forum Yourself as a RP character
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Knight-Shives group

Describe yourself (a different version or idealised version) as a RP Character

Template (if needed)

Name: (optional)
Age: (optional)
Sexuality: (optional)
Gender: (optional)
Background: (optional)


Name: Keira (just first name)
Age: (optional) N/A
Sexuality: Straight (yeah ik, boring)
Gender: Female
Looks: Hazel/green eyes, ten skin, dark brown hair that goes down to about mid neck, big as heck nose, 5’4, skeeny, long legs
Outfit: Olive green hoodie, black legging, Nike tennis shoes
Personality: Awkward, nosy, v ambiverted but more introverted, really bad at describing herself
Fears: None?? It’s weird, I can’t think of any.
Skills: Fast runner, literally nothing else
Background: (optional) N/A
Other: Ahhh, that I’m really boring and not creative I guess.


Name: (These are her nicknames the last one is rarely used) James or Memee
Age: 10-20 (don't want to give out too much info online)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Bipolar, defensive, independent, reckless, secretive, curious, mostly happy, unless you anger her, and slightly depressed.
Appearance: Medium length, curly, chocolate brown hair, side bangs, hazel eyes, 5'7", many cuts and scars (not purposefully cut, just reckless), olive skin, and usually draws on her wrist, normally the words: 'Why' or 'Reality'
Outfit: skinny jeans, her high school swim team hoodie, lace up black boots, Pokemon socks, choker necklace, and two rubber bands around her wrist for swim.
Likes: Swimming, anime, floofy animals, Easter (she was born on Easter, so naturally she loves it), photography, writing, drawing (mainly just cheesy doodles), Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Dr. Seuss, and movies.
Dislikes: Running, therapists, people trying to help her, people trying to get her to open up, beans (yeah…its weird but true), school, homework, the dark, the ocean, and sharks.
Pets: A chihuahua mix dog named Mia, a terrier mix dog named Odin, and a floofy winter white dwarf hamster named Jedi.
Hobbies: Swimming, photography, writing, and watching anime.
Talents: Swimming, photography, and writing
Flaws: Fails most of her classes, easily annoyed, a big procrastinator, waaaay too independent, claustrophobic, and slightly depressed.
Other: Recently made it to state!!! :D
Fears: The dark, sharks, tight spaces, and the ocean.


Name: Elizabeth
Age: High school age
Sexuality: Straight
Gender: Female
Looks: Dirty blonde hair, 5'4", squishy cheeks
Outfit: Jeans, solid-color or striped shirt, black hoodie even though it doesn't match my personality
Personality: Bubbly. Over-enthusiastic. When tired, pessimistic and cranky. When not, optimistic and annoying.
Fears: Heights, rejection, pain
Skills: Climbing trees, writing
Background: Literally nothing interesting
Other: Uses same dumb username on every account ever. Also, fear of pain, but high pain tolerance??? Once needed stitches and insisted to my mom that I just needed to rinse it and put a bandaid on it.

Deleted user

Name: Dusk
Sexuality: Aromantic
Gender: Genderfluid
Looks: I have curly light brown hair cut very short (With the back a bit shaved) the curls are matted down with gel, I have caramel brown eyes, some freckles and I'm pretty tall
Outfit: A large black sweatshirt with black pants and a black headband (And a bunch of dark make up)
Personality: S a r c a s t i c a s f u c k
Fears: D u c k s
Skills: Singing

Deleted user

Name: Zyra Everett (not my actual name)
Age: N/A
Sexuality: Idk yet so ye
Gender: Female
Looks: Long wavy black hair, chocolate brown eyes with black ring, chocolate colored skin with a hint of olive, stitches right above her left eyebrow, and has glasses.
Outfit: Anything comfortable and is also not a bright color. So usually hoodies, and black pants or something like that
Personality: INFP-T, pessimist, can be super loud or super quiet sometimes, sarcastic af
Fears: Losing her loved ones/family/friends
Skills: Writing, climbing trees, photography, editing photos (is that even a skill?)
Background: You'll see
Other: I'm terrible at making characters.

@Moxie group

Name: Moxie (not really, but y'know)
Age: Junior in Highschool
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Female
Looks: Shoulderish length brown hair with a few natural blonde streaks, green eyes, long arms and legs, fairly tall, light skin tone
Outfit: Usually jeans and sweaters or flannels. Sometimes dresses and skirts. Wants to dress cooler but doesn't want to try that much. High top converse. Glasses. Always has a ring with flowers on it and tigers eye bead bracelet.
Personality: INFP, Creative, dreamy, kinda spacey, not super hard working, gets off track very easily, takes things too personally, generally optimistic. Reallyyyy sarcastic, pretty introverted unless shes comfortable around you.
Fears: Needles, people faking that they like her, hospitals
Skills: Writing (hopefully), dancing, acting, singing
Background: uhhh lets just say she had some run-ins with some hospitals when she was younger (if you wanna know more you can pm me, I just dont know yet how much I wanna talk about it here)
Other: Loves tea and animals and taking walks with friends. Finger guns wayyy to much. Very ready to move away for college. Has a younger sister


Name: Shuri (We'll go with that!!!)
Gender: Cis-male
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 18
Looks: Am smol boi, and very trim.. Very short and light, vibrant blue eyes. Quite a lot of scars.
Personality: Socially awkward, grungy, kind, funny, i am usually cold and rather pissy, but I do have a great sense of honor.
Skills: Helping people is one, I'm knowledgeable and adept atvarious fields of science and also at history, couch-throwing. I can do sorta badass things like ride motorcycles and throwing knives, but I'm, well, my skills have waned.
Fears: Not being able to help people who need it the most. That's about it!
Background: Nice try… Want my social security and PIN while you're at it?
Other: I like katanas and dress shirts!


