forum Your favorite movie?
Started by @Paperok

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This is tough, because there's a difference between what I think is the best movie versus what I actually want to watch all the time. Movies I wanna watch all the time are ones that I can name: Austenland, Son of Rambo, Live Die Repeat, Pirates of the Carribbean, Catch Me If You Can, Intolerable Cruelty, Fantastic Mr Fox, Hercules, Tarzan, Mulan, and basically any Studio Ghibli film. There's more but yeah. What about you?


Inception and Spirit are some of my favorites too!!!! I also love the Incredibles, Mulan, LOTR Trilogy, Dark Knight trilogy, Black Panther, Chicago, Cars, Lilo and Stitch, Tangled, Guardians of the Galaxy, and probably many more I've forgotten.

Deleted user

I don't like movies or watch them much. (I'd rather read the books)
But the THG movies, dang! Best book to movie transition I've ever seen. They captured so much in only two hours, even made two movies for one book. That's devotion.
I also like Anastasia.
But honestly, I spend more time on Webtoon than watching movies. Reading rather than watching is better in my book. Haha, book ha.
I'll see myself out.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

I like The Lion King. Spirit is really good, too. Oh, I used to love Flicka! That's in my top five favorite movies, for sure.

I really like God's Not Dead 2, also.


Boi, that is a hard question.
(So, without further ado, and in no particular order.)
Wonder Woman (2017)
Cinderella (2015)
Treasure Planet
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Hunchback of Notre Dame (This one is a bit low on the list due to the Gargoyles though. -_-)
Lion King
Singin' in the Rain
Big Hero 6
Thor (Darcy is my fav character in the MCU)
I love Star Wars and Lord of the Rings (Hobbit, too)

Deleted user

Wait, I forgot Lion King 2. I love that movie.

Oh, me, too!!!

I see a lot of hate for that movie so I'm glad someone else likes it!

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Wait, I forgot Lion King 2. I love that movie.

Oh, me, too!!!

I see a lot of hate for that movie so I'm glad someone else likes it!

What?!? How could someone hate TLK2? I mean, Upendi, c'mon!


I don't like movies or watch them much. (I'd rather read the books)
But the THG movies, dang! Best book to movie transition I've ever seen. They captured so much in only two hours, even made two movies for one book. That's devotion.
I also like Anastasia.
But honestly, I spend more time on Webtoon than watching movies. Reading rather than watching is better in my book. Haha, book ha.
I'll see myself out.

Anastasia is one of my favorites! I can't believe I forgot it.

@HighPockets group

The Last Jedi is currently my favorite, and I love all of the other Star Wars movies. Anastasia and Atlantis are great, Tangled, Big Hero 6, Zootopia, Inside Out, the first Harry Potter movie, Rogue One, Fantastic Beasts, The Emperor’s New Groove, Home, The Princess Bride, and probably more I’m forgetting.


Boi, that is a hard question.
(So, without further ado, and in no particular order.)
Wonder Woman (2017)
Cinderella (2015)
Treasure Planet
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Hunchback of Notre Dame (This one is a bit low on the list due to the Gargoyles though. -_-)
Lion King
Singin' in the Rain
Big Hero 6
Thor (Darcy is my fav character in the MCU)
I love Star Wars and Lord of the Rings (Hobbit, too)

OH MY GOD TREASURE PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!! I grew up with that movie, it is so damn amazing. I looove Morph, he's just so adorable.
A few other favourites of mine are Rise of the Guardians, When Harry Met Sally, Good Will Hunting, the Dead Poets Society, Rain Man, Ella Enchanted and Enchanted. Also both Now You See Mes are good. Oh! And Bridge to Terabithia, obviously. And I saw Tangled up there, and I completely agree.


gasps I forgot the Princess Bride! facepalms How could I forget that?!?


@Imperfect_Autumn group

gasps I forgot the Princess Bride! facepalms How could I forget that?!?


IKR?!? "Mawage. Mawage is what bwings us togethaw to-daay."