@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
He slowly walked over to her, bending down. "Hey, they hurt you bad didn't they?" He asked gently.
He slowly walked over to her, bending down. "Hey, they hurt you bad didn't they?" He asked gently.
She nodded just letting another sob out
He pet her head softly, not able to do anything. "We need to get out of here." He whispered starring at her, and her abused state.
She shook her head with uncontrollable sobs
"We do, and you know it." He said sharply, rubbing her cheek with his thumb.
She jerked her head away at his tone reminding her of her father and . . .his
He sighed, leaning down and kissing her head gently. "I'm not going to hurt you…" He softened his tone.
She let out a shaky breath
Viktor kissed her a few times, rubbing her arm. "We'll leave. As soon as you heal." He whispered.
She nodded closing her eyes
"You don't have any special healing properties do you?" He asked still kissing her face.
She shook her head " no and they broke my wrist" she said
He paused, and pulled away. "We could go to earth. There's gotta be somewhere we can hide there." He whispered looking at her. "Some way to blend in."
" I can barley walk let alone fly plus I'm an angel of destruction everything I touch I destroy and I will not destroy you victor. . .I want you to go without me" she said
"No. I won't go unless you are by my side." He argued, slipping his hand in hers'. "You're coming with me."
She shook her head " I love you and that's why you have to leave me " she begged tears refusing to fall
"I love you, and that's why I can't." He replied sliding his arms around her waist, and lifting her up.
" please… victor… please" she begged crying sgain
“Shhh, Ravenna. You’re coming with me, I can’t loose you.” He held her close.
" and I refuse to lose you" she said beating on his chest on enough to hurt him
“Then you’ll come with me- I wouldn’t live long knowing the things they’d do to you if I left you.” He whispered feeling tears running down his face.
She shook her head " just go" she said
“I can’t- and you can’t make me go without you.” He said more pleading now.
" yes I can" she said
“How? How are you going to make me?” He asked honestly more scared then anything else.
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