forum Yourself as a RP character
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Name: Mila
Age: 13-16
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Female
Looks: 5’7 or 5’8, average weight, shoulder length wildly curly light brown hair, green eyes, tanned skin
Outfit: bleached skinny jeans, fitted white shirt, baggy grey sweater, powder blue DocMartens
Personality: sort of a bundle of joy, tries to be funny, calm unless you set me off, quite smart, sweet, not extremely social but doesn't mind it
Fears: being alone
Skills: singing, acting, writing
Other: huge theatre nerd, love reading and writing, aspiring musical theatre performer


Name: Kate Doodle
Age: Junior
Sexuality: Aromantic and something? Probably heterosexual
Gender: Female
Looks: Gray blue eyes, vampire skin, short light brown hair, acne, and is smoll.
Outfit: Lots of loose clothing, jeans, and always wears a hoodie.
Personality: Normally emotionally cold (as of recent that's changing), speaks before she thinks, intelligent, stressed, mild anxiety that results in um bleh, pretty childish, blunt, too many innuendos, and overall is SHY. Despite doing a year of Speech team.
Fears: Death, failing a class, and actually blowing up at someone.
Skills: Flute, piano, techy tech, school stuff, and writing.
Background: Nope :P
Other: Nope :P


(This seems like a good place to introduce myself better…)
Name: Otter
Age: Eh….highschool
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Looks: Extremely long, thick, straight, blonde hair with blue ends, ocean blue eyes, has a short height at 5' 4", pretty skinny, fair skin, and large thick rimmed nerd glasses
Personality: Outgoing (around those she is comfortable around), super awkward around the guys she likes, clumsy AF, takes a lot to anger, if you anger her you done messed up, and stubborn as a mule.
Usual Outfit: Plain tees, slightly ripped shorts, sandals or flip flops, hair in a pony tail, sunglasses or her actual glasses, cat ears, stud earrings, and a nose ring.
Talents: Writing…?
Fears: Snakes, alligators, and clowns
Likes: Writing, role playing, her cat, otters, and drawing (even though she sucks at drawing)
Flaws: Stubborn, fails all her classes, depressed a bit, and so independent she won't talk to anyone if she has a problem.


Name: Tori
Age: 16
Sexuality: Pan
Gender: female but all pronouns are fine so go for it
Looks: long dark brown hair, pale-ish skin, light freckles, blue/grey/green eyes (I don't really know what to call my eye color oof), like,, 5' 5" or something around there, kinda chubby, smol scar on forehead
Usual Outfit: a sweater of some sort, slightly baggy jeans, and whatever t-shirt is clean. also glasses, I need those to see
Personality: awkward, friendly, will probably adopt you even if you're older, shy, and,,, idk. a potato.
Fears: big spiders (not tarantulas,,, just the bigger than normal spiders), dying, and being abandoned
Skills: oof, what skills- uhh, writing I guess, art maybe, music stuff, being a disappointment
Other: I hate myself, but I also love myself so idk man, I'm a weird one. very indecisive. I have a lot of internet friendos tho, which is why I'm telling you guys things so ye. aLSO!! I have a girlfriend so there's that.


Name: --
Age: -
Sexuality: I don't even know…
Gender: (biologically female) Don't know either…don't care abut pronouns
Looks: Asian, shoulder-length black hair that curls at the end in weird directions, almond shaped dark brown eyes, acne, medium-tall-ish
Outfit: Yoga pants and baggy-ish jumpers are a thing; usually greyscale; glasses when studying/reading etc. but don't look nerdy
Personality: INTJ; can be a bit of a control freak; says weird things at really weird times; socially awkward; hates a lot of things; has medium anger issues; don't know how to comfort people
Fears: The unknown, clowns
Likes: Potatoes, ducks, reading, music, drawing, cats
Dislikes: S A N D, grass, lawnmowers, vacuum cleaners, nursery rhymes, trolls; any outfits that shows my legs; dresses, Donald Trump
Skills: Music (flute, mediocre; piano, really good; singing, pretty good; composition, OK), poetry, annoying people, drawing, Minecraft, academics, reciting Tolkien lore (don't ask)
Background: Is an immigrant. Has an evil 3 year old sister.
Other: Fluent in two languages. Lucid dreams (no it's not fun it's terrifying)


Name: Ronja
Age: teenager
Sexuality: asexual
Gender: female
Looks:blue eyes, long brown hair, short and skinny
Outfit: thin glasses, jeans, simple shoes, simple shirts
Personality:INTP, really likes deep conversations, hates talking in public, obsessed with grades, anxiety
Fears: snakes, dark(cause her imagination starts running a bit too wild)
Skills:singing, dancing, creativity, OK at writing
Flaws: doesn't like being wrong, often not open enough for other people, may sound rude although didn't mean it
Other: Finnish, speaks three languages, does well in school