forum Your Worst/ Least Favorite Teachers
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Deleted user

We've all had a bad teacher at least once. Tell me about your worst teacher (also please refrain from using their real names) and explain why.


My least favorite teacher has been my science teacher. She used to teach younger grades (like 5 years younger) then she moved up to our grade to teach. She taught us NOTHING. anything she tried to teach us we had already learned like 5 years ago or the facts were wrong. How do I know the fact were wrong? She taught us blue eyes were dominant over brown eyes. The worst part was I had her for two years in a row. There were also classes when we would watch funny cat videos all class.

Deleted user

My least favorite teacher has been my science teacher. She used to teach younger grades (like 5 years younger) then she moved up to our grade to teach. She taught us NOTHING. anything she tried to teach us we had already learned like 5 years ago or the facts were wrong. How do I know the fact were wrong? She taught us blue eyes were dominant over brown eyes. The worst part was I had her for two years in a row. There were also classes when we would watch funny cat videos all class.

Sounds pretty bad. I had the opposite situation in 7th grade where we took a Spanish class and halfway through the school year our teacher was replaced with this guy who looked more like he should've been teaching a more advanced class. He kept giving students F's on their homework because we didn't include a certain part. WHICH HE NEVER MENTIONED



 A great guy, constantly telling stories about how he used math while working at McDonalds for a summer job. His method for teaching (god knows what it was, I already forget) is to draw a person on the whiteboard named Sparky, and to erase parts of his body when students answer something specific that I can’t remember correctly! Sparky also had a girlfriend, who you could identify because of her “curves.” When teaching subtracting integers, instead of telling us to keep, change, change, he simply said “bip bop.” No one knew what it meant. He constantly talked about his personal life during class, and revealed that he’s been engaged to his fiancée for maybe 20 years, he turned down a job at NASA to teach at my school, he likes to dress up as Frankenstein for a haunted house he sets up during Halloween, and multiple McDonalds stories. He was known for barking and growling at students as they passed through the hall and trying to show his classes videos that he loves, such as something about spam from Monty Python. He would sometimes play music while we were working, ranging from David Bowie to Smash Mouth. Mr. Retter really was a guy. He didn’t die, he just transferred schools.


Mr. N likes to talk about how he could fail the entire class bc he's the teacher, it's his class So he can do whatever he wants
Mrs. H threatened to call child services bc my friend had to walk to her siblings school to pick them up instead of her mom
Mr. F yells at everyone and does the exact opposite of what my IEP says

Deleted user


 A great guy, constantly telling stories about how he used math while working at McDonalds for a summer job. His method for teaching (god knows what it was, I already forget) is to draw a person on the whiteboard named Sparky, and to erase parts of his body when students answer something specific that I can’t remember correctly! Sparky also had a girlfriend, who you could identify because of her “curves.” When teaching subtracting integers, instead of telling us to keep, change, change, he simply said “bip bop.” No one knew what it meant. He constantly talked about his personal life during class, and revealed that he’s been engaged to his fiancée for maybe 20 years, he turned down a job at NASA to teach at my school, he likes to dress up as Frankenstein for a haunted house he sets up during Halloween, and multiple McDonalds stories. He was known for barking and growling at students as they passed through the hall and trying to show his classes videos that he loves, such as something about spam from Monty Python. He would sometimes play music while we were working, ranging from David Bowie to Smash Mouth. Mr. Retter really was a guy. He didn’t die, he just transferred schools.

I honestly have no idea if you're being for real or this was some kind of copypasta from Reddit


I now have an IEP because of one specific teacher(maybe two).

Alright, so imagine this, you have taken german for two years and need the credit for a diploma. You walk in the first day, and your teacher, lets call her Frau V, starts off with how she has been teaching for thirty one years and can do no wrong. She insisted that if we got subpar grades it was because we weren't trying hard enough, and uses public shaming as a teaching tactic. Frau V sees anxiety as a character flaw, and gives you panic attacks in her class, upon noticing this, she tells you to get over it. She tells you that you don't try on projects, and calls you stupid and dumb in german. You dissociate to deal with it, referring to yourself in the third person. When you ask to go to the counselors, she asks how you will ever learn if you aren't in the class. Frau asks if you have tried yoga for your anxiety, and on the last day of school looks you in the eye, and says that happiness is a choice.

There is also a math teacher that refuses to let you go to the nurse even though you are clearly bleeding from where you have scratched your arms in anxiety.

