forum Which of your characters is the most badass?
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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My most mysterious character, Dusk!
Dusk is a hooded figure who shows up in all of my characters dreams to lead them to each other. Later in he story Dusk is introduced as a…. (Its a secret)



I have to say my most badass character is Connor.

He starts out privileged, rich, and famous. His family has a rival family, and they wipe eachother out in a feud organized by a guy who's a corporate greed metaphor, named Price. Only him, and his rival remain, and he goes on a whole revenge-fueled quest to take his companies back by enlisting as a mercenary to get enough money back (a lot of lives get saved and taken in the process) to execute hostile takeovers on the companies that were stolen, and get revenge on Price.

He turns into a renaissance man and jack-of-all trades for this thing, and befriends a diverse group of mercs to enlist in his mercenary team GreyJobs.

He is incredibly formidable, mentally and physically, with an interesting design and persona.

The whole thing is a metaphor about class-based prejudice and the lack of upward mobility around…

Plus did I mention the main cast all can manifest mythical creatures or soupee-up versions of animals called Egos or Familiars. Each person has one.

@Becfromthedead group

Hmmm idk. It's like every time I make a considerably badass character, there's something that makes them significantly less badass.
So I have Niko, right? He's extremely smart and strategic, is a most excellent fighter, and is usually the person who leads when no one else wants to. He's hella tough and has been shot/stabbed several times and lived to tell the tale, and he has lots of scars to prove it. However, he's a smol boi- about 5'4 as a fully grown man. And there are other features that cut back on his badassery, but I'd say overall, he has the right kind of attitude and a fighting spirit, so out of my characters, he wins.

@Becfromthedead group

True. It's kind of an excuse to make battles more dramatic and violent, imo. Also keeps characters from being out of commission because the human body can be quite fragile.


The human body is actually quite the opposite of fragile if you train it. I, myself have slid ten feet on my shoulder in gravel as a young child without injury. A soldier in the Vietnam war (who is a true Latin-American hero) Raul Perez "Roy" Benavidez, went on a rescue mission to save his fellow soldiers who were pinned down.

During this rescue mission, Roy jumped 60 feet, out of a helicopter, unassisted, took several bullets, then a grenade to the back. He was stabbed by a Vietnamese soldier and KILLED HIM WITH HIS BARE HANDS, before taking a few more bullets, and lived to tell the tale. Look it up, it's insane.

But, yes, I get what you mean. It does give you the ability to make battles better, more violent, and more dramatic.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, stories like that are impressive. It's like… the human body is weird. Sometimes you hear stories like that, but on the other hand, you could die from a single gunshot wound in just about any place given the right circumstances. And you can also suffer permanent damage from certain injuries- sometimes even injuries that aren't anywhere close to fatal.
I try to at least give my characters a spectrum of toughness. So you've got guys like Niko who get shot five times and keep walking at one end, and yeah, most of my characters are somewhat tough, but on the other end, you have people more like his best friend who is constantly sick, succumbs quickly to blood loss, and his bones are easily broken.


Yeah. Humans are a spectrum. Some of us can get knocked out in one punch, some can take grenades to the back.

I like to say that humans can survive three shots to anywhere that isn't a major part of the body. Anywhere else is death.

Most of my characters are tough, as in one can be impaled, shot in the back, and then take a fall down a flight of stairs, and still limp-crawl away

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My characters really only fight battles inside their mind untill about half way through the story

@HighPockets group

Probably Fern, but not in a traditional 'badass' sense. She's been through a lot in her fairly short life, and has been able to bounce back and stay smiling. That being said, she's an aggressive fighter and a scrapper, and not afraid to get her hands dirty. She fights a literal revolution for her friend, and also doesn't judge Huxley for his past.

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Well… he's gone through so much crap… His parents died in a car crash, his sister was killed in front of him, and he became suicidal. Out of a rage murder, he gained unlimited power, all the elements, his strongest being shadows and shapeshifting. (Shadows because he's always in the background and unnoticed and shapeshifting because of his ability to change personas quickly…) He lived through multiple suicide attempts and learned to cope with what happened to him. Honestly i love developing his powers because damn are they cool…

@HighPockets group

Oof Huxley is pretty badass too. He's sent on a mission to find the princess, bring her to court, and execute her in front of her mother to snuff out rebellion, and when he finds her, he at first goes along with it. Then he gets to know her and grows to love her, then when asked to kill her shoots himself in the foot instead. And he's a pirate who had to live through his father being hung for treason while he watched at the age of nine and essentially is the acceptable target for everyone on his ship because of his father. He also jumps into a river to pull Fern out, even though he can't swim.