forum Would this classify as "sexism"?
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 7 followers

Deleted user

Okay. I have two characters, Ember and Hunter, who are in a relationship. Ember is an Infp and Hunter an Infj, just to give you some insight on them. They are both extremely devoted to one another but, when they get into a pickle, (This is an urban fantasy story, so they're constantly facing death.) Hunter protects Ember whenever he can. She is a very strong independent person and can protect herself just fine. (She doesn't mind Hunter protecting her though)
I see this as devoted love, but im afraid that people might twist this into sexism. I know people will always twist stuff just for attention but, I want to see your opinions on this matter. I just want to see the majorities' opinion. :)


No, that's not sexist IN THE LEAST. It's in a man's biology to be generally stronger than a woman (not saying your particular man is stronger than your particular woman, since they're fighters and do not represent the norm necessarily), AND to protect her. You can't deny science, it's a fact. If people get triggered by facts, they aren't your true fans. :/


I think it's fine as long as she's okay with it. I have a similar character where it's just in his nature to be protective, especially with his love interest.
I'd say you're good!


Oh yeah, and that "if she's okay with it" thing that slytherin said is important too, because if she's strong enough to protect herself AND didn't want his protection, he should definitely back off. :P

Deleted user

Thank you, guys. I was pondering this a lot lately, thanks for clearing it up.
I forgot what I was going to say…


I agree with all of this, except for the point that it's in a man's biology to protect women. He's protecting her because he loves her, not because it's in his biology to do so. Anyway, the story isn't sexist at all, so @ConnieTheMediatorOfSilencingSycore, you don't have to worry about people claiming it is


It’s perfectly fine, as long as Ember is okay with it! It’s just caring for one another, it wouldn’t matter what the gender is. It just so happens that yours lines up as a boy protecting a girl.

Deleted user

Thank you guys for your thoughts on this matter. I keep forgetting what im going to say but, uhh idk where im going with this.


That's not sexist at all! Typically it's considered sexist when a man thinks that a woman can't do anything for herself and becomes overprotective –i.e not letting her do anything or go anywhere. Essentially stifling her freedom to keep her "safe." Becoming oddly possessive over her. Stuff like that is sexist.


I was just trying to say it's a guy's natural instinct to protect a girl, and while there may or may not be a "protect" gene in their DNA, their biological makeup (being physically stronger than women) has made it so that they've been women's physical protectors throughout all of history. And we see the same kind of trend in a ton of species, probably a majority. It definitely also has to do with society saying men should protect women, but society has been saying that for maybe thousands of years so it's basically second nature. And of course there are plenty of men who don't do that because they're unkind or selfish or something, and of course Connie's character is doing it out of love for her. :)

I think it becomes sexist if a man continues to "protect" a woman after she's already told him she doesn't want his help. That's just rude.

So yeah, didn't mean to offend. I just wanted Connie to feel better about the way she's writing her characters. :)


I think it's fine. If she's okay with it, and even sometimes if she's not (Like how Dean does with Sam in Supernatural, for drama). For instance, if they were in trouble, and he told her to run, and she refused, and he said something like "This isn't a place for a lady." That is big time sexism, but if the same thing happened, he told her to run, and she refused and he simply said something like "Get out of here. (insert brief speech)." Then it's fine.

I guess what I'm sayin', is let the audience know that he would protect her regardless of her gender.

@Starfast group

Like others are saying, I think it's fine as well. As long as it's established that she's fine with it, and that she can hold her own when he's not around then yeah, I don't see a problem.


Okay, as a reader, this can kind of annoy me when the male character ALWAYS protects the female one. So definitely have some moments where she protects herself. I don't think she should depend on him to be there to always protect her, you know? But otherwise, I think it's good.


I think you shouldn't worry so much. People will always twist things no matter what. Like you said. Just write it and have fun there are plenty of positive people out there that will love it. Those that have to twist things into something it is not are not worth your time.

Deleted user

Alright, thank you all!
Sorry, i've been paranoid lately.
And @vintagedonuts, it's more protecting each other. It's only when she's nearly pinned to the ground about to get stabbed or someone's coming up behind her that he goes into major protect mode. She protects him aswell when he can't.
Sorry, i couldn't say this earlier. I completed blanked for two days. I've been busy, sorry guys.