forum Writer in Distress
Started by @Kefi

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I figured there would be a lot of fellow authors on this website to beg for assistance. I LOVE writing. Especially character and world building, but I SERIOUSLY struggle with plot. Once I know what's going to happen, I could type one chapter out for days, but I always seem to catch myself in continuity errors and plot holes. Any advice on building a solid Plot Line?


I just wanted to drop in and say that that's actually me. I haven't ever actually planned out a plotline that works without glaringly obvious plot holes that I only spot later, and that's…yikes.


I just wanted to drop in and say that that's actually me. I haven't ever actually planned out a plotline that works without glaringly obvious plot holes that I only spot later, and that's…yikes.

Lady you edit like no ones watching and same I’m stuck on the plot….