forum Anime RP? (OCs only) // 4/4 // (WIP)
Started by @Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

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@ZAVEN local_movies

Name: Yuuki Yamakawa
Gender: Male
Age(from 17 to 21): 17
Height: 5'8
Physical appearance: He has pale tan skin, reddish-brown eyes with golden speckles in them. His eyelashes are black and have bright red tips. He has a slightly muscular but still slim build and thin, pretty hands. His hair is silky and voluminous and reaches barely down to the nape of his neck. It is black with bright red tips. Fashion-wise, he is a very smart person, constantly being regarded as fashionable within his peer group. You can hardly catch him wearing the same outfit twice, but that doesn't mean he refuses to wear the same shirt twice, it just means that he usually restyles it. When he isn't wearing his school uniform (which he tends to style as well), he usually wears wide-straight leg pants, a coat, and then his shirt is whatever he feels for the day. His ears are pierced.
Personality: Generally sort of hot-blooded, but knows how to pick his fights and is generally hesitant to actually get into them. When he isn't upset about something, he is generally a cool and sociable person, not really afraid to talk to people. He's very forward about almost everything he feels, sometimes to the point of being painfully blunt. His confidence is unparalleled, along with his pride.
Element(s): Electricity, Earth, Wind (Not as strong as the other two)
Specialty Abilities:
Between Heaven and Earth (but he doesn't call it that because he thinks naming abilities is tacky).

  • Between Heaven and Earth is an attack that calls down multiple bolts of lightning while keeping the opponent trapped within earthy materials (Rocks, soil, etc.)


  • He floats backward (Using wind) while creating a wave of earthy materials behind him for protection.


  • He goes underground, uses electromagnetic wavelengths to locate his opponent, and then drags them underground where he entraps them in pact dirt,

Other abilities: Yuuki can fly high up, for a limited time. He uses his elements to help him go faster. He's largely stronger than the average human when it comes to natural strength alone, but he's largely unsure as to why.
Other Info: He has great grades in spite of his questionable attitude. He is an only child. He likes to dance and study street fashion across cultures. He is still trying very much to hone his powers and learn what he can do to make them more powerful, as well as researching elements and how they're gained. He maintains a weapon collection at home, but he doesn't use any of them in battle.

Deleted user

(I effing knew it lmao! I've never played Undertale but I know pretty much everything)

@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

RinRin wakes to the sound of his cat, meowing while lying on the bed next to him. He speaks telepathically to the cat. Thank you, Rexa. Let's get this day started, yeah? He rises out of bed and stretches. He walks to the bathroom and does his usual morning routine. On his way back to his room, he pauses and a series of images is displayed on his mind. It's gone as quick as it came. Three people. Joyful. It felt… happy, he thinks to himself. It's been a long time since I've had a happy vision. He walks into his room and decides to dress at his best today; black blazer, white shirt, red tie, black jeans and a black top hat with a red stripe near the brim. "C'mon, Rexa," he says aloud as he walks to the door. Rexa climbs on RinRin's shoulder and gives him an affectionate rub. RinRin grabs his staff on the way out of the door.
RinRin walks to town and is surprised to see so many people out and about. Then he realizes just how nice it is outside today. Looking around he sees a girl with an interesting hair coloring; pinkish on one side and black on the other. I think I've seen her before, he thinks, but where?

Deleted user

(Hmmm. . . I can work with unknown locations)

Seirá looks about for a moment, stretching and smiling as the morning light hits her face.

Today's a very nice day. she thinks, closing her eyes for a moment.

She hums softly, feeling the wind ruffle her hair slightly, opening her eyes, taking a moment to appreciate the small little cottonball clouds in the sky.

She turns her head to look at a man staring at her. She waves politely, giving him a kind smile.