forum Why Do Schools Focus So Much On Sports????
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people_alt 7 followers


Alright, I see that. But why does my school force us to do sports or go to the gym rather than giving us a PE class in our Junior and Senior year?! Half the time, the gym isn't even open! I have to go somewhere else or try and convince the administration that, yes, dancing and learning how to sing properly IS a physical activity!

@Rvan group

Because American kids are unhealthy. If some kids weren’t in sports they’d be at home in their computers and that can cause depression or anxiety. They don’t get enough daily exercise. Your school is a little weird because mine is very big on art and music but also sports.

Very true. I had tons of fun on my golf team, it was just kind nice to be part of something. If I hadn’t been playing golf, I probably wouldn’t have gotten out much.

@Becfromthedead group

It's not like they're home on their computers because of the loads and loads of work they're given or anything.
But yeah, same actually. The arts got a lot of attention because we were an arts school, and we would literally be asked to prioritize that over academics. It was wild. Then authorities had the nerve to use our hard-earned test scores to call us the best school in the county and one of the best in the state. It was annoying, really, because the teachers there were horrible.
I also hate how they also prioritize everything over students' mental health. Like at my school it went: 1.Sports, 2. Arts, 3. Buying dumb stuff that'll "help with discipline", 4. Academics, 1000. Students' mental health

Deleted user

One time this guy literally gave me a death threat, i told the teachers and it went unaddressed because there was a pep rally

@Becfromthedead group

Well that's good at least. There was a guy at my school who just harassed girls and disrespected everyone constantly, and literally no one could do anything about it because his dad was "important." I told him off a few times at least because well… he deserved it. Also tried to intimidate me once, but that didn't work.

@HighPockets group

I don't have pep rally this year since my town's schools are set up so weirdly (8 and 9 have their own 'upper middle school' and 10, 11, and 12 have a massive high school)