forum Why Do Schools Focus So Much On Sports????
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Deleted user

Fun fact about me: I live in America. For some fucking reason, the 'incredible' and 'totally not flawed' American education system prioritizes shit like sports over important things like math. I'm an art kid. Why the hell do we have to reorganize the entire schedule around some shitty pep rally for a game I'm not going to; meanwhile, the art kids or math kids get nothing. Ah yes, pep rallies. You know what's fun about school? Being told for years that I'm not allowed to wear too skimpy an outfit and out of nowhere the cheerleaders seductively dance to whatever music is popular at the time in front of a bunch of horny teenagers in suspiciously short skirts. I get that it could get really hard to move if the skirts were longer, but why not wear shorts?! Also, why the hell do we have entire awards ceremonies in the middle of the school day dedicated to all the sports kids, but the other kids hardly get anything?! We had an awards ceremony for art class, but it was scheduled after school. "Yes, let's spend a fuckton of money on sports and give the sports kids these great big award ceremonies in front of their peers, but the art students have to wait until like 7:00 PM just to get an ounce of recognition. What a great idea!"

Deleted user

Yeah, an they dont even do cool sports. Just basketball, football, and maybe soccer. Whereas im here drawing with one inch long crayola pencils

@Rvan group

At my school, the pep rally is more of a competition between the freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors, not really celebration of sports. Sure, it does align with the same day as the game, but really doesn’t have anything to do with it. And the people elected for homecoming queen/king are actually based on academic and personality, not who’s pretty and popular.
It’s not a perfect system or anything though…

Deleted user

At my school, the pep rally is more of a competition between the freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors, not really celebration of sports. Sure, it does align with the same day as the game, but really doesn’t have anything to do with it. And the people elected for homecoming queen/king are actually based on academic and personality, not who’s pretty and popular.
It’s not a perfect system or anything though…

Sounds better than what I have tho

Deleted user

I can relate!!!!!! All the time the band and choir students get to skip class because they have rehearsals and the art kids get jackshit. I took art the first year, then choir, and now I take performing arts. I got to skip classes last year but when I took art we got no recognition whatsoever, I'm not sure if ppl who have performing arts get to skip class or something like that, I don't think we're going to tho.

Deleted user

I have no idea what to tell ya, man, I'm an art kid myself (although I suck)

You don't suck at art

Deleted user

Lucky, all my school cares about is raising money by doing idiotic things.
They made our mascot a hawk with abs and it dances on around our lunchroom

@faltering-through pets

I have no idea what to tell ya, man, I'm an art kid myself (although I suck)

You don't suck at art

weeell, I kinda do, kinda don't, I have a love-hate relationship with it lol, but I don't consider myself great either tho

@HighPockets group

The one sport I do is softball and I have to deal with idiot guys being all 'oh it's so easy the ball is bigger' and I'm like…..yeah. The ball is bigger, so we have to be strong to hit it, and if you use a baseball bat to hit a softball it will break. And then they're like 'it's softball so it doesn't even hurt' and I'm like 'I once spent a whole week with the indents from the laces on my forearm from taking a line drive to the arm, and you're telling me it doesn't hurt?' Smh. And it didn't even get an EMOJI until the latest update. But I'm mostly a theatre kid, we didn't get to miss anything. And for DI I didn't miss anything but a week of school in May. And, oh yeah!!! MY TEAM WON 6TH PLACE IN THE HECKING WORLD, NOT TO MENTION WINNING A SPECIAL AWARD (AND HAVING A TOTAL OF TWO SPECIAL AWARDS TO OUR NAME) AND IT WASN'T EVEN ANNOUNCED AT SCHOOL!!!!!!

Deleted user

I have no idea what to tell ya, man, I'm an art kid myself (although I suck)

You don't suck at art

weeell, I kinda do, kinda don't, I have a love-hate relationship with it lol, but I don't consider myself great either tho

Regardless of the actual quality of your art, you should never say it sucks. That's how your self-esteem goes down the toilet

@Becfromthedead group

Ohhhhh, just wait until college. Not only does a ton of money go into sports, but look. I had a 98.4 GPA and really high test scores, and I just watched athletes get full rides to college and then some. Meanwhile, I had 2/3 of my tuition covered at most, and I’m a great student and aspiring doctor. So you’re going to pay a bunch of boys (many of whom have no talent or smarts outside of sports) to give each other concussions and tackle each other, but you’re not going to invest in me literally saving people’s lives?! If you couldn’t tell, I’m still extremely bitter.

@Becfromthedead group

Plus, going to school for arts is so expensive and scholarships are scarce. I have so many friends who went that route, and it seems so hard. I went to an arts school, so I was around people like that. Not so many athletes. And yet… our sports teams got more funding than some clubs who really deserved help.

Deleted user

Yeah, I do rock climbing, which is a sport, but our schools (I do a homeschool partnership thing) tend to even things out for people, we focus a little more on the learning of things than sports. Prolly why there're so many geeks around but hey, it works out. Honestly, I'm glad, because I really enjoy my Improv group and doing things with them, the acting is a wonderful stress reliever and it's something I genuinely enjoy doing. I don't really know your school experiences as you experience them, but not all schools in America are trash, which is good I guess? Sorry, this probably isn't helping. I think that sports generally get more funding as the equipment is highly expensive as well as it being something people can be offered scholarships for, and also if people get injured it does cost quite a lot. But I dunno. Yeah, still not helping, sorry, I'll go now.

@Reblod flag

In Australian schools I think they prioritise the uniform over the education including sport… My sister is finishing up her last year and keeps getting bothered about her uniform and when I get to year 12 I'm expected to buy a new 'updated' uniform for just the year then I'm gone. Our vice principle acts like he cares about us but he only cares about the school and its appearance.

@Rvan group

Yeah, my first pep rally was terrible cause it just wasn’t peppy as a freshman, ya know. But my sophomore/junior/senior were great in comparison cause we actually weren’t hated on, what a concept!

@Becfromthedead group

We never had pep rallies. But we also didn't have football, baseball, or basketball because there weren't enough people at my school capable of doing it. And yet… they still managed to care more about the soccer and volleyball teams than academics.

Deleted user

Because American kids are unhealthy. If some kids weren’t in sports they’d be at home in their computers and that can cause depression or anxiety. They don’t get enough daily exercise. Your school is a little weird because mine is very big on art and music but also sports.