(Could I join?)
(Could I join?)
(Happy noises Yes, you may all join. :})
(Cool, thank you!)
(dances in where is the form)
(First page~)
(dances in my page must be glitching cause it's not there)
(I'll PM it to you then.)
(Screeches in thx)
(You're welcome. {: )
(Ayyyy look at that! People joined!!)
(Mhm .u.)
Full Name : Estrella Pele
Nicknames : Este
Age (16-18) : 18
Gender and Sexuality : Female, Bisexual
Open for shipping? : Absolutely, although I doubt anyone will want to ship with her :(
Personality : Etse doesn't really like to socialize. She hates people, because most of the ones she's met are sexist jerks. She hates a lot of things, and has a hard outside, and a very strong wall surrounding her feelings. She has a very quick temper, and loves a challenge. She will never turn one down. Ever. She is a daredevil, and wants to be in the spotlight, but doesn't at the same time. She is incredibly loyal, if you get her to like you, and she will tear apart the world for you. She is sarcastic, loud and occasionally a hypocrite, but don't tell her I said that, or she will kill me. If you can get past the thorny walls of her personality, she is sweet and kind, and a bit of a romantic - not that she'll ever admit that. She holds a grudge for a very long time, and if someone fucks up, she won't forgive them easily. When you hurt someone she loves, she will get all quiet and scary, and will watch you with her penetrating eyes, planning many ways to kill you, which can be incredibly unnerving. She is very clever, and knows exactly how to hit people where it hurts the most.
Physical Appearance : Este has short, jaw length fiery-colored hair, lighter at the roots, darker at the bottom. Her skin is pale, with the slightest tan, and she has a small smattering of freckles of her nose and cheeks. She is short, about 5'3'', but never lets her height get the best of her. Despite her size, she still manages to tower over people, even if they are a foot taller than her. She has piercing blue eyes, the color of ice, and they have a dark, shady look to them, as if she's about to plan something horrible. She has a scar on the tip of her nose, a line that goes from one eye to the other. She is curvy where she needs to, slim where it looks good. She moves with an eerie, unearthly grace, and at times doesn't even seem human. She is well-muscled, strong, and fast, and has calluses on her palms from fighting, and often has bruised knuckles.
Usual Clothing : Este will wear anything. She will wear dresses, skirts, shorts, a swimsuit - whatever she feels like at the time. But her most commonly worn outfit is a pair of black dancer leggings, a long-sleeve white short and a black leather jacket, with converse shoes. She always has a ring on, of a fiery gold color, which is the most important item to her.
Likes : Quiet, fighting, letting out her anger, running, her ring, the color red, being alone, her friends, keeping to herself, feeling powerful, creating strategies, adrenaline rushes, chains, dancing, music, rain
Dislikes : People, loud noises, cough drops, neon colors, overly-happy people, dad jokes, puns, nosy people, cold weather, the beach, her name
Items : A small army knife easily hidden in her sleeve, her jacket, a rope, a backpack, a screwdriver, wraps, an extra shirt and pants, headphones, dancing shoes, a sleeping bag, a water purifier, a water bottle
Skills/abilities : Boxing, most martial arts, running, lifting things, thinking of creative weapons
Background : (Haven't decided yet…)
Other (optional) : N/A
(nice, i like her)
(Is that all who we're waiting for for templates?)
(oh shoot sorry. I'll work on it asap)
(it's alright, take your time but not too much.)
(Noted. I'll take a week lmao)
(I'm having a slight inspiration issue but I will work on it)
(That's alright, thanks for working on it!)
(B U M P)
Okay y'all, here's the sitch. If @the-boy-with-earphones, @amber_is_a_starchild, and @ZephirFox8812 do not post their forms in 1 day from now, I will have to kick all three of them and reopen the spots unless any of the three deside to resign now.
(Sounds fair. Also last night I thankfully thought up the character I just need to fill it in inbetween school work. Which I definitely will do!)
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