forum Where are my night dweller friends?
Started by @m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13

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@HighPockets group

So far I've had tests in Spanish, Business and Marketing, and 2 in Biology. And I have one tomorrow on World History, specifically the Age of Exploration.

Deleted user

i hate world history so damn much
my teacher's nice though
and it's ap so watch me fail that exam
i also hate algebra even more
i suck at matrices

@Becfromthedead group

Another night owl here. I'm probably going to turn in before midnight this time, but it's not my fault I'm one of the unlucky people who has classes at 9 and earlier…
And @LonelyPotato101 do you have any study sources for AP World? Because I took it, and it was brutal, but I found some good things, and did pretty well on the exam, so if you want, I can share what I remember.

Deleted user

Wednesday, i had a band chair test and a math quiz. Today, i had a spanish test (500 questions! Yay.) - history exam (that had a project attached ) and tomorrow i have a math test. Kill me please

@Becfromthedead group

Well, there's this one site called, and it's got a bunch of videos for every unit along with quizzes and test prep.
Uhhh and I can't remember if this is the right one, but I'm pretty sure this one has quizzes really closely related to the textbook (I assume you're using Ways of the World):
Point is there's a site related to the text that has really helpful quizzes that got me through the class quizzes, and if this isn't it, but someone says something about one, ask them.
Also I recommend getting a review book sooner rather than later, either Princeton review or Barron's (don't get 5 steps to a 5. General consensus is that it's the worst set of AP study books).

@Becfromthedead group

I have a chemistry and calculus test next week. But then we have fall break, so I think everything might end up okay… I just need to do well in chemistry because it's kind of my major and I don't feel like changing it.

@HighPockets group

So I passed the Business and Marketing test, the Bio tests, and I'll probably pass the history one, but my ENTIRE SPANISH 2 CLASS has to retake a part of the test, so….fun.

@HighPockets group

Aw thanks!! I only have to retake the 'written' part of the test since it was a google form so if you messed up at all you got points off. Culture was hard, too, but Listening, Reading, and Speaking were pretty easy!

@Becfromthedead group

I'm so glad I don't have to take Spanish anymore. I'd rather learn it outside of the classroom personally. I've also had… uh… interesting experiences. My Spanish 2 teacher frequently came to class hungover, so that was a thing.

@HighPockets group

…..oh. That's definitely interesting. Also last year like a quarter from the end a kid changed his 'Spanish name' from 'Chuy' to 'Dondeestalaleche.'

@Becfromthedead group

Also I don't understand "spanish names." Like you don't change your name in a different language? There's like a "spanish equivalent," but idk, it just irritates me when teachers do that. In my brother's class, his name was Juan, which is not even the spanish equivalent of his name. It's just uggggh.
Still, Dondeestalaleche gets a 10/10

@HighPockets group

It was so funny!!!
I didn't get the names either but I used 'Eva' for mine and I actually really like it?? I prefer it to my real name and I plan on using it as a pen name eventually.

Deleted user

kfsha;dhas;dfhakjh thank you soo so so much omg
that is the exact textbook we're using

@Becfromthedead group

Ah, great! I actually took the exam the year before they changed the format, so idk how much help I'll be, but those resources are at least really good.
Lol I never got a spanish name because mine is basically the same in spanish, and none of my teachers ever did that, partially because one was a native speaker who used our actual names, just spoken with an accent, one didn't care much, and then the other, idk.
Oh, but we had a pet wasp in our class for a while.