forum "And our Wonderland, though damaged, is safe in memory." // One-On-One // CLOSED
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“You don’t even want tea first?” Acacius asked, his smile dissipating. There was still a telling twinkle in his eyes, however. Despite Acacius’s more serious expression, it was clear he was smiling on the inside.

Deleted user

"If you don't have my lemon and peppermint herbal tea, then no. Let's just go. Get this over and done with. The quicker this happens, the quicker I can get back home."


“I have whatever kind of tea of tea you wish,” Acacius replied, doing his best to smother a grin. “There’s a treacle well around here that can taste like anything you desire. It’s actually great for if you’re sick, too.”

Deleted user

"Treacle? You mean like maple syrup or molasses? I'm pretty sure those only have one taste. They can't change." The last thing Kiyomi wanted Acacius was that they were in Wonderland, but she knew he would.


“Sweet, naïve girl,” Acacius sighed. “That’s not treacle! You’re thinking of sap…or something. Treacle has many properties that maple syrup couldn’t dream of having! Do you want some?”

Deleted user

"No, treacle is any uncrystallised syrup made through the refining of sugar. Unprocessed maple syrup is just that, as is honey."


Acacius sighed. “You didn’t answer my question. Why do you insist on making everything so difficult?” He was ready for a nice cup of treacle tea, himself.

Deleted user

"Why do I make everything so difficult? Because this isn't right, Acacius! I'm not used to this! Magic isn't supposed to exist! I'm not supposed to be able to do any of this stuff!"

Deleted user

"That's not what the saying is used for." She stared at him, daring him to defy her. "I'm telling you now: we need to go to this Wonderland Council. I want to leave, and they seem like they're gonna be more helpful than you."


Acacius stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. “Fine…” he complained. “Let’s go then so you can save Wonderland and then just ditch everyone here and go back to your world.”

Deleted user

"That's exactly what I've been trying to tell you this whole time," Kiyomi sighed. She looked at Acacius pointedly. "Well, come on. I don't know my way around. You're the one who was born here."


Acacius sighed. “I know this will make you all annoyed and skeptical, but the location of the Wonderland Council isn’t always the same place. You have to have been there, which I have, to know the way.” He pulled a locket out from under his shirt, the actual locket part now visible instead of just the chain. “This locket is special. It’ll help me know which way to go. All you have to do is follow me.”

Deleted user

"And what do you think I'm gonna do? Run off and explore? I've seen this place too many times, Acacius. Too many times have I been put in danger in the real world because I tried to explore. That's why I'm gonna follow you, and that's why I'm not gonna explore."


Acacius narrowed his eyes, a muscle in his jaw ticking. “Okay, I get it. Let’s go then,” he grumbled, turning and walking in a seemingly random direction. He began humming to himself, not seeming too upset despite his momentary anger.

Deleted user

Kiyomi could tell that Acacius was pissed at her, but she was pissed at him. All he wanted to do was fix Wonderland, which granted was a good thing to want. But she wasn't used to this. This was her mother's world. She just wanted to go home.


Acacius continued to walk in front of her, occasionally stopping to consult his locket. It was emitting a faint golden glow as Acacius opened it to check again. He continued humming a strange song, one that his father used to sing to him (though his father had never really had a good singing voice). He knew that with his visions, he would eventually end up like his dear old dad: absolutely bat shit crazy. But he pushed it out of his mind. He and Kiyomi had more important things to do. Kiyomi, who probably hated him, or at least that's what she was acting like. She only cared to hurry up so she could leave and never have to see him again. Acacius frowned. He had to stop acting so selfish and just save Wonderland already, which was easier said than done.

Deleted user

Kiyomi began to softly sing the song the lullaby her mother would sing to her as a child. At first she hummed, much like Acacius was doing. But then she began to sing the lyrics, softly so that Acacius wouldn't hear too much.
Earth moves the air and the wind feeds the fire,
Magic is here if you dare to believe.
Sail out to sea on an ocean of mystery,
And bring your heart to the ones that you meet.

It was an odd lullaby, but it always brought her comfort.


Acacius turned his head when he heard the soft cadence of singing from behind him. Was she singing the same thing that he had just been humming? Should he say something? No, he was still angry with her. And she hated him. So he turned back quickly, hoping that she hadn’t noticed.

Deleted user

Kiyomi continued to sing softly, even as her clothes began to change. She saw it happen. As her dress went from grey to gold, as her shoes went from wedges to heels. It was very gradual, and to her it was quite pretty to watch.


Acacius turned around again to see Kiyomi’s dress shifting. His eyebrows shot up at the sight, though it was more at the fact that it was happening to Kiyomi, of all people, and not that it was happening in the first place.

Deleted user

(sorry, ive been really busy the past few days)

Kiyomi looked up to see Acacius staring at her. Well, her dress. But still her. "Don't you know it's rude to stare?" Her hair unraveled itself, the grey hat being replaced by a simple gold bow.


(it’s ok, i have too)

Acacius rolled his eyes. “In case you haven’t noticed, your clothes just shifted and I was curious,” he responded before turning around. He was able to hide his excitement at Kiyomi’s dress, but he covered it with his annoyance with her.

Deleted user

"Of course I notice, it happens every time I come to Wonderland. I don't know why it happens, but it does." She stared at him, daring his to say something. "Besides, you don't think I would notice that my shoes have changed style and that my hair is no longer in its braid?"


Acacius coughed awkwardly, unsure how to respond for a moment. "Well, it stands to reason that you would notice, but you're not like the others I've spent time with here," he said, deflecting the question as he continued to walk again.