forum WTF is English?
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Knight-Shives group


  • Read and Read are two different word, pronounced differently, but spelled the same
  • Two, To, and Too, are three different words but all pronounced the same
  • you can have that that, next to each other in the same sentence without needing a comma and it makes sense
  • Then and Than, have two different meanings and are one letter off from each other
  • Affect and Effect, Two different meanings one letter difference (sometimes hard to remember the difference)
  • Seen and Scene, both different words, different spellings, but pronounced the same (Also some get Scene and Since mixed up)
  • There are 'amazing' rules… that have too many exceptions. Example, the I before E rule
  • Also how words are put in plural form isn't consistent. Example, Why English Is So Hard poem

(please mention why you hate english)

Deleted user

english isn't my first language so it was really hard for me to learn it because of all the reasons you mentioned as well


All the synonyms! Like, run can be the sport, or running for a position, or runner up, or ran up as in embarrassing someone, or run over… it goes on and on


Ugh English classes are so dumb, like what even, you're telling me there's a difference between Repetition and Parallelism? WHat? Why? It's literally almost exactly the same thing.

Deleted user

Oh and people try to tell me that Belarusian is a hard language but I’m not the one with 4939204 grammar rules

@Knight-Shives group

I wanted to just mention something about the I before E rule
“There are 923 words that break the 'i' before 'e' rule. Only 44 words actually follow that rule.”


You have to inflect in certain areas or the entire word changes?? Like, what?

Also English is easily the worst subject in school ever. No, I will never in my life write an expository essay about friendship later. Nor will I read a book and annotate on it or anything. dhasjkd i hate the subject with a passion

@Knight-Shives group

I hate writing the meaning and pulling the meaning out of stuff. Like the curtains are blue because the writer wants them to be blue not because they are sad.


The other day I had a conversation with my 83 year old seat neighbor on a bus, he spent about 30 minutes telling me about examples of dumb pronunciations considering spelling. My favorite example he brought was a road called beauchamps, which people apparently pronouce "beechem" because why would the English steal a word from France without butchering it as much as possible


They don't like the French they have to hurt them like this.

Honestly, despite everything I might say about French (cough cough number system cough cough) it's still better than English


For those who are interested, here's a relatively short summary of all of the historical reasons for the spelling we're stuck with for English today:
favorite parts:

  • where English began using many French words yet only changed the spelling to match the British pronunication for some of them
  • when the first guy to own and use a printing press brought workers from Holland and Belgium who then misspelled stuff on a regular basis
  • where words magically became longer for the sake of $
  • the Great Vowel Shift is a historically documeted event
  • the guy who wanted to make English less compicated by getting rid of words that sound the same but mean different things by giving them different spellings, but just ended up making things even more complex
  • Congress shooting down plans for a spelling reform
  • the British Ministry of Education shooting down plans for a spelling reform