forum Your Worst/ Least Favorite Teachers
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So for seventh grade English I currently have a teacher named Mr. Anthony. He LOVES Star Wars, Marvel, DC, even Sherlock and Supernatural and is the most laid-back and funniest teacher I have ever met in my life. Like, we're in seventh grade, but we can curse under our breath in front of him and he'll just wave it off. I swear this guy is awesome. He wears street clothes except on Wednesdays and Fridays when he wears a bow tie because of Bow Tie Wednesday and Stay Classy Friday. He has us do writing prompts of the best things (not normal stuff like personal narritaves, NO, he does like the fake redhead's writing prompts and writing.prompt.s and awesomeness) and he's just THE BEST.

Omg he sounds awesome

Deleted user

He is. He basically lets us read or write whatever we want as long as it's edited and in the genre. And he doesn't even have us edit it all the time!

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He sounds a lot like my 5th grade teacher Mrs. Gotsis, who was overall the best teacher I ever had.

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i have a teacher kinda like that hes our advanced reading teacher and everything is online and we have a VR in our room its super cool

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Yo cool sixth grade wassup
yeah he's super cool he has a darth vader helmet he wears on Mondays sometimes and a moveable stormtrooper figure that he poses reading a book. He gives us word scrambles every morning and we have a huddle with a word of the day. It's awesome.

Deleted user

He's my favorite teacher ever tho
and then Mrs. Fung LOL 87 year old does the floss, taught by none other than sixth-grade Sami Sallayah.


So for seventh grade English I currently have a teacher named Mr. Anthony. He LOVES Star Wars, Marvel, DC, even Sherlock and Supernatural and is the most laid-back and funniest teacher I have ever met in my life. Like, we're in seventh grade, but we can curse under our breath in front of him and he'll just wave it off. I swear this guy is awesome. He wears street clothes except on Wednesdays and Fridays when he wears a bow tie because of Bow Tie Wednesday and Stay Classy Friday. He has us do writing prompts of the best things (not normal stuff like personal narritaves, NO, he does like the fake redhead's writing prompts and writing.prompt.s and awesomeness) and he's just THE BEST.

My current English teacher was also awesome like that. Mrs M constantly joked with us and it is the one class which we could just go crazy (she also tell us, jokingly, that we should all be sent to a mental health centre), and tell us we have to call her the Goddess, and people constantly "challenged" the Goddess' authority. When other classes were reading boring af PowerPoint she let us debate on interesting topics (we were doing persuasive writing at the time). The first lessons back each term was literally a gossip session. There was this really dumb textbook that's like designed for third grade kids and other classes get work from it constantly while we do like 5 pages a term.

My least favourite teacher ever was this French teacher who I had for like 3 years in elementary school. Everyone else started French in third grade but I only went to that school in like in the last term of grade four, as I was an immigrant from a non-English country. She never taught me the basics when I first came. Her method of teaching was essentially worksheets and repeating words after her. Every single lesson, when she's marking off the role, she asks someone a basic question in French, and I was spared from this in fourth grade but in the next year she asked me as well and I knew like nothing. I learnt all the basics from watching the other kids who could actually speak a bit. In the whole of elementary school I was scared of saying anything out loud. Now I'm still traumatised about French because of her "questioning"

Deleted user

You got taught French in fourth grade? in Carmel schools we learn languages in sixth


My least favorite teacher has been my science teacher. She used to teach younger grades (like 5 years younger) then she moved up to our grade to teach. She taught us NOTHING. anything she tried to teach us we had already learned like 5 years ago or the facts were wrong. How do I know the fact were wrong? She taught us blue eyes were dominant over brown eyes. The worst part was I had her for two years in a row. There were also classes when we would watch funny cat videos all class.

Ok, that don't sound too bad. "Hey kids, it's cat video Friday!"


My Sunday School teacher… she was my aunt's frickin MOM. She was…eh. She was too strict and never let us have fun. We never played any games (we were like 5th graders) and I hated it. She…eh.

Reggie Buttkiss (not her real name btw). She was my teacher and egh. Im bad at explaining. We played the SAME GAME every single time, and we had snacks, and she always brought SOME SORT of poison (almonds). Deb was her assistant and she was strict and rude. My friend asked her a civil question, and she's just like NO. But my two friends were in that class. And her OTHER sub was pretty cool. (Three cheers for RON!) Also, in one class, she made us stuff envelops for a frickin HOUR. In a two hour thing. Goshdarn you, Reggie.


You got taught French in fourth grade? in Carmel schools we learn languages in sixth

We actually got taught French in third grade in most public elementary schools. It was really hard for me because when I moved to that school I couldn't even speak fluent English

Deleted user

I… I… liked all of my teachers…

They were all good…

Deleted user

i had this teacher who would treat us like his kids and he would always yell at us trigering quite alot of panic attacks

Deleted user

I… I… liked all of my teachers…

They were all good…


I really like my school district. One of my teachers even said that he wouldn't specifically call on people out of the blue because of anxiety. And I was so happy.

Deleted user

I don't either. But one teacher said that he might do some and I was like Okay… okay… MILD ANXIETY!!! Different teacher, though.

@Becfromthedead group

I’ve had so many bad teachers lol where do I start? (I’m also pretty sure the school system I grew up in is half the reason I’m so anxious all the time, but whatever)
Uhhhh I’m going to just talk about the teacher whose class I dropped halfway through the year after a lot of fighting with the system.
So I was taking forensic science my junior year of high school, but my school couldn’t find anyone to teach it, so they hired this random old man who had retired from teaching. We’ll call him Mr. F.
He never taught us anything. There was a single powerpoint the whole year, and it wasn’t even one that he made. He found it on the internet, then when it was test day, he HAND-WROTE the test, and his handwriting was worse than mine. Most of the “learning” we did in there was him telling us to research stuff on our phones, which was terrible for me because at the time, I had a flip phone. He let people go to the library for about the first month or two of class, then he said we couldn’t go there to research anymore while expecting us to write stuff on these random murder cases he gave us. That puts people who can’t afford mobile devices to bring, or just don’t have them, at a disadvantage.
He yelled at us every day. Like deafening yelling. People down the hall could hear it. He berated us constantly, implied that we were stupid, had punished people for asking honest questions and having real concerns. Had the nerve to use the ,”most of you are adults, you know how to act!” He also broke privacy policy by calling out all the names of people who failed an assignment because they hadn’t turned it in, and when it came to individual disciplinary action, he would take people in the hall and yell at them, so that’s also kind of a privacy issue. I even had him yell directly at me once because I had my phone out in preparation for whatever bs he was going to ask us to research while he was talking about his medical problems, and he went on to say how little people cared for the fact he almost died. And it’s just like… yeah. You kind of brought that upon yourself.
To get out of that class, I had to fight so hard because my school had a policy of, “no dropping after 2 weeks unless you’re failing a class.” I wasn’t able to get out until the end of the first semester.
But yeah, they replaced him the following year, and I’m just still really bitter. My school hires so many bad science teachers, and as a STEM major, it’s just made everything really tough.
(Sorry this was so long, but there was a lot to say)