forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers

@saor_illust school

but im so tired of fighting..

ruby. i'm not going to be the person who says it'll get better soon, i've realized awhile ago that i can't promise that. but i will say, that if you keep going, fight, you will get through school. that is a promise that i can uphold. we're here for you, ruby. we'll help you. and if you need help with any schoolwork, i have a friend that can help! if you need help with friends, school in general, we'll be there for you. just remember, all is not lost quite yet.

@saor_illust school

oh no, it's cool izzy.
I was just giving out other options as to what ya'll can call me :p

alright cool

im not talking about school anymore but thanks?? aha

either way we're still here for you! don't give up quite yet!

@saor_illust school

oh thank god people are on-

so. two people one named rock, and the other fire. they were having a big brain moment, one helping the other with some math. so all of a sudden rock realizes he doesn't know what to do next and i say, "and you're supposed to be the smart one lel" then i feel the compelling urge to explain myself and so I do. then i write, "(Also, I don't know why, but I feel a compelling need to explain my reasoning behind those words for some reason. No offense meant, all in fun and games. God this is so awkward.)"

do y'all think that was offensive? and if he's seen it, is he mad at me? i'm not particularly close to rock, but i don't like to have strained or bad relationships with others online… i'm terrible when it comes to my social relationships, but for some reason i'm okay at analyzing others social relationships… please assist


it sounds like the type of teasing I would have with my friends ngl
if rock's offended by that… I doubt rock is, there's so much on the internet that what you said is hardly offensive.

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