@Starfast group

I think my least favourite teacher, or at least one of them, was my Religion 11 teacher. Let's just call him Mr F. He wasn't mean, or strict, or anything but let me tell you why he was still my least favourite teacher:

  • He had has favourite students, but didn't even try to be subtle or discreet about it. First day of class he goes "Oh, I love [Name of another girl in the class]. She's so awesome." That's reeeeaaal subtle there, buddy.
  • We had these textbooks that weighed like 500lbs and we used them like twice throughout the entire year. I probably don't need to say it at this point, but I learned NOTHING from him.
  • That's actually a lie. I learned two things from him: 1. God called him to be a teacher (a story that he told us so frequently that 8 years later I still remember it) and 2. He has not one, but two autistic kids. Funny how neither of these things weren't in our 500lb textbook. Hm.
  • Acted like he was God's gift to humanity for caring for his two autistic kids. Like, good for you for being a decent human being and caring for your own kids, I guess?
  • Instead of just teaching us stuff he'd just spend all class talking about how he was such a great person because he was Catholic and had two Autistic kids, etc, etc. Pretty sure neither of those things make you a good person, but he brought it up nearly every class, which just made him an arrogant asshole.
  • The other thing that made him a Good Person™ was that he was responsible for organizing the Mission Trip every 2 years where him and a few grade 11 and 12 students would go build houses in the Philippines. I never signed up to do it, but my sister did. She actually had a spot on the national synchronized swimming team but declined it so that she could do this trip. And what does Mr F do? He cancels the trip.
  • It really just seemed like he got involved in volunteering and community projects like this just to make himself look like a better person, and if that's the only reason why you're doing those things then you're really not in it for the right reasons.

In hindsight, Mr. F reminds me a bit of Gilderoy Lockhart. Did I learn anything about the course content? Nope. Did I learn a lot about what a great person Mr. F is? Yes, absolutely. Should this guy be a teacher? That would be a resounding no.



 A great guy, constantly telling stories about how he used math while working at McDonalds for a summer job. His method for teaching (god knows what it was, I already forget) is to draw a person on the whiteboard named Sparky, and to erase parts of his body when students answer something specific that I can’t remember correctly! Sparky also had a girlfriend, who you could identify because of her “curves.” When teaching subtracting integers, instead of telling us to keep, change, change, he simply said “bip bop.” No one knew what it meant. He constantly talked about his personal life during class, and revealed that he’s been engaged to his fiancée for maybe 20 years, he turned down a job at NASA to teach at my school, he likes to dress up as Frankenstein for a haunted house he sets up during Halloween, and multiple McDonalds stories. He was known for barking and growling at students as they passed through the hall and trying to show his classes videos that he loves, such as something about spam from Monty Python. He would sometimes play music while we were working, ranging from David Bowie to Smash Mouth. Mr. Retter really was a guy. He didn’t die, he just transferred schools.

I honestly have no idea if you're being for real or this was some kind of copypasta from Reddit

This is completely true

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

I now have an IEP because of one specific teacher(maybe two).

Alright, so imagine this, you have taken german for two years and need the credit for a diploma. You walk in the first day, and your teacher, lets call her Frau V, starts off with how she has been teaching for thirty one years and can do no wrong. She insisted that if we got subpar grades it was because we weren't trying hard enough, and uses public shaming as a teaching tactic. Frau V sees anxiety as a character flaw, and gives you panic attacks in her class, upon noticing this, she tells you to get over it. She tells you that you don't try on projects, and calls you stupid and dumb in german. You dissociate to deal with it, referring to yourself in the third person. When you ask to go to the counselors, she asks how you will ever learn if you aren't in the class. Frau asks if you have tried yoga for your anxiety, and on the last day of school looks you in the eye, and says that happiness is a choice.

I had a math teacher in 9th grade that was similar, we'll call her Ms. M. She liked to publicly humiliate her students and if they talked back or stood up for themselves, they were sent to the office. I spent more time there then anybody else just because I would stand up for other people as well as myself. One of my favorite times that I was sent out of the class, Ms. M had told the entire class that I had failed the same test 2 times in a row (which wasn't true by the way) and I told her, "Well, you failed to teach me this twice now. I'm not the only one struggling in your class so something obviously needs to change." She was so mad that she sent me to the hallway to "talk to me about my behavior." I get really bad anxiety during tests and I have to take all my tests in the hallway. Well, Ms. M made me take my tests in her class and one time, I had an anxiety attack so bad that I passed out and had to be sent home because I had hit my head on her desk (it was at the back of the room) and had a concussion. She almost got fired when my family got pissed about how she'd treated me and her other students, instead she was told she had to take a year off and go to a bunch of teaching seminars to show her how she should handle her students. I thought it was a fitting punishment…

Deleted user

I had this substitute, Mrs. K. She taught my Bible Class since our usual teacher (Mrs. Gotsis, who BTW is an amazing woman who I highly respect. Her husband was actually my piano teacher too, he was an amazing man as well) was absent for part of the day and couldn't be present for that class (which was at the end of the day, she was around for maths and history and all the other classes though). Anyways, Mrs. K was horrible. She talked about how being LGBTQIA+ was a sin and that trans/agender/generfluid/queer/etc didn't "Exist" since you can't "Choose Your Gender, You're Just Born One Way Or Another" and thought anyone who liked the same gender as them or liked multiple genders was a sinner and should "Go To Hell". And me, a girl who is bi as heck, definitely disliked her. So yeah. Not the most fun class ever.

