forum Why do you write?
Started by @ninja_violinist

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Do you write to achieve a goal, like being a professional author one day? Do you write for a specific person or group of people? When did you start writing? What motivates you to write when nothing else can?


In my case: I’m selfish all the way - I write for myself. I’ve become this person who lives in my daydreams, often to the point of self-sabotage because I physically can’t stop thinking about unrealistic situations (even when I have other things I need to be doing). The only way for me to have closure on my imagination is to get whatever’s bugging me out – either by writing, drawing, or another form of creativity. Writing is usually the least hassle and the most rewarding, so that’s why I write.
I don’t think my motivations are a problem, necessarily, but they do make it hard to write when I don’t feel like it, or to really work on those areas where I know I could improve.

@Becfromthedead group

I write for myself, too. I think that's the case for a lot of us. I write for myself because it helps me see situations from other perspectives, understand how other people work, and live out and control situations that would never happen in real life.
I started writing when I was in 4th grade. I was writing Warriors fanfiction. In middle school, it was PJO fanfiction, but it was never your conventional fanfiction. What I always did was take the world but make my own characters, which makes for a far more interesting story, and isn't your typical "little girl makes awful self-insert fanfiction." I tried to come up with my own original content, but you know, ideas are hard to come by. I kept writing my "fanfiction," which led to me writing this novel-sized Shadowhunters story (last edit was in 2015, according to the data on my computer). After that, I was finally able to come up with my own content. I'm not sure what clicked, but that's why we never underestimate the power of fanfiction, nor should we shame people for writing it.
However, I'm not highly motivated in writing, and I mostly write when I have time, feel like it, or have a specific idea. A lot of stories have been in hiatus for a while or got scrapped entirely, but my main WIP, which I've been writing since early 2016, I think, is on its second draft.


Honestly you're all sayin it's selfish to write for yourself but that's okay….I write for myself as well
I think I mostly write to let people out there like me know they're not alone

Deleted user

I write to make people laugh and smile! It is the best feeling in the world to know that you brought happiness (even if its a little) to someone else!

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I write for myself and for a goal in the end. I do want to become an author and have people enjoy the work that I put all my heart and soul into. I want to create a world that they can experience and love.


@Becfromthedead That's such an excellent point! (about being able to see situations from other perspectives, I mean) Because when you think about it, writing is basically acting unless it's a self-insert.
I also totally agree about the fanfiction thing, and how it can make you a better writer and people shouldn't be shamed for writing it. I think it's amazing that you've been writing since a really young age! What got you started on writing Warriors fanfiction?

@Starfast group

I guess I write for myself as well. I have all these ideas and it’s not like anyone else is going to write them for me. A lot of it hasn’t even left my google drive.


I guess I write for myself as well. I have all these ideas and it’s not like anyone else is going to write them for me. A lot of it hasn’t even left my google drive.


@Becfromthedead group

@Becfromthedead That's such an excellent point! (about being able to see situations from other perspectives, I mean) Because when you think about it, writing is basically acting unless it's a self-insert.
I also totally agree about the fanfiction thing, and how it can make you a better writer and people shouldn't be shamed for writing it. I think it's amazing that you've been writing since a really young age! What got you started on writing Warriors fanfiction?

I was just really interested in the series, and I've always been a big bookworm and enjoyed reading, so why not try writing? After all, like other people are saying, no one else is going to write down any of your ideas for you. I think fanfiction is just really accessible to people of all ages, which is what draws writers in. It's a pre-made world, you just have to place characters, if you want, and then make up situations.


I write to relieve myself of all these ideas and characters. If I don't put them down, I'll either forget it and have an itch at the back of my head forever or go crazy.
Also, I want to inspire and help people (blah, I know. "I want to helllppp peopleeee" sounds rather cliche *shrugs.) I don't think I'd be able to inspire people if I can't get my point across so right now I'm working on my skills rather than putting stuff out there.
I started writing since I was 9? 10? Can't remember.
I'm motivated by the idea of potential amazing goodness to come out of my writing.

@ninja_violinist Everything you said about why you write I completely get.


I guess I write to enter a world that isn't my own. It's kind of an escape for me, in a way. I can get out all of my emotions and worry about my character's problems for a while and not my own. I would love to be an author one day, but honestly, I write to explain how I feel and to hopefully reach other people and let them know that they are not alone in their struggles. I just want to make a difference with my writing, I don't know… I just pour my heart and soul into my writing and hope that it touches someone or helps them. Honestly, half of my stories have never been seen by anyone but me. But it's kind of an outlet for me; I write when I'm mad, sad, angry, scared, happy, and anywhere in between. I'd also love to create a universe where people can come to hide away and feel loved there, because that's what books have always done for me. I want to be able to give that to someone else.


I write bc I have so many voices in my head at the same time and they all tell me so many different things and it fills me with unwanted emotion, and because I have so much going on in my head but no one listens to what I say when I talk about it. When I write, all these voices, all these different little beings that live inside me, cooperate to create a piece of the emotions that rule my head, and I have a voice, people hear what I'm saying.


I write because I want to tell stories.
Also because I'm creative but can't draw.

Deleted user

Same ^ well i can draw a little but not enough to convey the story i wish to tell.


I write for myself because it's fun. Even if after-the-fact the story/idea makes me want to cringe, if I had fun fleshing out my idea and making it into something, it doesn't really matter.


I write to get away from reality. I'm in a world I created. I'm with people I know. And I guess for once in my life, I'm in control.