulder. "You know, it occurred to me on our walk here that I don't know your name. I'm Oci, but you might've known that already."
Marco hummed following him silently, not bothering to give a name, or even respond except for a nod. He didn't need the other knowing his name. It was a grim, and dirty job that had to be done, and this Oci, he was just a partner. Nothing more, even if he was kinda good looking.
"Oh, come now." Oci stopped and spun around, blocking the rest of the stairs. "I can't just keep calling you 'the shifter', can I? Just give me a name, even if it isn't your real one."
Marco kept his features even, "Marco.." he said finally, knowing it was common enough not to lead anywhere.
"Mmm, thank you, Marco." Oci turned and bounded up the last few steps. "So, what do you think of reading the scroll right now? Or would you rather wait until morning?" He asked, striding down a cramped hallway that led into a small living room area.
Marco huffed a little, following him up the stairs and down the hall. "I have zero objections." he said softly, shifting into a cat and scoping out the room before reappearing on the couch, crosslegged.
"Good." Oci sat down next to Marco and pulled the scroll from his pocket. "Let's see where we can find this Alcari Staff." He opened the scroll, holding it so Marco could also see. "Um. That's not going to be fun." Oci looked over at him. "It's in the Everlasting Woods."
Marco growled and cursed softly, leaning forward to get a better look. "It's also guarded by a creature of some sort…." he said softly, glaring at it.
"Oh, as if the Everlasting Woods wasn't a big enough guard." Oci groaned. "Then they had to throw some creature in there. It's probably magical. Nothing else could survive in there."
Marco nodded, "A dragon maybe?" he hummed, "Possibly a griffon…." he sighed, "I just hope it's not a basilisk."
"All of those sound like bad news." Oci agreed, squinting at the scroll. "I wish they said what it was, instead of just telling us there is something there. Then we could prepare better." He sighed. "Yeah, let's not have a basilisk."
Marc hummed, "Does it say anything else useful?" he asked, leaning back and staring at the cieling.
"Hmm…" Oci inspected the scroll, looking for more stuff. "It says something about a way to get through the Everlasting Woods alive, I think. See that?" He pointed at a small note in the corner of the scroll. "Bring extra food. Ignis. The Golden Path. Oh, that makes sense."
"How in the world does that make sense?" asked Marco, "And what is Ignis?" he leaned forward to inspect the note, before leaning back again with a huff of annoyance.
"Well, I have in my possession an amulet inscribed with 'In semita auream', which means 'in the golden path'. I didn't know what it was, but I think it could help us get through the Everlasting Woods without getting lost and wandering in there until we die." Oci explained. "The extra food thing is probably because there's nothing edible in that forest. And Ignis is an Areanian spell for fire. I… don't know why we'll need it, but the rest helps a lot."
Marco huffed, nodding. "Sounds fair," he said softly, "So, when do we aim to leave?" he asked, hoping he could at least get a night's sleep in a proper bed, or on the couch, heck, even the floor would do.
"Oh, probably not until tomorrow," Oci said, rolling the scroll back up. "I'm afraid I only have one bed here, but you can take the couch if you want." He stood up and took a few steps towards a slightly crooked door. "If someone knocks on the door, don't answer it. And please don't try and leave here without me." Oci paused in front of the door and spun around. "There are some blankets over there if you need them. Sleep well." He opened the door and disappeared into the darkened room. The door closed with a crash, leaving Marco alone in the living room.
Marco hummed softly, watching as the other left. He thought it was pretty obvious not to open the door, or leave, but hey, maybe his new associate was an idiot. Either way, he was exhausted, so he quietly got up and grabbed all the blankets he could find, making himself a nest and curling up in it, covering himself with blankets and yawning.
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