forum What you want for Christmas vs. What you're probably gonna get
Started by @NobleWolf

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I'd like to see how y'all go about giving/getting presents. So what would you like for Christmas? And do you even believe you're going to get it anymore? What do you think you're more likely going to get?

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What I want: Art supplies and/or an art box subscription.
What I know I'm going to get from my family(I'm not out yet to anyone): A bunch of female-gendered products, my family asking if I've found someone, me telling them, no, and they saying: "You haven't found the right guy yet."

Deleted user

What I want for Christmas: Gift cards to good clothing stores, FUCKING CLOTHES, undergarments (cus I’m coming out of literally everything I own), and maybe some iTunes stuff. A pillow and bedsheets. Ultim. Smash Bros.
What I’m prolly gonna get: Writing supplies, Pokemon stuff. Awkward photos with my annoyingly vivacious and attention-thirsty sister. Candy??


What I want for Christmas: the shit I put on my Christmas List, which I know they are totally capable of getting because it's all reasonably priced
What I'm gonna get for Christmas: literally anything not on the fucking liST I MADE IT BECAUSE YALL ASKED ME TO THEN THEN THEY PULL THIS DICK MOVE SAYING THEY LOST THE FUCKING LIST I'M SO DONE


What I want: A beautiful gothic lolita dress I found online, black cat pendant necklace, anime stuff.
What I'm going to get: Ceramic horse figures and legos (don't get me wrong, those aren't bad. They just aren't really something I'd enjoy)

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For my all my mental and physical problems to fly away like a majestic bird getting chucked through the air by John Cena, but more realistically, I just want season four of My Hero Academia to come out.


I make a list going all year, and then I started telling my parents that I only want what’s on the list and nothing else, seriously don’t get me anything else I do not want it. And luckily my mom listened because she doesn’t want to spend money on crap I don’t want. It works out.


oof I always get stuff I didn't ask for for Christmas, but I don't mind bc my parents hardly get me anything any other time of the year, so a nice dinner and a few gifts is really nice


What I want: A new katana, some more merch, a few volumes of manga, maybe a pair of dumbells.
What I'm gonna get: Some actually decent clothes and scoffs trivial workout shit.

Deleted user

What I want: A flower crown and a bunch of lip sticks!
What I'm going to get: Coal, that's it, I'm getting coal.

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I'm getting coal becuase I have sucky grades and is a pissy person.
I am however going to use the coal to take over the world, don't worry.

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My grades are absolute trash but I’m working on them, sooo

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same, same
but how are you gonna use coal to take over the world?

When the people eventually use up all their fossil fuels they will regret giving me coal, I will hoard it over the heathen and reduce the population, also gaining complete control by using the coal as leverage for everything.


same, same
but how are you gonna use coal to take over the world?

When the people eventually use up all their fossil fuels they will regret giving me coal, I will hoard it over the heathen and reduce the population, also gaining complete control by using the coal as leverage for everything.

This sounds like the way Santa finally takes over the world


Why did ya do that? Now Ms. Clause is a widow and he left so many elves behind… how are they supposed to take care of themselves? so much sarcasm

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I killed the woman too, I kept the raindeers.
They're in my backyard… But not Rudolph, he's dead.


What I want: The stuff on my list.
What I'm probably going to get: The stuff on my list and whatever my aunt decides to get me last-minute, along with a promise to take me shopping to get what she didn't that will never come around, leaving me to purchase it on my own.