forum Which of your characters is the most badass?
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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I'd have to say I find Connor my most badass character because he made himself who he is today. Smart enough to run companies in a way so that they support each other and themselves, and strong enough to toss a couch across a room. In his quest for revenge, he learned how to operate most vehicles and use most weapons.

His familiar is also quite badass too. It is a large, many-eyed, firebreathing demonic rage beast to say the very least.

All in all, he's pretty badass. He's not my most powerful character. (Baron is a different story, and while he's more powerful, even going so far as to obtain virtual omnipotence at the end of his story, he's not as "heavy metal" as Connor.) Still, he's one of the best.