forum Worldbuilding Discussion: Ideas and Concepts
Started by @ghostphoenix

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Hi, I'm just a random human if anyone wants to help me with my stuff (see below) thanks, but mainly I like the username of the person above me and I just wrote a Heroes of Olympus/Harry Potter crossover in my head.

Anyway, my story is about 4 humans who defeat an evil dude with their magic powers. Due to this, they were invited to a school for superpowers. There they don't teach good/evil, just push chivalry/having a moral code. There are clubs for future villains and heroes, and the school is a magic castle except it's basically a gigantic room of requirement (with boundaries, of course, you can't walk into someone else's room). I need some ideas for other talents, not as cliche as the main ones you hear about. Also if any align with a side good/evil.


@YourOverlord Anything with shadows. Shadow travel, shadow shifting, becoming a dang shadow. But here's the kicker, he's a purely good guy. 100% dad material

Zoe The Writer

So, I got a fantastically interesting idea for my fantasy world. It has six different regions/kingdoms, and each one somehow lives in a different TIME PERIOD. They live as they would in the specific time period - medieval, futuristic, modern, eth.

Problem is, I have no clue how to make this plausible. How does it work??? Any ideas are welcome!


what if it's a galaxy, the most advanced kingdom/planet is just figuring out how to terraform and colonize other worlds. so they land on a medieval kingdom world and their like: ??? this isn't what I thought aliens would be like but whatev.

@Space group

Hi guys, can you possibly help me with something in my book? Basically it's kinda a new and undeveloped idea but in my book there is a village (That eventually gets destroyed) it is home to three secondary characters and a lot of time is spent in the village throughout the book. It's kind of like a medieval town. There are some crop farms but none for animals. I was wondering if anybody had any ideas for special features of the villages, such as buildings (A church is not needed) or anything else. I want to make it more interesting if a lot of the scenes will be there.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

A blacksmith would be a very important member of the group if the town's any size at all, as well as a medical professional of some kind (anything from an experienced, competent doctor to an amateur who happens to know a lot of herbal remedies will do). I'm not too familiar with how medieval towns function, but I'd guess that whoever doesn't own a farm needs a job that's considered equally important or they won't be very popular. You could consider who's in charge around town, and whether they actually got appointed as the official authority or whether they're just respected. Also maybe a pack of stray dogs lives there, and they either cause lots of trouble or protect lone townspeople from the dangers of the night. Idk, those are just some ideas. Hope they help! ^^

@Space group

Yeah, that's what I did. An interesting thing about the forest is that at night, they can see creatures standing by the tree line watching them

@personfullofplotholes language

Unless the town is completely self-sufficient, you'll probably have a lot of people who trade with nearby towns/villages- craftsmen who make goods like clocks or dairy products or what have you, and some of them might have an assistant/apprentice who comes with them on their journeys to these other towns? And even if your town is sufficient, you're going to need seamstresses for clothes, cobblers for shoes, carpenters and masons for building and maintaining the buildings, some form of leadership unless it's an anarchistic town, etc. etc. All these people in particular would likely have apprentices (besides the seamstress, which is typically a mother-to-daughters thing if I recall correctly) to carry on the trade when they can't work anymore. And all these jobs can overlap, too- a lot of these jobs don't have constant demand, so a cobbler might have a little farm out back to sustain himself on when no one is in need of shoes.
If they're by a river/lake there's probably a lot of fishermen who do trading with other towns and maybe a water wheel for grinding flour and the like; if it's a forest, loggers who cut down trees for both building in their town and trading with other places. Both would probably have hunting, too, which could either be just for townsfolk or for trading. Humans survive on cooperation with each other, so traders are incredibly common both within and between towns! And all these people would have families helping keep the house clean and cook and work on the land if they're farmers/ranchers, so your town could get to bustling pretty quick! Hope that all helped- it's by no means a complete summary of a town, but it's what I could think of.


Can someone read a lil' bit in this to make sure it makes sense?


wow this is reeeeaaaly good! have you read the Thirteenth Reality series by James Dashner?

was this directed to me? because if so thank you!! and ive been told those books are good but i havent had the chance to check them out


wow this is reeeeaaaly good! have you read the Thirteenth Reality series by James Dashner?

was this directed to me? because if so thank you!! and ive been told those books are good but i havent had the chance to check them out

The series is pretty interesting, and in a (mostly) complete world, I'd recommend it to anyone, but it isn't exactly a read-it-again-every-summer kind of book.