forum Your character's proudest moment?
Started by @cerebrxlthundxr

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Oooooh this is a good one. I run a D&D game, so these are my players' proudest moments, as I would never write something like this.

Vaconto: Busting through the wall and shouting "OH YEAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" like the Kool-Aid Man.

Ventis: Casts Levitate on a goblin and sends him floating up to the moon. We salute you, moon goblin.

Wizomal: Throwing a fistful of glitter onto the goblins' gambling table, leaping onto it, doing the "ghost finger" trick, and casting Thunderwave. The spell was powerful enough that it insta-killed all the enemies there. It was supposed to be a challenging room!

Me (as Dungeon Master): As the three above entered the final resting place of Lord Char, an ancient and evil king from the Agananian kingdom, I started playing "Volatile Reaction" by Kevin Macleod, and as the music swells, I introduce my main villain, a White Crow Zealot. The floating Zealot had its hands put out in a T-pose and its arms were wreathed in yellow flame, and the door behind them slammed shut, and the torches around the room lit up. The fire-light revealed piles of riches and treasure, but as this happened, sand began pouring through the walls, Char stood, and the boss battle began.