she brought her hsnd up to cup his cheek
she brought her hsnd up to cup his cheek
"Your lips…." He mumbled, leaning into her touch. "So good…"
she smiled and pulled him closer
He pulled his lips off of hers, wanting to keep kissing her. "The faster we find somewhere to stay, we could continue this…" He whispered, his hand on the dip in her hip. "I just don't want to get murdered because I was kissing you." He said softly, backing up.
" I told you the farm I'm sure we can get a vehicle and we'll get there in no time" she said
"I know, but I thought you said it was far away. We can't exactly just steal something to get there. And we don't have money." He told her, pecking her nose. "And we still have my baby brother too."
She nodded " we can tell who the rebellious one is in the relationship" she said
"Oh no… you're going to make me steal a car aren't you?" He asked with a pout, leaning back in. "Can I kiss you to persuade you not to?"
" were not stealing she said
"Then what are we doing? Borrowing without consent is stealing too." He told her quickly.
¨ We´re walking¨ she said.
"Can you not fly?" He asked her, starting to climb off the tree.
¨Yes but there are people¨ she said
Sighing, he dropped to the ground. "Alright, guess we're walking." He mumbled, looking up to Ravenna.
she dropped to the ground
"Let's get a move on, we probably need to find some food." He said, pointing to his little brother.
she nodded picking Ezra up
“I’ll carry him for you.” Viktor offered, pecking her cheek.
she shhok her head
“I’d offer to carry you, but I’m too weak.” He laughed lightly, resting his head on her shoulder.
¨I know¨ she said
Her words stung a bit, but he ignored them. “So what direction?”
" west" she said
"Lead the way love." He hummed, pointing eastwards.
She started walking west
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