Deleted user

I had this substitute, Mrs. K. She taught my Bible Class since our usual teacher (Mrs. Gotsis, who BTW is an amazing woman who I highly respect. Her husband was actually my piano teacher too, he was an amazing man as well) was absent for part of the day and couldn't be present for that class (which was at the end of the day, she was around for maths and history and all the other classes though). Anyways, Mrs. K was horrible. She talked about how being LGBTQIA+ was a sin and that trans/agender/generfluid/queer/etc didn't "Exist" since you can't "Choose Your Gender, You're Just Born One Way Or Another" and thought anyone who liked the same gender as them or liked multiple genders was a sinner and should "Go To Hell". And me, a girl who is bi as heck, definitely disliked her. So yeah. Not the most fun class ever.

I had a similar experience here, though the substitute wasn't as bad as the one you described, I always carry this memory in my head of when she was talking about the Bible and then she asked the class if marriage is exclusive to men and women, as opposed to you know women and women, men and men, etc. Everyone raised their hand, including me. I didn't agree with her I was just too insecure to let people make fun of me because I supported the lgbtq+ or someone would assume I was bi (which I am)


So this past year my Spanish teacher left about halfway through the school year, and as a temporary replacement, we had Mr. D. (I remember in 6th grade when my class would get excited when he was a substitute, which is really hard to imagine now.)
Anyway. Mr. D (who, fwiw, is absolutely not Dionysus), was an….interesting teacher. We started off reading The Giver/El Dador by Lois Lowry. I'm just going to assume that some if not most of you have read TG so I'm not really going to go into full detail here.
Anyway, every day in class we'd read a few pages, pick a quote, write it down, and analyze it. Not too bad, right? Well, that was what we did in class for like a month or something, which, when you think about it, is kinda a long time to do the same thing in class every single day.
So when that was over, he decided we would make up a list of questions, then get someone else to answer them so we'd get 10 points for the day. (He also offered Smarties, but it was either or. You couldn't split the points and the Smarties with someone.)
But the thing was, he would make the required minimum of questions higher and higher every few days. We would also read less and less pages, so it went from, say, 3 questions for 3 pages to 13 questions for 2 effing pages. I'm not even kidding.
And you had to do all the questions, or else you would get a bad grade for that day.
It was ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! (And yes, that was a miraculous ladybug reference.)
And one day my friends were singing Washington on your Side from Hamilton and they finished TJ's really intense rap part and he comes over and chants out of the blue "the bullfrog jumps from bank to bank".
w h y y y y
So now he thinks it's some sort of inside joke when really it's not and he just needs to stop with the freaking bullfrog already. Once when we left his class, he called out the door after us, "Remember, the bullfrog jumps from bank to bank!" And on the last day of school, right when my friends and I are going to leave for a last-day-of-school sleepover at my friend Piper's house, he–once again–comes over to us and says, "Never forget: the bullfrog jumps from bank to bank!"
I'm hoping I'll never see him again.

Deleted user

So for seventh grade English I currently have a teacher named Mr. Anthony. He LOVES Star Wars, Marvel, DC, even Sherlock and Supernatural and is the most laid-back and funniest teacher I have ever met in my life. Like, we're in seventh grade, but we can curse under our breath in front of him and he'll just wave it off. I swear this guy is awesome. He wears street clothes except on Wednesdays and Fridays when he wears a bow tie because of Bow Tie Wednesday and Stay Classy Friday. He has us do writing prompts of the best things (not normal stuff like personal narritaves, NO, he does like the fake redhead's writing prompts and writing.prompt.s and awesomeness) and he's just THE BEST.
And then we have my worst favorite teacher.
She was actually a substitute teacher for pretty much every grade, but I hate her with the deepest pits of my soul because she treats us like kids. She thinks she owns us and that she's like the head of a hierarchy or something. In sixth grade, sixth grade my friends, an honors science class, she came in and asked us if we all knew how to spell friction. Like, what? She treats us like fricking babies and never takes our thoughts into consideration.
Other notable teachers!!
Mrs. Fung. An 87-year-old substitute who also hangs in the classroom to help the students. We were in science one day and this guy Sami was doing the floss while waiting for his computer to load, and good old Mrs. Fung comes up to him, "How do you do that?" And so Sami spend half the period teaching 87-year-old Ms. Fung how to floss. She turned out to be quite good.
Mrs. Fisher, substitute math teacher. She also thinks she owns us and doesn't take into consideration what we say. She thinks she's boss even when Mr. Wilson, our real math teacher, leaves the classroom for only five minutes. She doesn't even let us protest anything. Doesn't ask what we think. Except for when it's a problem, and then she makes it really hard so she can say "That's not right, you stupid kids!" I quote.
Mrs. Mora - she was also a science teacher who let us do song requests during class. My friends and I would fill up the song request slots with Hamilton and Undertale music and she just blared it super loud and sometimes we'd have dance-offs. She was great. Also she hosts a Harry Potter club where we're sorted into houses with Prefects and everything, and we play Quidditch and Trivia. It's great.