@Celeste_X0X0_ group
(Hey Rainy! <3)
And thanks! Hes a tad new
So when are we starting?
(Hey Rainy! <3)
And thanks! Hes a tad new
So when are we starting?
(we can start now?)
(Oh okay!)
(Alrighty! I'll have the starter in a moment. Unless someone else wants to.)
(Update: I'm a bit busy rn. So I'll post a starter tomorrow if no one wants to.)
(I would, though I need to actually get offline, so that causes problems.)
If i get the whole jist of everything, time periods and the atmosphere of everything, and the fact of have they met before or do they meet in the roleplay. If i know all of those things, i could post a decently long starter if you would like for me to.)
(It's up to you if you make one or not. I'm imagining that they'd just be meeting each other, but that's really up to you. The time period is…shrug. Sometime in the future. )
(Okay, so what’s the state that the world is in right now? Like totally in shambles and everything’s destroyed and on fire or….what? And are there certain safe places? Sorry i just want to know everything thats going on so I don’t get anything wrong and mess something up)
(I imagined that almost everywhere is destroyed excluding someplaces)
(Okay, i have an alright idea on this. I think. So ill post it, but if you don’t like anything, tell me and ill change anything you would like me to. Its your roleplay and your story. )
Young-Nim Choi stepped through the ash and broken concrete of a small building. A big black coat covred his torso along with ripped jeans and combat boot. His beach blonde hair was a mess and it was darkening around the roots. He hadn’t had dyed it for a while. He had stolen some bleach from burnt down hair salons that he had found and dyed his hair. Of course he still cared about how he looked.
Though he didnt know he would be meeting anybody around here until now.
A radio attached to a few of the buildings that hadn’t burnt down yet. A signal finally reached them.
A meetup…..
man he was looking forward to this. Finally! Some socialization!
He packed his bag and stepped out of the concrete broken down building. Yeah, he had a big coat on but he was dying from the heat. Somehow he managed to keep his hair soft and his face clean. He was always cold anyway. This was rather nice, being warm all of the time.
The tall man stepped outside only to see flames and ruins. If he followed the directions that the person on the radio gave, he should be able to find it and meet up with everyone. If there was anyone else left that hasn’t burnt to death or killed themselves to escape this hell. Which he’s thought about a few times.
Walking down the cracked road, avoiding any holes that he could easily fall in and die just by a tiny slip.
He kicked aside a rock. The pebble falling down in a wide hole. He listened for the sound of the thud of it hitting the bottom of the pit like he always did. And like IT always did. Never hit the bottom. Was it just to the earths core? Was it just too far down for him to actually hear? He never knew and he never got close enough to find out. Hot steam came out of the bottomless pit. It you did get near the ground would crack and break and you would fall it. Either that or it’ll burn your skin right off. Or in his case, his nice clothes.
(Sorry it took so long. I got started on it later than i wanted to)
Dammen ran through a crumpling doorway and immediately tripped over the step and landed on his face. He quickly pushed himself up and glanced around to see if anyone saw before remembering that barely anyone used the streets anymore. He stood back up and brushed the ash and dust off his jacket.
He stretched and started walking aimlessly down the road. He'd heard there was a meet up of survivers and he figured he might as well go. He had some time. He clambered onto the top of a stone wall and perched there, turning over his dice in his hands. He prided himself in having all of them still. He waited there for a few minutes and remembered the crackers in his bag. He took one out and nibbled on it as he looked out over the broken landscape that once was a street.
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