@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
“Well…” he paused looking around. “How does a tree sound?”
“Well…” he paused looking around. “How does a tree sound?”
"can I use you as a pillow?" She teased
“Of course.” He smiled pulling her over to the tree
She smiled
"Let me have Ezra, and you climb up." He said holding his arms out.
She looked at him with a raised brow flapping her wings
"Oh- right." He laughed climbing up behind her.
She giggled landing in a largley wide branch
He pulled himself up, and sat besides her. "Alright, come here."
Ravenna curled up her knees resting.on his thighs her head on his shoulder
"Want me to hold him?" Viktor asked holding his arm around her shoulders.
She shook her head " just me…only me" she said.
He felt a smile rest on his lips. "Alright sounds good to me."
" Good because it's gonna be like that for a long time. . .I like it when you hold me… I know your a demon but when I'm in your arms I feel…. Safe.
"I feel better about myself holding you close." He mumbled nuzzling his nose into her hair.
" your great it doesn't matter if your a demon that doesn't define you your an amazing cute talented Demon but better than that your my Demon" she said
He glowed softly, giving her a gentle squeeze. "Thanks Ravenna."
" just stating facts" she said
"Well, if we're stating facts…" He hummed feeling sleepy. "You're beautiful, and sweet, sassy, loving, and the cutest girlfriend there ever was."
Ravenna bit her lip looking up at him with a rosy tint to her cheeks
"And it's all true." He chuckled deeply looking at her.
" okay then here's another fact" she said "your the best thing that's ever happened to me" she said
"And you're the greatest thing that happened to me." He whispered feeling himself nodding off.
She kissed his cheek " sleep my love I'll be here when you wake" sh said
"Y-you should sleep t-too." He yawned, leaning into her.
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