Name: Jensen (kinda)
Age: 16
Sexuality: who knows
Gender: Female but non binary-ish, I go by they/them bc it's more comfortable
Looks: Short as fuck (5'3"), kinda thin, pale skin but with a warmish undertone, short dark brown hair (naturally a dirty/dull blonde), red splotches on face that come and go, a lot of redness around the nose, always looks pissed off
Outfit: Always wearing an oversized hoodie with jeans/leggings and old beat up shoes that need to be thrown out. Always. It never changes, just varies slightly each day.
Personality: Sarcastic, kind of a dumbass, pretends to be oblivious to a lot of things but is actually highly perceptive, master at concealing emotions when they feel the need to, is constantly making dick jokes, major procrastinator and has a lot of trouble focusing and getting work done
Fears: Abandonment, left alone in a crowd, the idea of infinity, looking up at the sky, bees/wasps, crying in front of people
Skills: Cooking, playing certain instruments, problem solving,
Background: Yeaaaahhhh no
Other: Loves cheesecake and will refuse to eat anything other than ice cream cake/cheesecake on their birthday


Name: Red, Angela, Gabriel, "Angie", "Gabe" (I go by many names lmao)
Age: 17
Sexuality: Polyamorous Demi-Polysexual
Gender: Genderfluid
Looks: short, fluffy brown hair (shoulder-length), 5'2", 127 lbs, broad shoulders, wide hips, small-ish waist, brown eyes, full lips, chubby face, pale skin with some freckles, curvy and sometimes hates it
Outfit: comfy and baggy clothes, sometimes dresses fancy to feel better about self-image
Personality: kind, gentle, spiteful, angry, helpful, needy, flirtatious, responsible, honest, loyal, humorous
Fears: my reality, spiders, needles, being abandoned/left behind
Skills: Baking, writing, reading, gardening, taking care of animals/pets, lying, playing soccer, dancing, singing, playing clarinet and ocarina
Background: Trust me, you don't want to know.
Other: Has an autoimmune disorder that makes my immune system really weak and susceptible to literally anything and everything. Is a kinky son of a dick.


Here's my idealized version of myself/the person I wish I was
Name: Jensen
Age: 16
Sexuality: bi/pan
Gender: cis something bc I hate being confused about my gender
Looks: Average height, muscular, a big booty (no shame, this is what I want), more vibrant hair, freckles on face and shoulders, smiles a lot, long eyelashes, no red splotches around nose
Outfit: Hoodies, jeans, and beat up sneakers. It will never change.
Personality: Caring, intelligent, social, understanding, knows how to control emotions, can make people laugh, can make people feel better and brighten their day, doesn't take things too personally
Fears: pfft none obviously
Skills: Playing a shitload of instruments, singing, baking, making people happy, playing video games, drawing/animating, writing
Background: My original background, just without depression, anxiety, and my father involved
Other: Doesn't have depression or anxiety, actually gets 8-9 hours of sleep every night, has time management skills and procrastination isn't an option

Deleted user

Name: Kylee
Age: nope
Sexuality: Very much gay
Gender: Female
Looks: An ugly short girl with glasses. Has changing color eyes (Actually a thing, it changes from green the blue. Ask Emi if you don’t believe me.), and curly medium sized hair. Has the body of an average teen and did I mention is very ugly?
Outfit: Whatever she can find in her closet, and usually a jacket over top.
Personality: A introverted selfless girl (to friends and family) who hates people and gets guilty easily. Is very competitive in video games, and can be very beaten up by her familys feelings.
Fears: Her family puting her up for adoption, her sister, and huge ass snakes.
Skills: (LOL I HAVE NO SKILLS I LEARNED) Drawing and playing Mario Kart (RACE ME 1V1 MK7 NO METAL MARIO)
Background: Lives in some crappy place that’s almost falling down with her family. Used to be a sassy extrovert, then when she went to 6th grade turned into a very depressed and introverted person, could still roast the crap out of people though.
Other: Has Depression, Anxiety(social and speration), ADHD, and low self esteem. Has a 2Ds and is on it all the time. She can’t slap some humans, but doesn’t like to fight. Can’t english what so ever, and can speak some Japanese from anime.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Name: Arabelle Moore (my pseudonym and not even close to my real name)
Age: 17 (almost 18 and somewhat scared of it)
Sexuality: Straight
Gender: Female
Looks: Strawberry-blonde-ish hair in an inverted long-bob that almost reaches my shoulders (naturally blonde, but maroon hair dye stains blonde hair, apparently). Very fair skin with freckles here and there. About 5'4.5" with long limbs. Blue eyes that are sometimes green, usually depending on the color of my shirt.
Outfit: Usually some graphic tshirt and jeans, or just pajamas if I'm feeling lazy.
Personality: Pretty shy around new people, but louder around my friends. Sarcastic, likes to crack jokes, generally a pretty happy person.
Fears: Fish in lakes/rivers (don't ask because I don't know). Heights (sorta). Bees (any kind of bee or insect like them), I hate them. Box elder bugs.
Skills: I can play a bit of piano (self-taught, not very good). Drawing, writing, organizing stuff.
Background: Not the best nor the worst, but I try not to think about it…
Other: I have three cats, a younger sister and half-brother (from my dad), technically an older half-brother and half-sister (from my dad, both having different moms; which is part of the reason I don't think/talk about my background much). Oh, I also look enough like my mom that I get mistaken for her in pictures sometimes, and vice versa.

