forum Who are you?
Started by @InfinityCry*

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What? I may be monstrous but I'm not outright invincible or anything? Nor am I so physically gifted as to be out of everyone's league or anything… And I've been fortunate enough as to recieve training… But I'm not Bruce Lee by a longshot


I just throw things…
OK and I do a fair headlock

Well that's good.
To tell you the truth, back when I was a little kid I had every reason to become who I am… Y'know, shitty life, surrounded mostly by terrible people in an unstable environment, all that… But I only ended up getting into self-improvement after I got obsessed with Shonen.


I am a human trying their best to survive in a world that kinda doesn’t makes sense with people they don’t really understand, too loud, too inexperienced, too uneducated, too ignorant, too superficial, too materialistic, begging for attention and love because they were bullied in the past to the point that they wanted to kill themselves, but has since somehow managed to not only find a balance, but be actually truly happy for the first time in years. I’m doing the best with what I have, trying to grow as a person and be the best version of myself I can be. I’m bi and agnostic in a chatholic/ Christian family, so I have to keep it a secret. I have a crush on my friend and I want to say something, but I’m afraid it will hurt our friendship. I care too much about other people that I forget to watch out for me, but I feel selfish if I take care of myself first. I’m very outgoing and animated, but I’m easily embarrassed. I created a non-physical box to but all my unpleasant memories in so that I don’t have to think about them, because if I do, I feel sick; not because I did something bad, but because I hate it so much in hindsight. I hate being told to calm down or be quiet; it makes me feel crazy and intrusive. I hate when people touch my neck when I don’t expect it. I’m still a child at heart, and while I want to grow up, I am also clinging to my childhood for as long as I can. I am a little bit of a nerd, but not academically. I used to be catagorized as “gifted,” but now I just feel stupid. I compare myself to others all the time. I always think about what others think of me, sometimes to keep myself from doing something I’ll regret, but also just because I’m worried that they don’t like me. My biological dad is a drug addict and only used me to make himself feel better about ditching me and my mom. Sometimes I’m okay with it, sometimes I’m not. I could have it worse, but I’m still upset at times.

All of this and more are things that make up the person that I am today.