forum Wild and Free (closed)
Started by @DancingWithMyDemons business

people_alt 112 followers

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lmao, I just watched a lady in a wheelchair go downhill and the happy-wheels theme song came on XD

Also, tf you watching?

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I hate Covid, I just got home way earlier from school because I'm sick once again -_-

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That sucks. Also, Lily: sorry. Seriously. None of us meant to cause offense.

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Dis. Da group. Cult. Club.

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@ForeverLilyEvens Welcome to our magical but yet crazy wonderland

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Haha, no offense taken, it takes a lot to mess with me :) just messing

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Nice! Wait- am I the only one out of all of us that has not had COVID?

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Today is my first day back from COVID

For me that was yesterday, but sadly I'm back at square one -_-

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I do not want some. I got the two vaccines, did not show any sign of any negative reaction, and I'm fine with that.

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No booster for me. I'm pretty much immune to every disease that is common in America, and I can't even get poison ivy. It's like, what's the point?

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No booster for me. I'm pretty much immune to every disease that is common in America, and I can't even get poison ivy. It's like, what's the point?

What about the lime disease, ebola, salmonella, or rabies?

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No mosquitos, not in the midwest commonly, don't eat raw food (or anything in general that could transfer salmonella), vaccinated.

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Cancer. More specifically, pancreatic cancer. I've been scared of that shit since I was… oh, 10.

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What about the asshole disease, it's where you become an asshole and it takes a month to be cured