forum Where are my night dweller friends?
Started by @m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13

people_alt 6 followers

@Becfromthedead group

Oof. We had a rat problem too. There was a legend about a 3-legged rat. Apparently a trap was set out, and a rat got caught, but when someone went to check it, all that was left was a leg.

@HighPockets group

During the last week of hell school during the 17-18 school year, it was legit the last day of school and hecking (I say that way too much lol) squirrels somehow got into the gym and went into like air passageways I guess?? It was wild but I had my job interview and technically had already graduated so I just saw the custodians poking around in the gym but no squirrels.


Blagh i hate spiders
Once our classroom smelt like death and we didn't know why and then the next day we were told something died in the airvents

Deleted user

Dont frick with me!
I have the power of god and anine on my side

@HighPockets group

Dont frick with me!
I have the power of god and anine on my side

One of the leads from when my school did Midsummer Night's Dream said this about 51 times during rehearsal and his 'girlfriend' (in the play, he was Demetrius and she was Helena) just glared at him and the stage directer (a kid his age and maybe 4'9"?) slapped him.

@HighPockets group

I've had ~6 of sleep each night this week….but I did write a total of 1 scene so I guess that's something lol. More progress than I've made lately.

@HighPockets group

I'm focusing more on Jackson, Geneva, and Martha since I feel like I've been neglecting them. Also I finally figured out who Martha ends up with!!!