forum writing log (at over 60,000 words)
Started by @n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

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@n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

Welcome! I'm just going to post my word count written and total word could each day to make sure I stay on track writing. I want my first draft done by the end of the year, I had originally planned to finish in September but I haven't touched my story in months because life got in the way for a little bit but it's all settled now. I figured if I posted it somewhere public instead of in my dusty google doc it would keep me accountable to myself.

Feel free to post your daily or weekly word counts here too if you want :)

I'm aiming for 500 words a day, whether I actually hit that will remain to be seen.

@n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

Here's my backdating of where I'm at so far:

28/04/23 (WC 2967 - 3524) Total: 557

29/04/23 (WC 3524 - 4105) Total: 581

01/05/23 (WC 4105 - 5014) Total: 909

06/05/23 (WC 5014 - 7514) Total: 2500

08/05/23 (WC 7514 - 8077) Total: 563

I'm currently at 10024 total words. I don't know when I wrote the additional 1947 but I've been writing small bits and pieces since May and haven't been adding them in the log. And there's the 2967 I already had when I started the log which I don't know when I wrote. Looks like I'm 1/8th - 1/10th away from a full length novel.

@n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

Immediately broke my own rule and skipped a day but made up for it a little bit today. Mostly just some descriptions and some dialogue. I've found that writing a "dumbest possible version" description of each chapter helps keep them flowier and more light-hearted rather going heavy into the themes like I normally do, which is what I'm trying to go for (unfortunately, I don't have a natural disposition towards comedy and yet here I am trying to write a novel largely incorporating comedy).
20/08/23 ( WC 10024 - 10583) Total: 559

@n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

Didn't write yesterday bc a lady was so mean to me at work that it made me cry, but I called in sick today as a mental health day and I have tomorrow off as an RDO. This is my first chunk of writing for the day, I've posted it on the sharing and critiques thread for some feedback. I'll write more today probably after I have a little break make "lunch" (it's 4pm lmao) and go to the gym.
24/08/2023 (WC 12001 - 14143) Total: 2142

@n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

I've taken a week off for rest and to focus on other hobbies. I also injured my shin in the gym and have been in a lot of pain (wearing heels to work basically every day has not helped). Hopefully, I'll be back writing again today or tomorrow.

@n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

I am in fact still alive. Have been dealing with life stuff (mercury retrograde hit me hard). I've also been doing some restructuring of a few sections and didn't want to write anything until i had it figured out. But I did manage to get some writing in today. I planned to write more but then the fire alarm went off at work while I was on the top floor and I had to walk down 60 flights of stairs in heels. I am exhausted!!!
16/09/23 (WC 17013 - 17213) Total: 200

@n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

I am still alive lmao. Been dealing with life stuff once again. I'm coming back to writing with a vengeance though. I finally finished my first chapter (been posted in the sharing and critiques thread along with some of my other snippets if you feel like having a read). Also been working on my outline and some research stuff while I've been gone. I'd say I've got a solid 65% - 70% planned out now, there's just some gaps in the chapter 11 - 16 range that I need to fill in. Anyways, I'm going to try to hit 20,000 words in the next few days.
22/10/23 (WC 17213 - 18588) Total: 1375

@n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

I'M FINALLY AT 20,000 WORDS!!!!!! I'm now about a quarter - one fifth of the way through writing this thing. It's the furthest I've managed to ever get on a wip. I did some work on the last chapter after finally having an epiphany about what the MCs journey actually is in this damn book so hopefully the rest of what I'm working on should fly off the page. May or may not write more today after I get back from my celebratory walk and coffee!!!!!
27/10/23 (WC 19173 - 20033) Total: 860

@n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

So, um, that celebratory walk turned into me realising I needed to quit my job. I handed in my 28 days notice. I will officially be free on 24/11. I have nothing lined up but I have hope. I had an interview this morning and three lined up so far next week. I've been thinking about leaving for a while now but had no intention of quitting without a backup plan until this afternoon. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me, I realised/decided in public and literally felt like I was about to start crying in the middle of the street like a total freak. I'm so proud of myself but I'm also shitting myself. Managed to write twice in one day for once though.
27/10/23 (WC 20033 - 20542) Total: 509

@n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

Want to keep writing but I have to go to work. I'll probably write when I'm there, how else am I going to kill time during my notice period lmao. I want to see if I can hit 25000 words today or tomorrow, it's a bit of an ambitious target but I'll give it my best shot.
28/10/23 (WC 21634 - 22612) Total: 978