@imJUSTasillylittleguy group
This might make me seem pushy, but bump
Sorry school is a jerk
I’ll have them up either today or tomorrow
Ah, okay. Just try to put them up soon. I really really don't want this to die
Me neither
Name: Bean Rose
Age: 16
Species, if any: Human
Appearance: shoulder length brown hair with a curve that moves upward, silver eyes, ivory skin tone, white t-shirt, purple mid-sleeve jacket (kinda like a denim jacket but not denim), blue skirt, striped tights that are two shades of purple, blue boots, flower crown in hair
Personality: theater kid lol, protective of siblings, can be pretty mischievous, still a sweetheart though
Likes: theatre, her family, peanut butter, and singing
Dislikes: Rude people, seafood, and politics :D
Things that annoy them: When people threaten to hurt kids
Small Quirks: Hums when bored, nervous, or excited
Backstory: Bean lived in a happy home of herself, her parents, and her 3 siblings. When the apocalypse started, she got separated from her parents. Now, she has to take care of all of her siblings.
Other: No magic
Name: Lilac Rose
Age: 14
Species, if any: Human
Appearance: long brown hair with bangs covering one eye, ivory skin tone, blue eyes, purple hoodie, black pants, white socks, purple sneakers, and a purple bag that’s filled with art supplies and food, there’s also a flower in her hair
Personality: very sweet and quiet, can get pretty clingy at times, overall a bean
Likes: art, her family, flowers
Dislikes: mean people, really loud noises, public speaking
Things that annoy them: When her siblings don’t listen to her
Small Quirks: blowing hair out of her face
Backstory: Lilac lived in a happy home of herself, her parents, and her 3 siblings. When the apocalypse started, she got separated from her parents and is now trying to find shelter with her siblings
Other: no magic
Name: Hailey Rose
Age: 12 (older twin)
Species, if any: Human
Appearance: blond hair, silver eyes, ivory skin tone, blue oversized sweater, black pants, purple cat ear headband, purple slip on shoes
Personality: also baby but less baby than Luka, very smart, hopeless romantic
Likes: animals, art, baking, and singing
Dislikes: bullies, creeps, and eggplant
Things that annoy them: When she has to eat things she doesn’t like
Small Quirks: likes to hum Disney songs when bored or nervous
Backstory: Pretty much the same as Bean
Other: no magic
Name: Luka Rose
Age: 12 (younger twin)
Species, if any: Human
Appearance: blond hair, blue eyes, ivory skin tone, denim jacket, blue tank top, blue shorts, black socks, blue sneakers
Personality: baby baby boi, precious bean, is an absolute angel, pretty smart
Likes: his loved ones, animals, plants, being a cutie pie
Dislikes: mean people, violent video games, horror movies
Things that annoy them: getting teased, his sisters not listening to him
Small Quirks: moves his head side to side when bored
Backstory: Pretty much the same as Bean
Other: no magic
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