forum Writer's block
Started by @estellejmj

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@HighPockets group

Holy heck you have my name

  • Read. Read books in a similar genre to yours, and in different genres. Read fiction. Read nonfiction. Read anything.
  • Work on the characters in your world and figure out their personal arcs, if they have arcs.
  • Make a playlist for your story, or a Pinterest board, or character profiles, or a plot outline. Anything to keep you in your universe.

@HighPockets group

Taking a break is, in my opinion, one of the worst things you can do. It locks you out of the world you created.
When I have writer's block 99.9% of my life lol I devote more time to the characters and figure out things to them like their star signs, birthdays, sexualities, sense of style, sense of humor, full names, etc. to get to know them better. When you feel like you know your characters, writing them is so much easier.


When I have writers block I go back a page or so and read it over again, and if that does not give me any ideas I put in a thought or dialogue and that usually get me back on the road.

@EmptyNebula group

Use a website called fighters block. It gives you a goal of how much to write and you have to write at a certain speed to keep your health up. (Im using it literally right now). You can adjust the speed and the amount of force the other person is using on you and you can always pause it.

@EmptyNebula group

Or whenever your stuck on a word, type ELEPHANT so you know to come back to it later. Unless you are actually writing about elephants it can help you go back when you remember what you want to write.


Character prompts: (Some are original, some aren't)
(Give credit to @LilNerdyGingerKitsune for 2 and 3)
If this character found their crushes diary, would they read it?
How do they feel about snow?
How long do they take to shower?
If their child self could see them now, what would they think?
if they could give themselves a superpower, what would they choose?
How complicated is their usual Starbucks (Or any coffee shop) order?
What's their favorite candy?
If they were arrested, what would it be for?
What's their biggest pet peeve?
What type of outfit or piece of clothing would they never wear?
What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to them?
Would they eat an octopus (If given the chance)?
Are they allergic to anything?
Do they keep any collections?
How good are they at remembering things?
Did they have any imaginary friends growing up? Do they have any now?
What's something they've always been bad at?
What are their triggers?
What do they think is their biggest flaw, and what's really their biggest flaw?
If they could go anywhere in time and space, TARDIS noises where would they go?
Do they still sleep with a stuffed animal? What animal is it? Does it have a name?
How terrible are they at babysitting?
How good are they at gardening?
How skilled are they when it comes to cooking?
What colors do they think they look best in?
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would they change and why?
What type of music do they like?
Have them describe their favorite memory.
Have them describe their least favorite memory.
If they could learn any language, what would it be?
You describe them in three words. Now let them describe themselves in three words.
If they were given an unlimited amount of money, what would they buy first?
How do they feel about children?
How do they greet people? Do they wave? Shake hands? Give hugs? Fist bump? Does it depend on the person?
Do they believe in talent?
Have they ever been on a date?
How terrible are their flirting skills?
What's their sense of humor?
Have them describe their favorite and least favorite people.
If they could forget any memory, what would they forget?
Do they like puzzles?
Imagine them in an escape room. How do they react?
Do they get really emotional over fictional characters?
What's their favorite subject to talk about?
When they're hurt (physically or emotionally), do they try to hide it?
What do they think is a waste of time?
What's their favorite ice cream?
Have them confess something really dumb in a very dramatic way.
If they're called out for lying, how do they react?
If a stranger calls them hot, what do they do?
How do they react to compliments?
Imagine Disney movies exist in their world, which is their favorite and why?
What's something you believe that they disagree with?
What do they think about miracles?
If they were to play a prank on someone, who would they choose and what would they do to prank them?
What do they think is the evilest thing a person can do?
If they had a child, what would they name it?
Is there anything they would trade their soul for?
What's their deepest, darkest secret?
If they were a ghost, what would they haunt?
What are their unpopular opinions?
How do they react when someone sings "Happy Birthday" to them?
Have them describe their love interest. (If they don't have one, then pretend they do)
How would someone who's only known them for a week describe them?
How would someone who's known them for years describe them?
Do they prefer mahjong or solitaire?
What's their morning routine like?
What's their bedtime routine like?
Do they wear makeup of any sort? How often do they wear it? How long does it take them to put it on?
Do they prefer swimming or ice skating?
What's their favorite holiday?
Do they believe in the afterlife?
How do they react to horror movies?
Imagine game shows exist in their world and they've just ended up in one. What show is it? How do they feel about this? How confident are they with their answers?
Pick a viral video on the internet somewhere. Make them react to it. Have them describe it.
What's something they would never eat?
How do they feel about public acts of affection?
If they met you would you two get along or despise each other?
How do they feel about modern art? (Not the beautiful Da Vinci stuff I mean abstract paintings, cubism, etc.)
How do they feel about art in general?
Have them take a personality quiz on the internet.
How do they usually get revenge?
Have they had any near-death experiences? What were they? How did they survive?
Imagine they went to high school and are forced to go to a "High school reunion!" party. How do they react? Do they socialize or plot to murder everyone responsible for dragging them into this?
How awful would they be at driving?
No one has talked to them in days. How do they react?
What types of music do they hate beyond any reasonable measure?
How do they think they'll die and how do they actually die?
How do other people think they'll die?
How are their artistic skills?
Have them finish the sentence: "You're never too old to…"
What's something that always makes them cry?