forum What's your favorite animal, and why?
Started by shurikenwolfbadass_13

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Either a dragon or an African wild dog. Dragons cause their freakin awesome and they can breathe fire (well most). African wild dogs because they’re cute and super fierce.


I like sea turtles and barn owls a lot, but my absolute favorite animal is the Mimic Octopus. They’re like tentacled, underwater chameleons!


My favorite animal has been the fox for awhile, probably because its fur is gorgeous, its personality is like a good mixture of a dog and a cat (happy-go-lucky and fun-loving, while independent and stealthy and proud), and they have cool bushy tales. I like that I get to see one every once and awhile around where I live. (and I wanted one as a pet for awhile)

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Cats! They're cute and fluffy and sweet! And I have four. I had six at one time… That sounds like a lot of cats… They all live outside. One likes to sit on my lap, whether I pet her or not, and one meows her head off most days. Another is crabby, and the last is gone for days on end.


But my favorite fictional animal is myself (the wyvern). My favorite real animal is either the raccoon, komodo dragon, or capybara.

@Googly_I (inactive)

  1. Guinea pigs I've been owning them since i was 9. They basically made up part of my childhood!
    Image result for guinea pig small resolution
  2. Chow chow dogs. Why? just loOK AT THESE LITTLE COTTONBALLS
    Image result for chow chow dog small resolution image


So much cuteness in this post, lol.
My favorite animal would probably have to be either a Barn owl or a Fennec Fox. They're both nocturnal (like me, lol), and they look so pretty (and the fox looks so cute!). I'd put in pictures, but I'm not sure how to do that.