forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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-sets a city on fire, punches a few walls- God FUCKING damn it, i was really hoping on my phone coming today but instead it's coming tomorrow, and i told all my friends that it was coming today, i had all of their phone numbers, all of their hopes up only to be a let down, and like i just want a phone because phone means more freedom away from my emotionally abusive dad who decided to treat my anger as a joke,like i'm some over-dramatic teen, and then got angry when i snapped at him.


-sets a city on fire, punches a few walls- God FUCKING damn it, i was really hoping on my phone coming today but instead it's coming tomorrow, and i told all my friends that it was coming today, i had all of their phone numbers, all of their hopes up only to be a let down, and like i just want a phone because phone means more freedom away from my emotionally abusive dad who decided to treat my anger as a joke,like i'm some over-dramatic teen, and then got angry when i snapped at him.

That's a mood, Evs.
My parents weren't very good either

Deleted user

I AM TOO! I am still pissy and want some hugs. Cause like okay so i get mad at my dad right? Well he has to go out of town for work, and he literally says to me 'i decide to stay home another day, and this is what i stay for? Wow. thanks a lot' like then ya should've just gone instead of blaming me for having fucking EMOTIONS


si I am a very angry person (though it might not seem like it because I bottle up all my rage for the sake of e v e r y o n e) and it felt good to let it all out and not have that same dust bunny walk all over me.


si I am a very angry person (though it might not seem like it because I bottle up all my rage for the sake of e v e r y o n e) and it felt good to let it all out and not have that same dust bunny walk all over me.

I am also angry naturally


I AM TOO! I am still pissy and want some hugs. Cause like okay so i get mad at my dad right? Well he has to go out of town for work, and he literally says to me 'i decide to stay home another day, and this is what i stay for? Wow. thanks a lot' like then ya should've just gone instead of blaming me for having fucking EMOTIONS

gives Evs the hugs


Yep, multiple times.

It's hard to tell where I had it last because I had grabbed all of my stuff needed for my painting lesson, walked out the door, but didn't realize until I got there that I only had my headphones with no phone attached to it.
I could've dropped it outside, it might be in my grandma's car, it could be hidden in my room, I might've dropped it when I grabbed my painting, I might not have ever picked it up and just had headphones the whole time. It could be literally anywhere…
It has an alarm set at 8:30 to help me find it in moments like this, but I have that stupid class tonight that my mom signed me up for so I won't even be home then

internal screaming

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