“Your music should be fine, I’ll be listening to my own. A-and you don’t have to make something for me, I don’t want to bother you. I can always just get some of my leftover pizza.”
“Your music should be fine, I’ll be listening to my own. A-and you don’t have to make something for me, I don’t want to bother you. I can always just get some of my leftover pizza.”
"I don't mind," he said shrugging, "But that's fine with me." Bennet said as he tried to just seem cool about this whole thing. He didn't really know how to interact with humans, and him being the helpful person he was wanted to sort of do everything he could to make his roommates life easier. But he knew from experience that a lot of his friends didn't exactly like that. "Okay, that works." He dried off the bowls and put them away, "Well, uh, I'm going out then."
He nodded. “I’ll be in my room. I’ll have my phone with me so if you need anything just call.” He walked over to the fridge as he talked, grabbing his leftover pizza and putting it in the microwave. “Soooo…yeah I think that covers it.”
"Oki!!!" Bennet called over his shoulder as he headed into his room to change. His phone buzzed and he fumbled a bit to pull it out of the pocket in his cardigan. Once he finally pulled it out, he saw that it was another text from his boss. He was a bit nervous at first, she was pretty scary at times, and none of the other angels liked to mess with her. Reading it, he sighed happily, somehow they were able to get him a job. He scanned the text again, and realized that he would be working as a barista at a nearby cafe, and that he would need to be there in a bout a half hour. He groaned and started to get dressed to head out, closing the door before he did. Once dressed he rushed to the restaurant.
Connor actually ate his food in the kitchen, not wanting to mess up his workspace accidentally (which had happened before). He waved at Bennet as he left. Connor finished eating shortly after and cleaned up after himself before heading back to his room and getting back to work, the music in his headphones at full volume.
((Wanna do a timeskip?))
(Yep, that's fine, do you want to start? Or should I?)
((I can go ahead and start since I had to disappear for a few hours. Just give me a couple of minutes))
Connor would continue to work for the next few hours on the painting, having to take a few breaks to let the paint dry. He decided he should call it quits for the day, having made enough progress to be happy with himself. He stepped away from the canvas, inspecting himself in the mirror. He’d gotten paint on himself in the process of working, both on his clothes and somehow, on his face as well. Considering Bennet hadn’t gotten back yet, he decided he might as well go and take a shower.
Connor was exhuasted, he had never liked coffee, but now he despised it. As an angel he was allowed to not exactly like things, but since they were supposedly role models for humans hating things were not allowed. But now since he was on Earth, perhaps that might change a bit. He had finally gotten to the apartment, and just wanted to flop down on his bed and maybe just watch some TV. He threw off the apron and dumb hat and just headed to the fridge, he was tired, but he did need something to eat, or at least drink. He rummaged through the fridge, and didn't exactly find anything suitable, so he headed to the cabinets. There he found some packages of ramen.
Connor had the shower on as hot as it allowed him, his skin reddening under the heat. He scrubbed off the layers of dried paint, deciding he might as well wash his hair while he was in there. He made sure to make his steaming shower quick, not wanting to use all the hot water. The result was a few suds left in his hair. He pulled his clothes back on and was drying his hair with a towel as he stepped out of the bathroom. Hearing noise in the kitchen, he called out. “Hey Bennet, you back dude?”
Bennet had started to put the ramen in the microwave when he heard someone call out his name. At first he jumped, then he remembered who it was, "Uhm, yeah?" Bennet responded, not sounding too sure of his answer. Once the food began to heat up he turned to where he had heard Connor's voice coming from, "Soooo, did you finish your thing that you're making?" He sort of mumbled his words, not exactly being the most awake at the moment, "Or are you nearly done?"
( I am sooooooo sorry about taking forever to respond, I kind of had a lot of stuff going on this weekend)
Connor had made his way into the kitchen, the towel on his head. He sat down at the counter. “I’m nearly done, at least I think so. I got a lot of work done on it today so that’s really good.” Bennet really did look exhausted. “You okay? You look dead on your feet.”
((No worries dude, it’s perfectly okay))
Bennet nodded before turning to check the time on the microwave, "I'm fine, I guess. . .I'm not used to being on my feet all the time, at least like this, but I'm sure I'll get used to it." He yawned softly, then tried to keep himself awake, "At least it's only part time, I guess that's a good thing." He tried to stifle another yawn, but was a bit late, "Can I see it when it's done? Or if not that's alright."
“Well that’s good.” He thought briefly about Bennet’s request. “I mean yeah you can see it if you want to.” He was only so sure in his decision because it was a commissioned piece. If it was something he’d painted for himself…his response would’ve been much different.
Bennet smiled happily at him, then turned to the microwave. It had just gone off a few seconds before, and Bennet could not wait to eat the food. He quietly excused himself, then headed back to his room, then remembering what Connor had said murmured a quiet thanks before completely closing the door behind himself. He wasn't the type of person who liked eating in his room, at least all the time, but he felt a bit more comfortable there, and he also find;t want Connor to think that he was a weird eater, which in a way he was, but Connor didn't need to think that.
Connor got his own food after Bennet left the kitchen. He quickly popped it into the microwave, thinking about his roommate as he waited for the timer to go off. Bennet was a bit of a weird guy to say the least. Not bad weird. Just…different. Like he was from somewhere far away.
Bennet set the bowl of soup down on his nightstand then turned his TV on. He almost wanted to go back out there and try to make friends with the Connor, but he figured that he had weird out the guy enough. After all, he wasn't going to be around for too much longer. As soon as he got this mission done he would be able to go back home, and do whatever he wanted too, until the next mission.
The timer on the microwave went off and Connor quickly retrieved his bowl before retreating to the privacy of his room, looking forward to getting some peace and quiet. He sat criss cross on his bed and quietly started eating his food.
(( I might do a thing if that’s okay ))
(It's okay, wait, what's the thing?)
As he began to quietly eat his food he began to search for a new show, or at least something that would peak his interest. Trying to stifle another yawn he settled on the news, that would be interesting, if anything at all. He propped up a few pillows so he could lean against them and sort of tuned out the droning of the news reporter, his mind was focused on his mission. Find the demons, handle them somewhat effectively, then go back home. He smiled a bit, then realized how that could prove to be pretty difficult, "Great. . ."
(( Just gonna maybe have one of Connor’s demon friends stop by aka break in through the window ))
(I like that)
(( k great. sorry i had to yeet for a bit ))
But of course, Connor wasn’t going to get any peace and quiet. He’d finished his food and lay down on his bed, eyes closed and just relaxing when he heard his window squeak open. He opened his eyes and they quickly widened in surprise, scooting back on his bed. “W-What the hell are you doing here?” He asked the man who was halfway in his window.
“Awww can’t I come visit an old friend?” The guy said with a smile, swinging his other leg into Connor’s room before standing up, slowly walking over to Connor.
“Get out of my apartment.” Connor said, trying to make sure his voice stayed firm.
“Nah I don’t think I will.” The guy said, casually sitting on Connor’s bed.
“Your boyfriend know you’re here?” Connor asked, glaring at the other.
“You know he doesn’t care what I do.”
Connor rolled his eyes. “You’re so annoying.”
Bennet finished up his food quickly and was a bit too lazy to clean up and put it away, but he knew that it needed to be done eventually. So he sat up, grabbed the bowl, then headed to the kitchen. He quickly washed the bowl left it to dry, then headed to bathroom so he could wash up. He had a rule about that, before he went to sleep he had to at least wash up, it was a must. He quickly did so, then headed back to his room so he could get some sleep. He was exhausted, to say the least.
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