forum Find a picture and describe it (Writing Practice)
Started by @NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

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@requiemisback language

The porcelain doll seeped blood from its silk-smooth hand. She looked up at it with not only distaste but with terrifying shock as well. "M… Maria… What did they do to you?" the horrified female choked out, nearly in tears.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

The air carried a hint of salt coating the land framed by tumbled rocks along the shoreline. Marsh green grass with sand mixed in with a big grey cave sitting beside it. A tree popped out from the side, rustling in the breeze
The soccer team left the white canopy beach chair with colorful striped umbrellas to meet up on the smooth sand part framed by the teal sea sand crashing against the sand. The boys surrounding the leader pumping his hands up with his legs shoulder length apart

"I know what we're going to do today!" He cheered

@requiemisback language

"What… what is going on…" the confused male thought to himself as he saw the other males interacting in such a close way, given that one of the males was usually stand-offish, and the other one was never usually a bother at all. "Don't worry. I'll handle this," the calmer man said. The confused one let the calmer one take control, and the situation was handled… to an extent.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

The rich kid strutted out of his limo with his lips curled up in a smirk as he darted his golden eyes with the fierceness of a tiger. He cocked his head down to the peasants before him. His golden hair glared against the azure sky

@requiemisback language

The malicious entity grabbed the young girl with a fierce ferocity like she had never seen before. The malintent of this being could easily be sensed through any action that she did. "Please, let go of me- Please!" the young girl cried out, nearly in tears.

@requiemisback language

The petals fell all around her, and suddenly a hand reached out of the darkness, choking her with a mighty force. "L-Let go…" she cried out between gasps for air. "I- I can't breathe!"

@requiemisback language

The color red had always struck a chord with her. No matter what, she had always had a fondness for anything red. When nothing went her way, she bathed the world in red. The purest of colors. The color of love, of seduction. She would get him to fall for her someday, just as long as she painted everything… everyone… red.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

He rubbed his tongue up from the opponent's hand before tracing up his cheek. The man snatches his hand away before pinching his face into a grimace and pulling away
(Sorry for taking so long to respond (‐ w‐; )ゞ)

@requiemisback language

Sunbathed yellow had always been what enthralled the minds of the young. The gentle aura of the color emitting an entrancing glow, luring in even those who disliked the color. The color of the summer sun. The color of the sunflowers growing on the farm across the way. The color of happiness, joy. Oh, how I wish the world could be as kind as this color is on its lonesome.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Bile climbed up in Ena's throat as twisted and spasmed as her body twisted in a multitude of forms
"What are you saying?…" She slurred as her face twisted into a dragon-like form "Can't you say anything normal…"
"Wha- Ugh…Are you drunk again?" Moony asked in an annoyed tone, letting out a sigh as she rolling his eyes
Ena popped back to her normal state "No no no no no- No No." She stuttered like a glitching computer before holding her hand out "I just came here to bring you a gift."

@requiemisback language

Yoon found himself pinned down, bullet-like sweat dripping from his skin. He found himself unable to move; fully paralyzed. His eyes glistened with not joy or other intent, but rather, intense fear.