Deleted user

omg this looks so fun!!
Name: (optional) lets just say moonlight
Age: (optional) older than 13
Sexuality: (optional) GAAAAAAY
Gender: (optional) female
Looks: mid-length brown hair thats' slightly wavy (on good days), eyes that are really light blue/grey, lots of little freckles, long legs and long arms, stubby fingers. average…body? idk
Outfit: JEANS always , and big ol sweaters, if it's cold. T-Shirts if it's hot. I think i look badass in tank tops but will never wear one in public haha. Never ever wears dresses or skirts.
Personality: Tries to be nice to everyone, like ever, but sometimes gets a little …passionate. A little skeptical of authority, but (mostly) follows the rules. Tries hard, but is a little lazy. BIG on procrastinating. Loves animals and nature. Also gets really really sad sometimes but thats okay
Fears: being alone, failing, not being good enough, geese
Skills: reading really fast, debating (read: arguing)…coloring with colored pencils. Math
Background: (optional) uhhhh oklahoma..?
Other: has anxiety and 2 dogs, wants to be an artist but isn't very good

Deleted user

Name: Kylee
Age: nope
Sexuality: Very much gay
Gender: Female
Looks: An ugly short girl with glasses. Has changing color eyes (Actually a thing, it changes from green the blue. Ask Emi if you don’t believe me.), and curly medium sized hair. Has the body of an average teen and did I mention is very ugly?
Outfit: Whatever she can find in her closet, and usually a jacket over top.
Personality: A introverted selfless girl (to friends and family) who hates people and gets guilty easily. Is very competitive in video games, and can be very beaten up by her familys feelings.
Fears: Her family puting her up for adoption, her sister, and huge ass snakes.
Skills: (LOL I HAVE NO SKILLS I LEARNED) Drawing and playing Mario Kart (RACE ME 1V1 MK7 NO METAL MARIO)
Background: Lives in some crappy place that’s almost falling down with her family. Used to be a sassy extrovert, then when she went to 6th grade turned into a very depressed and introverted person, could still roast the crap out of people though.
Other: Has Depression, Anxiety(social and speration), ADHD, and low self esteem. Has a 2Ds and is on it all the time. She can’t slap some humans, but doesn’t like to fight. Can’t english what so ever, and can speak some Japanese from anime.

(Oof I forgot the most important thing, I play the Clarinet and I’m mediocre at it lol.)

Deleted user

You need to talk to someone? I'm here if you do…

I already do, and their names are Destiny and Emi oh and I have a therapist to.

@Becfromthedead group

Name: Rebecca (sometimes called Bec, but only by really close friends)
Age: 19
Sexuality: Demisexual, definitely likes guys, maybe other genders too, but isn't entirely sure
Gender: Female
Looks: 5'4, 140 lbs, pear-shaped (big legs and hips, small chest and waist), thick shoulder-length dark brown hair that sometimes curls and other times turns into a frizzy mess, chestnut brown eyes, vampire-pale skin with very few freckles, tiny hands and feet, square-shaped face and heavy jawline
Outfit: Varying fashion sense; some days big and comfortable clothes, other sparkly and cute, others edgy form-fitting and dark colors; wardrobe essentials are black jeans, lace-up-boots, sweatshirts, and fuzzy socks, also dark eyeliners and bold lipsticks
Personality: ISFP/ISFJ (Isn't the most valid measure of personality, but it's something), Introverted, hardworking, kind of anxious at times, overly emotional and empathetic to the point that it usually just hurts, tries to be nice usually, takes things too seriously, higher self-confidence than one would expect for someone of her nature
Fears: spiders, car accidents, dying too young, finger/toenail injuries
Skills: Piano, singing, drawing/painting (sort of), knitting, baking, swimming, writing,
Background: Grew up in Georgia, went to an arts school for all of school, where she learned piano and kind of lost her passion because it always felt like work, was pressured to go to a college she didn't want to go to, but eventually she won over and is very happy at her university; has a good relationship with her dad but a poor one with her mother (who claims to love her then goes and says rude stuff all the time and whenever she speaks up, she's the bad guy, but it's fine)
Other: Has a smol dog and really wants a cat, likes video games and anime, mildly depressed