forum Find a picture and describe it (Writing Practice)
Started by @NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

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@requiemisback language

Candlelight. The only thing allowing me to see in the darkness… The darkness corrupting me slowly, held back by the light of the candle and the dripping of the wax against the metal plate it stands on. Salvation at last.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Dust gobbled and slurp up my door making it look like a spray of bullets hit it. The air vent quietly hum as the door creaks open allowing a flood of rainbow on my wall
"You didn't taste the rainbow, Now it will taste you." It bellowed before flooding the room in a mirage of colors

@requiemisback language

As he leaned in further towards my lips, his face an inch away from mine, he said, "You look really damn ugly." My heart shattered. I hadn't expected to hear this from him; I had liked him for so long, and yet, hearing this from him broke me. And even yet, he kept leaning in for a kiss, contradicting himself in several ways.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

I sagged over the grave, A purple hue dyed the cemetery as the sunset came in. The flag drooped in the background just like when I met him
It's been 2 years since I left and 2 months since he died. I thought what we had was special, those days in clubroom after club time, A forbidden love. It took me 2 years to know what we were doing was wrong. It was only for his amusement, I was only a body to him. Why am I a student, I'm a grown-ass woman now and I'm still tending to his grave. Why can't I hate him

@requiemisback language

The muscled mochi held him tighter as a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. "This is why we can't have nice things," he said, adjusted his glasses. "Ugh… let go of me, you damned mochi."

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

A dirt trail ran down the hills and valleys leading to a tower of fluffy white clouds, they were so close I could grab them if I got over there, strangely enough, a black bar obscure the rest of the picture. Is it real? What's behind it? What is it? Is anything inside?

@LilMeme group

The once vibrate yellow house deteriorated into an abandoned ghost shack, The paint peeled off the tile, garbage was scatter across the rotting roof , as vine suck up any life that was left in the old house

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

My final day here. It's a shame this place had to close, the check in machine was already coated in dust. The tile door were still had a sheen. A blue mini door crept on

What am I afraid of? Why do I feel like so empty, I'm moving to a brand new environment

@LilMeme group

The day she left, Kyle broke down. He still hears the ripples of his countless love letters that were all wasted. Nothing but trash now. The ring shattered on the floor as rose petal scatter around it

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

"Big brother…Is this the place?" The small boy asked as he clung to his brother's side
"Yes, this is where our new mommy and daddy are." assured the older boy. He looked straight ahead away from their usual checkbox floor and white couch. To the door that will grant them into a new world

@requiemisback language

I entered the small room, looking at the decor all around it. "Wow… This place is really pretty," I said, walking up to the beanbag that lay just on the edge of the rug. I plopped down onto the beanbag and stared up at the ceiling. "Maybe now… I've finally found peace."

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

My old neighborhood… I'm certain they all know the truth… Their hushed whisper… The glaring light with their humming…Even the fog mocks me… The usual trash gathers around the corridors. Each trailer was dyed with a murky beige. All short and stout spaced even from each other

The cicadas let out a cry before being interrupted by the barking and yammering of a pack of stray dogs. The window and doors slam open and shut
Each growing louder until it pierces my ears

You're not welcome here…. LeaveLeaveLeaveLeave Immediately

@requiemisback language

I look out at the large house I stumbled upon whilst doing my daily run. It was so huge… I wonder who lives in there? Maybe some sort of rich folk. Maybe even a celebrity? No, they'd get a bigger house. I noticed that there were no lights on, and I walked to the door. It was unlocked. Maybe now I'll find out what's inside…?