Ok I think I have a better idea of the character.
A few things about his early church days-
- Baptists don't have priests or fathers. Instead, they have ministers and pastors.
- Christian's don't learn about specific Bible translations, most of us read from more than one translation, so you don't need to specify that it's the KJV if you don't want to.
- Not all baptists are big on the whole "you have demons, get out" thing, especially when they've been ministering to the one who supposedly has demons. They view everyone as redeemable. It can be personal though, so maybe that specific character really would react that way.
Ok, on the topic of sin and repentance. (most) Christians believe no one can repent on their own. Rather, after someone is saved (when someone acknowledges they're a sinner and accepts Jesus's death as the payment for their sins, and choosing to follow God because of that), they receive the Holy Spirit and look at how Jesus lived to help them overcome sin. Sin is anything that pulls one away from God, put simply. It's not just "oh I guess I should stop sinning now", it's more "I don't want to sin anymore because I want to be closer to this God who saved me". Praying can help someone connect with the Holy Spirit/God, and is a way to work through sin with God. Christianity is all about personal relationship with God, so talking to God is a big part of that. If you choose to describe Jason praying-
DO make it heartfelt. He's allowed to yell and scream at God, he's allowed to be mad at God, and he's allowed to ask God tough questions.
DON'T have Jason use fancy church language, or "Christianese" as many call it. He doesn't need to copy ancient scripts on how to pray.
Reading the Bible is also a key thing Jason is gunna need to help him get closer to God. Think of it as a love letter from God. He can look at how Jesus has lived and apply it to his own life. Christians believe God can speak through the Bible, that it's the Living Word. He doesn't need to worry so much about the specific laws and commandments because there's one big commandment that sums up everything Jason needs to know about living his life under his God.
Matthew 22:37-40 says this
Jesus replied "Love the Lord your God with all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your strength. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and Prophets hang on these two commandments."
As he reads the Bible more, he'll have more wisdom to equip himself with when facing temptation. When it comes to specific sins, like swearing some Christians point to this verse-
Matthew 15:17-20
“Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.
But some Christians don't consider swearing a sin if it's not used in anger. And of course taking the Lord's name in vain is the third of the big ten commandments.
Exodus 20:7
You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses God's name.
Spoiler - click to show.
When it comes to masturbation, it's not really discussed in Christian circles. When it comes to porn and lustful masturbation, that of course is considered a sin. See Matthew 5:28
"But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already commited adultery with her in his heart", and adultery (basically sex outside marriage) is in the ten commandments as well.
Though, I've never heard of it criticized in the stress/pain relief context.
As Jason loves God deeper he'll slow down with sinning. But it's not a straight path. He'll always be a sinner, and he'll screw up big time for the rest of his life. What matters is his motive to be closer to God, and from that good will result.
Don't be afraid to write in spiritual experiences in. The relationship goes both ways. Jason talks with and loves God, God loves and talks with Jason. It might not be obvious to Jason, but God will always be with him, interacting in subtle ways. Many Christians can "feel the Spirit" pulling them to make certain decisions in life. Don't be afraid to let Jason feel God's presence.
So yeah, that's what I've got. I can do my best to answer more specific questions if you need.